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Everything posted by Anden

  1. Yes it can be done. But, I need to get off my lazy ass and play with the marker a bit. I plan on laser marking mine with a pattern and I need to see what kind of jig and fixturing need done to get that shit looking good. I'm sure if you press the button to do the marking it is all good. Our marker is slow so you may need to clear a couple hours.
  2. Driving a car is a privilege. It is not a right granted to you at all. Some one else touched on another thought I had. Make gun owners responsible for thier guns. Properly stored and what not. So if anyone gets ahold of a gun that doesn't belong to them the owner is held accountable also. So if your shit is stolen you get fined. Call it a criminal activity buy out.
  3. I'm not for it either. Just saying you want checks and balances something has got to give. Criminals don't give a fuck. But a law abiding citizen does. Hold me accountable for my gun and I will get god damned picky about who I sell it to. I would also want it known that I have passed the gun on.
  4. Title and insure. Just as I am responsible for my car I should be responsible for my guns.
  5. You know what cures a hangover? Doing it again.
  6. I was going to go complete or stripped lower then build it myself. These are highly customizabe guns. I figure why take parts off just start from scratch.
  7. Can anyone get a stripped lower without the fucking price gouge. I dont mind the wait im just not paying 4x the price for one.
  8. Going to give you some suggestions here. You may not like them but they will tow and have room as your family grows. http://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?endYear=2010&zip=45359&sellerTypes=b&maxPrice=20000&showcaseListingId=336778232&mmt=%5BBMW%5B%5D%5B%5DMB%5B%5D%5B%5DDODGE%5BMAGNUM%5B%5D%5D%5B%5D%5D&makeCode2=MB&showcaseOwnerId=343071&makeCode1=BMW&modelCode3=MAGNUM&startYear=2005&firstRecord=101&makeCode3=DODGE&searchRadius=100&minPrice=15000&listingId=329531201&listingIndex=3&Log=0 http://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?endYear=2010&zip=45359&sellerTypes=b&maxPrice=20000&showcaseListingId=336778232&mmt=%5BBMW%5B%5D%5B%5DMB%5B%5D%5B%5DDODGE%5BMAGNUM%5B%5D%5D%5B%5D%5D&makeCode2=MB&showcaseOwnerId=343071&makeCode1=BMW&modelCode3=MAGNUM&startYear=2005&firstRecord=176&makeCode3=DODGE&searchRadius=100&minPrice=15000&listingId=335303056&listingIndex=14&Log=0 http://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?endYear=2010&zip=45359&sellerTypes=b&maxPrice=20000&showcaseListingId=336778232&mmt=%5BBMW%5B%5D%5B%5DMB%5B%5D%5B%5DDODGE%5BMAGNUM%5B%5D%5D%5B%5D%5D&makeCode2=MB&showcaseOwnerId=343071&makeCode1=BMW&modelCode3=MAGNUM&startYear=2005&firstRecord=226&makeCode3=DODGE&searchRadius=100&minPrice=15000&listingId=336226234&Log=0 In the Magnum I am currently averaging 16 miles to the gallon though. And its traction control leaves a lot to be desired.
  9. Anden


    That strella is sexy. I would love to become a horologist. Some of the mechanisms are amazing.
  10. You know what this thread needs? Addresses! And the gunowners list.
  11. Who are the night shift guys playing. Its winter and this is how I kill time. Andensalt is the tag.
  12. I'm out currently sick as hell and don't want to get sicker. Rebreathing diseased air in my helmet can't be good.
  13. Ammo, clothes, and a couple stands for the bike.
  14. One of the funniest movies ever. I bet it took his mind off being exicuted.
  15. My .02. Get a triumph. Speed triple is upright and comfortable. If you want something alittle more sporty buy a set of clip ons for it. It becomes an entirely diffeent bike. Harley set won't bust your chops any either. Asking for opinions here isn't a bad idea, but please dont be offended or feel you need to defend your choice. Its your money and your ass on it we are just thowing out options. Hell I love the VFR I also like the K1200s. I will get one of them one day. Harley does make very pretty bikes.
  16. I think you can get them if you go with that on insurance company. Or maybe you could get a falcon.
  17. I was wondering how they worked when he was running them. Looks good!
  18. All for this but to play devils advocate. Criminal children are smart, I would think they would figure out who is carrying and go from there. Also when one of these kids go off the reservation who is to say that a teacher won't do any dammage to the children, or even cause harm to a legitimate visitor to the school. That's a lot of confusion going on there. But then again I don't know the school policies.
  19. Don't the swiss do this? Keep your rifle after serving in the militia.
  20. They seem to look like they are coming from a couple directions. Majority are running west to east. I did see one that appeared to blink. I am assuming it was tumbling through the atmosphere. From what I understand much of this shower is raisin sized and smaller.
  21. Anden

    random advice

    I give all my guys gift cards for Christmas. And buy drinks if they come out last day of work before holiday.
  22. I see a couple every time I step outside at work.
  23. Geminid meteor shower tonight and tomorrow. I've seen 4 so far out smoking.
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