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Everything posted by Twisty

  1. What a dumba$$, way to go man.. How did that road rash feel on your back after that crash?!?! Probably not so good LMAO
  2. I like the Megan Fox one the most out of them all, but the Betty White Snicker one is pretty funny.
  3. Here are the links for all the videos I could think of from the Super Bowls commercials. Which is your favorite??? Gatorade Super Bowl Commercial 2010 - "The Journey" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63oSn12n918 "Lost" Budweiser Super Bowl Ad 2010 Commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPQo3F_rebY Volkswagen PunchDub Super Bowl Commercial 2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDcWRUtrVuc E-Trade Baby Girlfriend Super Bowl Commercial 2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbLTl7egwlU Charger Super Bowl Commercial 2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aet-Eyv382o Whale of a Tale - Bridgestone Super Bowl Commercial 2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=632pCs5rLDw Doritos Super Bowl Commercial 2010 Dog Collar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6V-nGkBMrA Audi 2010 Green Car Super Bowl Commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wq58zS4_jvM Snickers Super Bowl Commercial 2010 with Betty White http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1Sv_z9jm8A Motorola - Megan Fox - Super Bowl Ad 2010 [HD] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D2VLmCPTbQ
  4. This year was kind of disappointment with the commercials coming out of the Super Bowl. I don't know if we just expect to much of them anymore and are let down from all the hype or what. I just feel they have been getting worse and worse. A definite sign of the economy. The one thing I learned out of the commercials were that we love beer and junkfood. LMAO
  5. See I knew we are good friends for a reason..
  6. Twisty

    New record!

    w00t!!! This is awesome to hear man.
  7. Awesome man, sorry you have to deal with all this snow . Sorry to hear about your hardships, hope all is well, and welcome to the site.
  8. Instead of a mug shot maybe he can be the next Chris Hansen.. Here's what it would look like..
  9. His picture looks like it would be seen on Dateline's To Catch a Predator... N-E-Ways congrads man.
  10. I should have added you have extremes in both sides, I agree with you about being a responsible omnivore. Extremes of anything can be bad to argue with.
  11. At least wiping out with one of these isn't to hurt you physically but I think it may hurt your pocket book to fix it if you did. Still cool, but I'd rather ride the real thing.
  12. Happy Birthday!!!

  13. Stephen Colbert "With a cluck, cluck here and a cluck, cluck there" I think this is funny. We will always be arguing between vegans and meat lovers. No one is going to win either way.
  14. Some people just have too much money and need to spend it is all I can think.... Wish I could have the money that they put into this project for myself. I'd put it to good use
  15. Holy Cow.. I wanna throw missiles. This is too funny, what were they thinking when they decided to do this.
  16. It may be old news to you but to some it is "new" news considering I didn't hear about it, so thanks for posting it. Cool concept, don't think I would ever done this even if I could afford to.
  17. OMG this is so true man, I agree with you 100% on what this would do to my insides
  18. Oh I couldn't agree more with you on this man. It is kind of like when people put music to people racing, or doing stunts in videos. I would really prefer if they left the audio from the bike on it instead of putting music over it. That's just my 2 cents....
  19. No matter what man people always have their own opinion on what is right and wrong. Kind of like non-smokers and smokers. To each his own is all I say, my body, not yours, I can do what I want to do with it.
  20. The roads this morning are terrible. Just got back home from taking the wife to work and got stuck 3 separate times. I am thinking about calling off work and staying home since we are suppose to be getting 2-4 more inches by Noon. *sigh* Snow, Snow, go away, I want riding season back today!!!!!!
  21. Sweet moves man... so popping wheelies while drag racing makes you win.. Well it looks like it didn't work out so well. What an idiot.. even if the title wouldn't have been "Motorcycle Crash" Before the race even started looking at what he was wearing, he was asking to wreck. That's what happens when you try to show off and then your Ego kicks in and gets the best of you.
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