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Everything posted by JaysonL

  1. I may be young, but I've been at it since I popped out my mom's wa-hina back in '92! I ain't no youngster no more!
  2. no no no! "Kitchen Bitch" is a full-time job. "Bike Whore" is #8 wife, which I would acquire down the road when they start making her model in a dirty strawberry blonde version!
  3. the question is what wouldn't all 135lbs of this latino anaconda do with 7 women! if you want a specific answer though, I'd have 1 on-call back masseuse, 2 on-call chefs, 1 on stand-by for random wife beatings , and the other 3.... wellllllll
  4. Hell I'll take around 3 brunette versions and about 4 in blonde!
  5. ohhhh! here ya go kawi kid! all for you: That's apparently before she dyed her hair b/c in the video she's lookin' like a sexy brunette!
  6. HELL NO! None of the one's you could get a good look at were really that great, 'cept for #21 playing for BYU. Now SHE'S hot! Plus, I bet she takes it like a champ in the bedroom! ;P
  7. Oh, alright. Eitherway that's just plain beautiful! I used to go to a camp up in Canada that had rivers and lakes like that, except we were in the complete middle of nowhere with no roads and only canoes.... This trip is sounds better and better.
  8. hey earache, where are those first two pictures of?! I'm guessing the first is either wash state or wyhoming, and the second maybe wyhoming or montana?! (I might just be way off)
  9. i'm with you! I really like the aluminum tank. I think it definitely adds a nice touch
  10. haha, alright, just checking. this ride looks great though if i can work it out.... and if you guys don't mind having a youngin' around!
  11. Wow, I know I'm brand new and I've still gotta get my bike and endorsement and everything. But, if it all works out I'd definitely be willing to try and see if I could work it out to join it! This trip looks beautiful, and since I have been to almost everywhere you've mentioned at one point in my life with my parents, it's planned out perfectly. Just wondering.... but, has anyone ever thought of a west coast ride (something that would go up the pacific coast along Big Sur, California?! IMO, it's probably the most beautiful 3-4 hour drive in the US.
  12. I just creamed my jeans! The R is SOOOOOO sexy! Wish I had the money.... and skill to ride that beast haha
  13. how much are you selling for?! how many miles on it?!

  14. Idk, those streetfighters are B-E-A-UUUUU-TIFUL!

    I respect your choice of sticking with the "Lance Armstrong".

    It's a classy choice! :D

  15. That's what I thought haha, just making sure I didn't simply read possibly the greatest deal God could send my way and pass on it. It was worth a try right?! ;P
  16. I'd give my left, and 7/8 of my right! Hell I'd give both if you caught me on the right day! (Might make it a little more comfortable anyway! :p)

  17. I heard upon you're second offense they're forcing you to use them!
  18. Are you doin' $150 each, or $150 for the 2 piece?!
  19. Back alleyway rape?! Or dark deserted stairwell rape?!
  20. Haha, shit! I'd take a $2000 or under Ducatti or Triumph ANYday! If it's under $1500 I'll even do a little Irish Jig for ya haha.

  21. nawww. I was talking about like a cbr or gsxr. something like that.

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