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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Mojoe


    Just a thought; mixing them may be a step that would cost. Putting the fruit in first would allow a specified amount to be put in with little risk of spilling. Where as, if the fruit were on the top you would be more likely to have spillage when filling. All this is based on the assumtion that fruit cost more that yogurt. Meaning if you have yogurt over flow/spillage your lose is minimal. my .02
  2. Sam, you are so romantic.
  3. I think she has been with A LOT of dudes. I'd been told she use to/ still doe’s coke and had been with alot of dudes. I guess that is why I was acting the way I was toward her. She is attractive, but as soon as she opens her mouth my ears bleed. I don't know the guy that she said this to. From what I understand the guy got tested and didn't ask her to. Then he hit it.
  4. Everyone makes a good point. And some I hope are kidding. IMO if a girl asked me, than she should go also and get one too. But, I think chicks are taking a lot more dick these days. Great, it's about time. But I think the perception of guys being the ones out hooking up all the time is still the over all out look, not taking girls into consideration to be doing the same. Girls are more open now than 5 years ago or even a year ago. Nothing wrong with this progress either. Just some thoughts
  5. Ok. With that said. who really gets tested every six months? No one can argue that it dosen't make sence. My post is about wanting to know who has been asked this or ask's this of people. I'm not looking to discuss if it makes sence or not(pretty obvious).
  6. I'm not trying to hit it. She is annoying a hell. And the military tests me twice a year, so I'm covered. I'm wondering if this is something that a lot of girls are doing now. I talk to a lot of differant girls and this is the first I'm hearing about someone wanting a test. Don't misunderstand me about it being safe. It is. And yes, of course it is a good idea, BUT has anyone experienced it or practicing it. The testing part isn't why I think she is upitty, but it stacks the bullshit up a little higher for her.
  7. OK, so has anyone ever been asked to get tested before having sex with the person? There is this very upitty Paris Hilton wanna be chick that comes in my office and today it came out that she told some guy to get tested before she would fuck him. Maybe this is the new Cosmo chick and I haven't met her till now? So now I need to know from a 3,000+ member forum the general thought about this.
  8. You work all the time and weekends are almost always screwed. A good friend of mine was with the Toy Barn forever and now is with another well known dealership. We have been trying to go snowboarding for weeks and had to cancel plans for him to go to Vermont. Yes he makes great $, but the hassles he puts up with are a pain.
  9. The uniform will not get you out of a ticket everytime. About 4 years ago I was on my way home from drill and recieved a ticket for 63 in a 55. I look at it as balance. You win some you lose some.
  10. I know the uniform was a huge factor. It was like a chick showing her tits.
  11. I was exstreamly lucky. I fully expected to get the book thrown at me.
  12. Absolutly. I think for the most part a cop is going to be how you are. Releave the stress from them as soon as possible. Find another individual who comes into contact with so many differant personalities and has to read that person the right way. Damn you Jesse.
  13. very cool. But needs a NWS for bannor.
  14. Welcome. Interesting first post.
  15. I meant to post this when it happened a few months ago. I was pulled over at 5am by 6 or 7 Westerville cruisers. Here's what happened. Back when all the storms were hitting Texas and Louisiana my National Guard unit was called to help out. I had to report to Mansfield for 6am on a Sunday. One of the soldiers that needed a ride lives in Westerville and I was on my way to pick him up. Leaving my house I went 315 north to 270 to Cleveland Ave. north. I was absolutely speeding the entire way. There was very little traffic, but that is no excuse. Somewhere along 270 I notice a Honda pacing me. I am in my Subaru, which is not fast at all. I had just picked up the Subaru and still had the temp tags on it. When I got off on the Cleveland exit I got into the wrong lane (south) then switch to the north lane. No cars anywhere, except this Honda still pacing me. On Cleveland Ave, I slow down a bit, but am still over the speed limit. I get to the light at the McDonalds and it goes red as I get to it. I slow and check for oncoming traffic and run the red light. A few lights up I make a right (don't know the name of the road; I'm not on that side of town much). This Honda changes from left lane to the right and makes the right hand turn too. It's too odd that this guy is following me and now I’m doing the speed limit and catch a red light, and wait at it. It goes green before the Honda gets to the light, so I never get to really see him. Immediately I see the blue lights and a lot of cars behind me. I pull over, window down, car off, and hands on the wheel. I have heard the stories about Westerville PD and know I'm done. The officer came up VERY slow and asked if I knew why I was being stopped. I told him I was speeding. He took my info and asked what my rush was. My back seat was full of my gear and I was in Uniform. I told him I was on my way to report for duty and that I understand that is no excuse for speeding. I knew I was wrong in every aspect, and understood that I was going to get hit pretty hard for this one. He was back with the other officers for a while and another cop came up and seemed pretty pissed. He said I almost hit the mirror of his car on 270 and that tried to loose him by changing lanes at the exit for Cleveland Ave. I asked if he was in the dark colored Honda, and he said yes. I respectfully told him "yes I was speeding, but I was nowhere near your car". I explained I was in the wrong exit lane and the correction was made before the 2 exit lanes split from 270. I had no intention of being and ass to him, I could tell he was heated about this. He told me he had been radioing me in for 2 districts as a stolen car because he could not see the paper temp tag taped to the window. He asked if I had seen him following me, why I kept speeding. I said I thought he was some kid in a Honda trying to race and told him I get that a lot in this car. He walked away at that. I'm not trying to sound like a badass to cop's. I was simply telling him my side. He left shortly after, as did 5 cruisers. The original officer came back to the car and said that he had only seen me speeding and that I need to obey the posted limits and stop for red lights. Again I admitted how wrong I was and that I would comply. Then the officer told me to be safe and good luck down south. I posted this because of all the posts about cops that are bad or those being screwed by cops (right or wrong, whatever). I know how fortunate I am for that officer being lenient. If you feel your time was wasted by reading this, don’t waste anymore time by posting about it.
  16. Mojoe

