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Posts posted by Anden

  1. There was a curve prior to the house that I came through way to fast. There was an suv oncoming that crossed into my lane when I tried to pass him on his left he came back into his lane. By that time it was too late ti go back to my lane so I ditched it at 70mph hit the culvert and went airborn

    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


    This is how people die trying to pass cars in there lane on the wrong side. Because once they see you they will jerk it back into their lane.

    Glad you made it out of there just banged up. It could have been much worse. Heal up quick and hope to see you on two wheels again soon.

  2. I like all kinds of music I can generally pull something out of it. It has been a long long time since I have herd anything that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and needed to tell everyone about it.

  3. I will do you two cyl better and you can keep $2000. Wife wants it out of driveway and needs rear brake lines. I will even give your a $150 discount on top of that. Has new clutch. New crank position sensor.

    It is rusty and nasty, but you can trade her on the weekend and get your yourself filthy on the 4wheelers and not even care. Boys wont hit on her because this thing is ugly. As a saftey feature she can only put one other person in it. Will keep the jibbing down to a minimum. Another safety feature is she will probably be scared to crash it for fear she wouldn't survive. Thus making her a better driver.

    If you want it to be 4 wheel drive? A guy here at work has all the parts to convert it over. It can be done in a day! (I call bullshit! But you never know what a hill billy can do.)


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  4. If you've ever spent any time in Yellow Springs you'll know why he has no gear on...nothing there moves any faster than 5mph. The whole town is stoned. I'm more amazed Paulie doesn't live there...

    Truth except I don't know Paulie so I can't comment on that one.

    If your into Subarus, Priuses, Birkenstocks, Crocks, and purchasing 3rd world sweatshop novelties its the place for you.

    I do enjoy listening to people conversations when we do go there. They range from hating on loud motorcycles to how authentic your Nepalese insense is. All the while one guy is so fucking high he can't close his mouth.

  5. I was just wondering where you get the opinion that owning a liter bike is a penis thing? I'm assuming its something you've read somewhere seeing as you don't have much experience with one. I think its more having the balls to ride one not so much a lack of penis.

    I have come to reason every time you own something insanely fast, or flashy your penis shrinks by an inch. Your balls do however do get bigger each time you scare yourself. But if you don't use it like your suposed to you grow a vagina. Just my .02.

  6. Chantix no nightmares but turned me into an amazing asshole and couldn't think properly. Felt foggy in the mind. Chantix also turned off my minds "Safety Meter". Did really dumb stuff on the bike and felt good about it.

    I quit taking Chantix and started smoking again. I quit cold turkey beginning of year and only really crave one when drinking.

  7. what are the xxx-xxx digit model numbers for the mitutoyos? what brand is the 6" and 12" calipers set? are they straight, chipped, bent? and is that a interapid indicator and what model is it? it's hard to tell because you've hired Michael J Fox to be your photog.

    if that's a non-crap brand 6"&12" calipers set, and the mitutoyos aren't the economy models and the indicator IS an interapid, i'll make you an offer.

    i generally use my CMM for production inspections, but my guys on the floor use industrial revolution era tech every once in a while. i appreciate the offer for instruction, though.

    Interapid is 213b-15 I do believe it was purchased in november.

    Mitu cal has sticker over model # but they are the comon ones. Absolute digimatic.

    Mitu mic are #293-384

    Dial cal are import but in good shape.

    Do want the Kennedy roll away but probably can't afford it.

    Make an offer.

  8. It's a well-known fact that people who own Speed Triples (or have owned them at some point) are way cooler than everyone else.


    Really? When did this happen?

    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

    The instant you own one. There are a few on here that can vouch for us. Also our penises are bigger. Girth not length.

    Also we can hang with Harley guys and get ZERO shit from them.

    But you get asked really stupid questions like: Who makes it? It has how many cylinders?

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