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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Mojoe

    Felony HA!

    Can a mod please lock this tread? It's all been said. This isn't going anywhere.
  2. This is sad to hear. I hope a resolve is found to keep it going.
  3. Hey Hey, got a little bump fo da 7 yo!! thanks Ben.
  4. She definitly has a hot body. And it sounds like she is putting the miles on it. And to see how homo points can be handed out, watch the movie Waiting. Not likiing a chick because of fake titties scores you a kick in the junk.
  5. Easy killer. You're coming on a bit strong for those of us who have to deal with reality. I mean really, 20 years old and retired? Maybe you meant retarded. To start a thread about getting weed is by far the dumbest thing I have seen on here. If you were doing it as a joke to see what people would say, I think you get the message. If cars are your thing, than take a look at the people who have respectable cars. I assume you joined the site to be around people that are into cars. They, for the most part, have worked their ass off for the cars they have. So for you to say you are retired and throw around you have a bike and "new cars”, which are 2-3 years old, you only sound like an ass clown whose buddies think he's the shit but, everyone else can't wait for him to leave.
  6. It's a big hunk of metal. It's neat, but nothing amazing IMO.
  7. My thought on sleepers is that they retain the stock look, but are heavily modded. Or of course the Super swap into a car the general public would not think is fast. My .02.
  8. I know it is still earliy in the day, but I'm wondering what happend to Ben last night.
  9. The chicks there were saying she is the next Jenna Jamason. I'd hit it, but throw it back when I was done. Boobs need redone by Chrissy M's DR.
  10. Ok, I just got back from lunch at the Gold. From time to time my buddies and I may find our way in there if they have a well known feature dancer. Today was Jesse Jane, at this time I'm going to say she is the hottest chick I have seen in there yet. That body is tiiiiiiiiight. Titties were ok, but huge on her. From what I was told this is her first time ever dancing and Columbus was the first stop on her tour. Last night being her first time on stage; to dance. Good show. I'd go see it again if i didn't have plans all weekend. Discuss if you like.
  11. first aid kit -- check crutches -- check knee brace -- check lots of ice -- check emergency numbers on fridge -- check sober driver to take me to the hospital -- fuck.. Be adviced, this is the standard gear list for all outtings with Ben.
  12. You ever go to a movie and right away you know how it is going to end? It doesn't mean it's a bad movie. I wish I didn't have a birthday party to go to. This will be a fun party if it is anything like Halloween. Ben + beer is always quality entertainment. Jesse: Ben will need you to keep him away from cops (his anniversary from him overnighter is coming up). Also you may already have this, but any first aid equipment. There is no telling what Ben will accomplish.
  13. This seems the most realistic. I think they can almost expect you are going to crash anyway, and then they have you. Other than radio ahead, I'd say the odds are in favor of the cop seeing you not being the one involved in catching you.
  14. According to the speedo on there, Sam would be doing about 213 mph. Though he may not be far from that now, I don't think it will be much longer before we see people hititing 200+. The C6 Zo6 being what it is for the money, seems a likely beginning. Disclaimer:I know people are going well over 200 mph. My point is that it is not common on the street.
  15. Can anyone tell me what makes it do that before I burn my town house down trying to find out?
  16. Weak. That crew looks like they got beat up by a box of crayons.
  17. About 5 years ago I had surgery on an abdominal hernia. I know what you are going through. I was on the couch for 4-5 days. I went back to work and had to leave early. On the way home I had to sneeze and did all I could to fight it off, but ended up sneezing. I thought I had ripped all the stichs. It was miserable. Coughing, laughing, and going to the bathroom sucks. Make sure you eat food that will be easy to pass. The pain killers can lock you up. The last thing you want to do is have to push. (I hated putting that out there, but I hope you don't have any issues). Hope you have a speedy recovery.
  18. Actually, the edit function froze while I was fixing the link. I ended up in the original post and then it created this thread. That is why the other post says for a mod to delete it. The vid is funny are hell. I couldn't find that it had been posted on here before, and I'm surprized if it is not a repost.
  19. http://media.putfile.com/ILoveMyCar I would have one of these as a daily driver.
  20. Will a mod delete this please?
  21. Taco Bell; 1 Mexican Pizza, 4 hard taco's, nacho Bell Grande',1 Chilli Cheeze Berito, buried in about 20 packs of fire sauce.
  22. Congradulations. you have your hands full.
  23. http://www.law.onu.edu/faculty/raack/LLT.pdf This link should answer all you questions. On the 6th page section 5321.07, you may fall into this area. Basically , you pay the court so your LL can't say you didn't pay your rent. Yes, it is based off of repairs needing to be done and not getting done. It might be worth looking in to.
  24. Not that I'm going to buy this car. Though I would like a Skyline in the garage some day. Can anyone say anything good about Denny selling cars?
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