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Everything posted by Anden

  1. Asking for EOD on scanner when they come across 2nd suspect as 1st had a device on him.
  2. You could six degrees of terrorist anyone. If you wanted.
  3. Is is possible they deported him for his own safety? I mean, if you play jump to conclusions as a person of interest. This Saudi National would be dead shortly after getting out of the hospital.
  4. Two sides to every story. You have only herd the "victims". I bet if you dig into this story you will find there is more to it. I tried Bell County Texas isn't real user friendly But was charged with Interfering w/ Public Duties. Way to be an asshole just cooperate with the cops if your carrying. More over grew up maybe an hour away from this guy. Cougars? Like old ladies wanna fuck him? Yes there are cougars in Texas but its a huge fucking state. Feral dogs would be the only thing to scare me out there. Even then still not all that rural of an area. Not if the Temple Police got him, he is still inside city limits.
  5. At least someone is doing right by keeping the crazies at bay.
  6. Our Rape Truck (Expedition) had 250k when I traded it in. We had the tranz done once. Windows and doors handles started getting funky there at the end. Hence the nick name Rape Truck. I would buy another one.
  7. I do want the motorcyclists better look for me bumper sticker. Why? You ask. Because I can't hear your loud pipes when you camp my blind spot while I've got the music cranking. Even when its not cranking I can't hear you. Also if your dumb crotch rocketing ass is "filtering" through traffic at 1.25 I won't see you till your next to me. I don't drive in my rearview. Just making sure the fucktards are warned. Me and any other responsible guy will have no trouble.
  8. If they fit a triple I'm cslling dibs
  9. Bruised tosils and callused knees.
  10. So how can the layperson do this? I need step by step non-computer savy instructions.
  11. Tickle Me Elmo torture.
  12. Riding you all should be doing today.
  13. I picked her up yesterday. And I must say it looks showroom new.Thanks again dime.
  14. And enjoys mastubating to Legit.
  15. know what Dying Shadow's cream pie tasted like.
  16. Anden

    North Korea

    According to this we should be easily beaten. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7Kq78G2nxA&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  17. Oh man I need to do something other than hold a couch down. Running and biking in the wee hours of the night are probably a great way to get hurt though. Hmm need to come up with a plan.
  18. cause I'm the best pivot man!
  19. the fuck is wrong with your middle?
  20. I mean wash bucket. He thinks
  21. With construction up the street I hardly want to bring it home. Everything has a layer of dust on it. I can hear the paint being ruined on the cars and the bikes.
  22. No, but I'm sure they will be by the time I get it home.
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