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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. "Dr. Tilly to Linn's house please". "Paging, Dr. Tilly"
  2. Texting is great, IMO. Some times I just don't want to talk to someone. And if it is just a quick thing like" don't forget to bring back my wrench's when you come over", it's perfect. As for the keyboard part of it, T9 will finish the word and most software learns how you text with suggestion words. Makes it much easier for me at least. Now it the came up with a hands free in car that would read your text to you, that would be cool. BTW, this is the phone I use. Anyone else use a smart phone? http://msmobiles.com/news.php/4691.html
  3. It depends on your needs. I need a phone that will get me my emails and access the web. Most phones that have that also are mp3 players now, with a camera and video recording. Not to mention the windows programs I use in my phone, like outlook. Buying a phone is not easy or cheap for me. I say bring on the new stuff and make it do more and be smaller.
  4. That's just mean. I can't believe I said that. Ryan, do you need to be held?
  5. Wo Wo Wo. I didn't realize this was THAT Ryan. I never have seen her post. I say she starts another thread about the whole male female thing and might as well get it going in the kitchen. Where Ryan belongs. Because we all know she wrecks cars.
  6. Let's try to stay on topic with what constitutes a good driver. The male female thing can go to another thread if there is that much debate.
  7. It's not that hard to do. I hope some of you are joking with your , fuck you I'm coming through, approach. Why is it even worth the trouble of all the bad possibilities? I know we all have our risks that we take on the road. And most all of us have raced on public roads at one time. I'm not trying to say one is better than the other, but it's just such a simple thing to do.
  8. You've been around me more in the RX7 than the Subaru. And this is coming from you who has asked me to come pick you up, or for us to meet so you can ride with me. Even if you were to say it was to save on gas, can't be I'm all that bad now Howard. Anyway, back on topic. LOL
  9. Mojoe

    Poor Pauly

    I was going to post the same exact thing last night, but thought no one knew he did stand up. Therefore, not getting what I meant other than the UFC stuff. I've seen him in stand up and it's the best show you will ever go to. I bought the dvd and have watch it over 30 times and it's still funny.
  10. Tinman, Howard, and Carl have all posted here and have all been riders in may car's. I'm pretty calm and simply see and point out people that I have to dodge. I get frustrated by them but, it doesn't effect my driving and I will get away from them. Thought troublemaker on here, will tell you I have drivin in the berm passing people in the rain. Funny story he can finish. I invite you to go for a ride with me. Either car, weather permitting for the 7.
  11. So have they never had sex? What girl isn't bringing that out on the first couple times hitting it. Good girl either way.
  12. Easy killer. First of all, this is probably one of the best topics posted in quite some time. My reply was completely contributing to your topic in a positive way. I simply do not agree with tailgating as a form of intimidation. I do not expect people to get over for me. I know they should be in a different lane, but I also know it's faster to get around them. I leave enough room and let traffic open its self up and there is always room to pass. Me tailgating only means I can get boxed in. If someone tailgates me, then I have control over how fast or slow they go. If they hit me, that must be what they wanted and I can work with that too. I don't drive slow so this doesn't happen often. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tailgating
  13. Pissed off female: "Oh no he didn't". "It's on now". " Girl,l hold my extensions".
  14. Heat is always good. Try spraying the hell out of it with some sort of break free or WD-40. LET IS EVAPORATE BEFORE YOU TRY HEAT. Use a hammer and smack the heck out of it.
  15. "not tailgaiting(unless justified buy annoyingly slow driver)" If you're talegating, you are saying I will hit you and I don't care. If you are tailgating me, you are saying " hit the breaks so we can meet face to face ". A good driver is a defensive driver. -Watching for things like no turn signal - Not tailgating -Driving the speed limit + the flow of traffic within reason -Being relaxed behind the wheel -Leaving yourself outs should something happen
  16. I'll still give you your cookie; however, more specially, I'm looking for lane changing and turn signal. I would like to see the revised code. I have called the BMV and searched for quite sometime this morning, with no get results. The BMV told me to look at the bicycle laws. Can't really remember the last time I saw a bicycle on the freeway.I believe this is where we run into the biggest issues, is the freeway.
  17. I know it to tell someone, but can't find it in a link. Thanks for supporting my poll Brian. LOL
  18. Communication plays a roll in everything we do. The best way to communicate on the road is with our turn signal to LET THE OTHER DRIVERS KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO. I'm writing this because I am on the road often, about 20,000 miles a year. The one thing I see all of the time is people not using their turn signal. I often see people get cut off and have it happen to me frequently. Even if I get cut off and the person used their signal, I'm not as mad. It's not that it's ok, I just don't mind as much. I knew to look for it. I've had the RX7 on the road for only a few months’ this year. In that time, I have almost lost the car to being hit about 2/3 of the time I've had it out. All have been in normal driving and at the speed limit. The reason for this post is in hopes that with all the members we have here, that we can remind people to use the turn signal. I would love to remind them by shooting their car with a paint ball. But, we know that will just cause other issues. I hope everyone here uses their signal and will tell people they ride with to do the same. Not just because it's the law, but it really is common sense. If a mod could attach a poll to this, I like to see who does and does not use their signal. And also a "sometimes I use it". A cookie for who ever finds the link with the exact write up on use of turn signals for passenger cars.
  19. When I was looking for a Legacy, I found one in Detroit. I went to Windsor for the weekend and stopped to look at the car on the way back. The thing was cosmetically beat to hell. Looked like a kid went up and down the car with a set of drum sticks. His pictures didn't show any markings on the car at all. I asked him what the hell happen. He said " the roads are bad here". I couldn't believe he said that. It was way more than shit hitting the car from the road. Those road are the only thing I don't like about going to Windsor.
  20. Wo wo wo, slow your roll speedy. You = ride in RX7. Not drive.
  21. I've seen swing sets that have a better construction than that roll bar. That's a lot of body kit, OMG.
  22. nothing there. The internet is owning you today.
  23. pics to dsnowgod@gmail.com please.
  24. I'm eating Chipotie right now. Mmmmmm ............. good.
  25. Ben, I have been snowboarding for 17 years. I have tought a lot of people how to get started. I worked with a girl last year and she had never been before, she was making it down the main hill on her own with out a fall after 4 hours. If you want, let me know when you are going next and I'll head up with you. Then you can work with me in the spring on auto X.
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