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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. I have gotten away from posting in these threads. There are too many variables that are all individual. Are you fat, skinny, wear baggy clothes, big hands, midget hands, what time of year and weather? Combined those with where you are going, what you are carrying and what is your fall back. For this tread, there are posts from people with good knowledge, including the OP. Capacity and your ability to be effective with your tool of choice, coupled with can you conceal it and be functional.
  2. Mojoe

    Iphone 6 and 6+

    I hear that that one holds it value. I'm saying not all of them do. iPhones have all held their value.
  3. They have not that I have seen.
  4. OC reads you have to notify your issuing county of you new info. Reality, as it seems; everyone I have talked to that has notified their issuing county has felt blown off. To include myself last year. Here is what I think happens and how it works. I think the Sheriff does nothing when you call and tell them you moved out of the county. Once you update your Drivers LIC, the system updates automatically. My thought it the ORC was written that way before the system that is in place worked as it does. Cliffs: Call your issuing county and notify them of your move and new info, if they take it. Please update us with your experience.
  5. Mojoe

    Iphone 6 and 6+

    That plus is huge. I've had my 6 a few days now, it's what I wanted it to be and expected. Nothing overkill, just good upgrades. IOS8 is doing well also. We sold both of the previous iPhones over the weekend through Craigs. Both transaction had good communication and follow through. There is hope for Craigslist.
  6. Predatory lending and his credit score don't give him any options, but to sell, IMO. His score is probably too low for a reverse mortgage. Sell it and stack the funds to live very frugal.
  7. All these mutha fucka's up in here talkin shit.
  8. Likely separated the muscle from ribs. Feels a lot like the breaks I've had. Same limited, painful movement.
  9. Mojoe

    Iphone 6 and 6+

    I hadn't seen your post when I posted. It wasn't directed toward you. I was just making a point in general. These phone are just tools for us these days. Not everyone is doig the same thing or needing/wanting the same tool for what they are doing. I'm always frustrated with the same comments about the iPhone over the years. It's pointless. We might as well argue import or domestic.
  10. Mojoe

    Iphone 6 and 6+

    People hating on the iPhone or people who get the newest ones, here is something g not being said. I have been with AT&T since the iPhone 3. That was the only iPhone I have ever bought. I have ordered the new ones every two year, meaning I skip the S models. I pay out of pocket for the new model and flip my old one on CL. I price it to a little less than what others are selling and make my money back every time. Hence, free iPhone's since the 3. At this point it's an investment that maintains value and keep the new stuff in my hands. I don't know if droid phones would hold the value. I also just want reliability and quality. I don't need a bunch of gee wiz stuff that the droid people say the iPhone doesn't do, or is just catching up to.
  11. PM's with details have been sent out. There are a few open seats for last minute availability.
  12. Most people are fine with 150 rounds. I will be PMing details tomorrow to include address and weather info. 3 open seats still.
  13. Why are they looking for a new person for this job? What did they like and dislike about the last person who did that job?
  14. Yup, that's Marc. To me; if you go with someone else, it's like you want to have to hard time with your mortgage. Congrats Berto.
  15. This may look humanitarian, but I don't think it is. Africa has resources we need in the future, along with we may be in need for help ourselves with man power in conflict or stratigic location. We do pretty good on the medical side of things, and the African goverment will pay us big for that. Risk vs. reward. We have the know how and means to contain and treat, they do not have that on a large scale. We show up wearing a cape; now we have a strong allie in land mass, resourses, and population. We will end up fighting in their civil war that has been going on for decades, and it may be a vietnam 2.0. In the mean time, I hope we don't have a large scale incedent on the home land. The force is trying to be down sized. Keeping the troops out there and having us get $$$ by another government, even if it is resourse deals, could be benificial. The risk of exposing troops to a disease, leaders have talked it with confidance that we can protect our troops and it will be fine. My .02
  16. It's this Sunday. Still a few open seats.
  17. What yacht club are you a member at? Unique. I love it.
  18. ^^ That's what I have used on the Subies and Camery. Good stuff. FYI, ultra bright/hot headlight bulbs will discolor clear plastic lenses.
  19. Mojoe

    New guy.

    Welcome to CR. Take a minute and read the link below. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=61288 We look forward to the pics.
  20. Not only did they send the replacement pipe, they sent new bolts and gaskets too. And, shipping was next day. That's above and beyond. Once the pipe is on and the new clutch is broke in, I can have fun in the car again.
  21. Mojoe

    Iphone 6 and 6+

    Your provider should have same options through their site as well.
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