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Posts posted by fazer1sniper

  1. I have an 8" and 7" round here, as well as a set of dual 4" like on my FZ, The kid wanted a Cafe as her first bike and the lines of the Radian fight that had without major frame changes. She settled on a mild street fighter, the headlight was her call. I expect her to learn on this, thrash the snot out of it and go buy a Triumph Thruxton in a year or 2

  2. After 3 attempts to build a fly screen for this bike, and all looking like crap, I went to plan B. I lowered the gages down about 3 or 4 inches and I'm happier with the look...




    Still fighting with the tail & tail light, as well as how the plate and rear turn signals are gonna end up back there. This is the next big problem I plan to attack.


    What IS finished up and behind me is the can. It's on, finished and solid as a rock.


    The tail, side covers & sealing up the front wiring behind the headlight are the things that need to be knocked next. As soon as time permits I will get that done and get this 'lil bike to paint.

  3. I HATE THIS LAW!!! Just a bunch of crap insurance companies lobbied to get passed so thay can intimidate people into giving up more money. I was SUPPOSED TO LOWER RATES & that NEVER HAPPINED! As a L.E. guy I can't stand the fact we are stuck dealing with crap laws like this while a bunch of meth heads are robbing the neighbors. OK, rant over.

  4. "It might even make some New Jersey gun owners wonder if they have more to fear from the state's ridiculous laws and overly aggressive cops and prosecutors than they do from criminals. Given what happened to Aitken, those fears wouldn't be unfounded." Good way to sum it all up & end the article.

    Another axample of some law interperted in a way that make leagal gun owners criminal. It sucks.

  5. Happy Birthday to all you Jar Heads out there. Who would have thought a branch of service started in a bar would have lasted this long?

    Best wishes from a former Army Spec Ops shooter, Thank you all for your service, however crazed and misguided it may be!

  6. Tank, rear frame covers & front fender in self-etching primer and ready to move forward.




    The tail is still a work in progress.



    This weekend I need to figure exactly how the tail light is going to be set into it. Then the tail can be finished up, side covers and a final plan on the front cowl/fly screen can be figured out.

  7. looks good. what color are you going with?

    She is thinking a dark silver metalic called "Charcoal Mist". She is not big on flashy colors. There is also the silly idea of Military "383 OD Green"

    Damn... who took the baseball bat to the tank? lol looks good...... its fun to take and trick out a old or messed up scoot, make it your own. cool

    For a bike with 4100 miles I gues it spent more time on it's side then on it's tires.

  8. I have longed for this bike since it came out overseas in '08 (I think). With the exception of Duc Streetfighter (SICK! but out of my price range), most of the nakid versions of "R" bikes are tuned for more midrange and are more planned for the street vs the track. As much as I want a Honda again, I fell in love with my FZ1 and it's not in NEED of a replacement yet. It depends on how they end up pricing this bike. I'm glad more nakid/standards are making it state side, we'll see if the market supports them.

  9. I was following this bike and waiting to see it. i don't "HATE" it, but it's not my kind of Duc. Bigger fan of Streetfighter still. But as a business plan, it's built to go after bikes like V-Max and V-Rod. A beast of a power cruiser with better control. If it was the type of bike I was after, the tech in suspention and braking alone may me 'nuff to way me twords the fat Italilan girl. With 'nuff drinks at closing time anyway. the old fat chicks and mopeds saying pops into mind...

  10. Judging from all the rust in the carbs, the tank is just nasty. Enter stripping and relining the tank.



    Had to rig a way to plug off the hole for the petcock.



    First wash it out with soap and water.


    Then "FUN WITH ACID!" allways a good time. The rust and asorted crap did break loose and start to float way. Left this in overnite.


    The acid is dumpped out, tank rinsed clean and prepped with acitone. Entire inside became a dull gray.

    Then I began to reline the tank.


    The liner is spread around to the entire tank flipping it on all sides so it coats all the bare metal. Extra liner was drained out the petcock hole.





    The entire inside of the tank is now coated in the white liner.


    The VALVE COVER: Back on, all bolts tighned to 84.6 Inch pounds, and they seem to have held.


    Thats about where I made it to this weekend, body work, finish fab on the pipe, side covers, tail lite, front fly screen & what ever else I find need done.



  11. for the record, at Remington armorer school we set and adjust these triggers. As far as it being unsafe, B.S. If the sear sets full on the striker, pound of pull is not relevent. Impact and shock won't dischage the rifle. Trigger pull does. Would it be better to have military and law enforcent snipers fighting the trigger and blowing shots? Im not saying every deer hunter need a 3 pound trigger on his 700, but damn, Trust me, there is a certain level of pressure involved on a real world shot. If you send it or not. If my finger even goes in the trigger guard it's game time. For anyone to imply that the benchmark sniper rifle platform is somehow a death trap is uninformed crap. The weapon is sound and as safe as the opperator and his care of his equipment. Dirt and debis in the sear will effect safety, solution: maintain the rifle. I think the bigger gripe on the 700 is it's extractor. That is a failure I have had.

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