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Everything posted by Anden

  1. Didn't or wasn't paying any attention to this thread, but I'm in. I will make arrangements around what ever is planned. Subscribed for the firmer details.
  2. Was looking into getting one of these. If I keep seeing positive comments I'm buying one.
  3. Anden

    Broken Nose

    Wait a min. If I read correctly and your brother did follow proper channels to document punk ass's behavior. If it is documented Your brother can turn this all back on the company. It is after all harassment. I would take my three days off come back and start barking up trees. Maybe he can get his time off paid for. Possibly get punk ass fired. And get his supervisor a serious ass ripping. This could cost your company s fuck ton of money. I have to deal with it at my job. Its about the only time I see all of my superiors at the same time. Believe it or not it is over some of the most childish shit.
  4. Cause you were not home. And I didn't tell anyone but oldschooldime till now.
  5. I feel your pain. I just recently bought a suit myself. I quickly checked out, money exchanged hands done deal. A couple days later I'm home alone and thinking I need to check those leathers out a little better. I pull them out of the closet and try the suit again. Its not a bad fit and wondering if any other wierd issues could vome up I put gloves and boots on. I get a kink in one of my forearms kinda annoying, but I will live. So doing some of my best Elvis karate and general buffoonery. I stop to to stretch. Twist to the right golden. Twist to the left and I get my balls pinned to my leg by the seam. Before I could react the pressure from the squeeze blasts one nut off my tonsils. The other is luckily stopped by my liver. I hit the ground in agony. Holy fuck that hurt! As I lay on the floor I can only wonder what anyone would think if the walked in the house at that moment. I am now on the same page as everyone else. Suits are meant for riding in not walking around or for fashon.
  6. Sounds about right. Putting eight one starwars Lego model for the kids I can only imagine building that solo.
  7. Just stumbled onto covington gettysburg rd the other day. I never really looked to hard west of the river. Thought it was all flat, strait and corn. Will need to pur together a ride of miami countys finest roads.
  8. Anything that's shop.brandname.com blows. 3rd party making money on someone elses products.
  9. "T" shifter handle from a 66 impala. Maybe the guy that strapped the rocket booster to his car made it over the mountains and to mars.
  10. Please be more conscientious when picture taking. Fapping supplies in the background. Come on man tou know better than that. Nice find. May need that.
  11. Britrider is already on FB but I will join yours too. Dunno if you have checked them out or not. But they fo monthly rides, games and stuff. A kick ass xmass party with awards for mileage (most and least) rider of the year and such. Joe's sponsors most of it. There are also a couple good events a year too.
  12. Osu does blow. Hook'em Your county fits in our state. You missed the hilly part with all the good roads. Besides I don't think you could ride. Them what with the wooden shoes and all. As for being scared, I'm only afraid your mom loves this fat 'merican cock. This is why I carry a gun. Women from the Netherlands look like OSU line backers for the most part. And can probably take a hit too. Troll fed. And enjoy the rest of your winter ORDn entertainment.
  13. Anden

    Epic Quotes.

    If you dont drink, then all of your stories suck and end with, And then I got home...~Jim Jeffries
  14. Oh man that would have been priceless. Sad too at to same time. I am sure I was making womanly noises as I laid on the ground.
  15. Need pics of you doing your best Elvis Karate in them.
  16. Love the way it plays. Allthough, I remember the necks being flatter and wider. Yeah my brain locked up pretty good, having not used those parts for a while.
  17. 320 best I can tell. Numbers are rubbed off the back. My reds don't match up though. Mine is a deep red almost brown not ruby.
  18. They bought me this for christmas. Well a gift card actually. I have been playing a lot more. Embarassed my self last time I busted out my guitar in front of some one.
  19. You do look good. No homo. After talking to you the other day. You should have no trouble kicking the coffee habit.
  20. Yep its that age. I will let slingingchic tell the story. Its a good one too.
  21. Laundry room close to bedrooms and shower. Or possibly a room for dressing, clothes, and washing. Larger doorways. I would contract anything that needs inspection. Building inspectors will get real picky with you. You don't wsnt to have something wrong and tear a bunch of shit out. Not to mention if there is a one year inspection and they see something they don't like. I think it leaves you with drywall and flooring.
  22. Sounds cool I would like an invite if at all possible.
  23. Never said he was smart just has balls.
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