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Posts posted by fazer1sniper

  1. Just before my daughter left for Basic Combat Training at FT Jackson, SC she picked up this 1986 Yamaha Radian 600...



    I wanted to knock out some work on it this weekend and snap a few pics. I'm heading down to see her graduate this week. The bike is still a ways off from being done. It will be a while before she can use it anyway, she has a 6 month school to knock out before she can have it at her post.

    She is a huge cafe racer fan, but the Radian's lines don't lend well to that mod so I went a differnt direction with it. Here is the bike so far in it's early stages.

    SOME of the crack ups:



    The new head light and tail light and I talked her into keeping the Corbin seat:


    Where it sits now, headlight & tail mods.







  2. Nothing to envy. My spotter, crazy Mexican named Eligio Castillo, tells me in an OP-FP we are stuck in, under observation, in full ghillie, till nitefall. "Hey, I gotta pee." Well hell, no real options here, so I say "go for it, piss". He says "OK.... I did" Now he's on the spotting scope on my right hip & now my Leg gets all warm & wet... and I have to go, so I did. A day later we meet up with our parent elemnet and a old , crusty SF Master SGT is talking to us and said " WTF STINKS?" My spotter says, "That's just us, we pee on each other." He responds "Typical Snipers, you guys are all sick bastards." Thanks, Lee, one of the high points of my military career.

  3. Wet Blanket Warning.... The bummer about the m82 is not ALL of them here all that accurate. I used some that were 3 MOA rifles. Those were quickly given to the EOD guys. The 50's were correctly classified as "anti-material" rifle. In plan speak, its made to break shit. The weight of a combat load for a sniper team was punishing, now add the m82/XM107 it's a real rough haul. If the mission is man killing, I'd rather stalk in the exta click with the 7.62 sick. Now the .338 Lapua rifles, got my attention. A 1 mile capible rig that is half the weight of the big 50's. But I'm out of it now and I'm old and slow. Still got my gear in the event of zombie attack. Damn... I miss my job.



  4. I had a blast on this build. It's a bigger deal to me then most bikes because it's for my wife. She LOVES this bike. I have been a V4 fan since my 82 magna V45 and Im glad she found a home on this bike. I'm glad she let me go with the red-white-blue and old school gold honda wing. She had had it out and we are tuning the suspention in for her as we go. I got work tuesday nite then a week vacation. We will be at the Bufalo Hollow bike rally thursday with our bikes and a beat up, borrowed Winnebago.


    It's fun to be the Metric/Sport bike people at a harley dominated event.

  5. There is the outfit that has been making weapon system upgrades that I have used in my job & my previous job for years. Magpul Industries. They have gave me and my kind some cool toys...




    I guess the guys at Magpul are fans of bikes. They, like many of us were sick over what Harley Davidson INC did to Eric Buell. They took matters into their oun hands. 47 Magpul "RONIN's" will be built out of saved Rotac powered Buell 1125's.




  6. As what normally happens, the fender came is as I was finishing the cracked up one! I will finish it up and swap them out but intill then will run the imperfect one.



    So basicly, here she is in the new paint, Suzuki front end, built bars & sliders, new seat cover & storage box behind it & CBR mirrors.








    Rides nice, suspention set up is a little soft for me, but Kris has to figure out how she wants it. Stopping power is just awesome & it feels like it's turning better. I will let the misses tell me after she put's some miles on it.

  7. Gotcha

    How's the neighbor kid likin' his new ride??

    Well... kind of as long story, but in short, his reluctance to Kreem the tank to get rid of dirt n rust due to cost bit him in tail. Even with 2 fuel filters he dirtied up the carbs and had a float sticking. To top it off his "buddy" picked him and the bike up in a pick up. No straps of rope, SO they set it n its side.:wtf: Fuel leaked out of tank, + month old paint and clear+ 2 dumb kids=fuel stains on the tank. They wont buff out.:cry: It will be back in the shop here shortly, but I wont paint tank again till he lets me clean it or we replace it entirely. I will help him with the carbs for now to keep him going. I will keep you updated

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