    I quit smoking

    Nice move Stillman. I applaud anyone who tries to quit smoking. I hope the best for you. Am I to assume without the smoking there will be fewer activities with alcohol? Maybe you can get back with me about the Xbox now. Ha-ha
  17. I read this before watching the vid. It made the vid that much more funny on the ghey scale.
  18. I've been with All State for 9 years. My agent is great. I have some points and my rates are very good. I have never filed a claim, but have done A LOT of changes to my coverage and had differant cars. They have handled all of my needs very well.
  19. Mojoe

    Good flames!!!

    I think I talked to this guy in August or so at Hooters. Looked lie a clean install with some creativity. I like the car/engine combo for it's uniqueness.
  20. Probably my favorite post by you. Nice! Happy New Year Scott. Package's are in route. Any requests?
  21. Mojoe

    CR Mad River Trip

    A little off topic. I just thought I would tell you guys how much powder I've been in the last 2 days. I'm in Vermont visiting family and the un-touched power I was in yesterday simply kicked my ass. I was in the glades and just got buried. I had to take my board of to get back out to the trail, only 30 feet away. One step and I sunk thigh deep. By the time I got to the trail I was wiped out. I don't think I have ever had to "rest" on a run in 15 years. It was -18 desgrees with the wide chill, and 0 degress with out at 3900 feet. Looking forward to seeing you guys at MR sometime next week.
  22. Mojoe

    Fort Benning

    I spent 2 summers in Fort Benning. I never got off base, but have been told it is one of the highest STD area's in the U.S. . If you are still there in the summer you will sweat your balls off, and red dirt will be stuck to them. And I hope they got rid of the cattle cars. If you end up in one, try to be one of the first on's or the last on. First on, get to the back in a corner or position yourself near a vent or window. If you are claustrophobic, you will fucking hate being stuck in the middle of one of these cattle cars. Good luck
  23. Congrates John! Good to hear. Watching you study while we played pool last week, I knew you'ld pass. Let me know when we are going to do some snowboarding.
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