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Posts posted by fazer1sniper

  1. Good weapons with great reputations. I'm NOT a big fan of short barrels autos due to the MASSIVE loss in FPS, I normally try to keep the auto's to 4" or better or a .38 +P+ wheel snubby guns, but good defence belly guns. I'm still from the school of thought that handguns exist to give you time to get a long gun.

  2. Management always gets the union it deserves.


    Wish it worked out that way.

    I, like most LEO, am VERRY conservitive. I've been i this job for 11 years and active military before that. I grew up in the family business where I was fourth generation well driller. A roughneck on a drill crew is a bitch job, did it from the time I was 12. I think I partly joined the Airborne to get out of the mud and have a safer job. That and ODNR and EPA were killing the drilling industry in America through regulation. Somedays, well alot of days, I wish I stayed in active Army. A combanation of a back injury that took my jump status and the Clinton era military made me not re-up. The Lordstown GM Plant wasnt hiring former Special Ops Snipers so I joined the Sheriff's Office. From minute 1 I hated the union. The thought of some doughnut scarfing slob, who cant rundown a suspect, can't shoot to save his life or anyone elses, getter better pay and better tratmant then someone with my background rubbed me the wrong way. But I stuck it out, did 7 years in a tactical Unit, Patrol, about every job there. Not one of the things that make me keep going in a real shitty job is knowing that I get a decent retirement, good medical coverage, and even if the guys in charge are a bunch of good old boys with years in their political party can screw with me, but cant fire me with out cause. The FOP as a union kinda sucks. We can't strike if treated poorly, can't walk out, can't go to the media over mistreatment or unsafe working conditions... Eh, screw it. A long time ago, on a bad day, beat up, tired, no sleep, little food and water, I had a melt down. Dropped my ruck and rifle, fell to my ass and said "F*ck this. Civilians don't gotta deal with this sh*t!" Had a Staff Sergeant attention at that point, expecting a boot to the head, he did me one better.. he said " I hear ya. We out here dealing with this crap all the time, we don't get sickdays, hours suck, pay sucks, we stand around in our best uniforms in the rain for hours and get f*cked with when we don't look good. Any civilian in their right mind would EVER do what we do, every day. THAT'S WHY IT'S CALLED SERVICE! Now get on your F*CKING FEED AND DRIVE ON." 20 years ago I got up and drove on, still doing it. I vote coservitive and understand where the state is comming from. But this bill is giving local government a great tool to f*ck with their people. These governments are sometimes less ethical and more stupid than alot of people think. When was the last time you saw adminisrative jobs laid off before cops & firemen? I agree with the idea behind the bill, but not how it's written. I have to say thumbs down on this one, and I'm more right wing than Atilla the Hun.

    • Upvote 3
  3. Kind of a tradition, Lot of us shot our coins at Sniper School. When we got a good lot lot of ammo our rifle liked, we paced them out with a taped "X" on a KD target and sent the shot. Me and a guy fron 1st Rangers shot ours at 200 Meters in Army Sniper Class 193... Mine is still in my pocket every day. Our class got a Sniper School Coin if we tagged ours.

    One Shot, One Kill

  4. Some of you guys followed my Daughter's first bike, a mild custom 86 Yamaha Radian 600...

    Anyway, since the she graduated Military Intel School in AZ, top 10% of her class, nailed a 364 out of 300 pt extended score ,Got a spot in Airborne School and orders to report to 3rd Special Forces Group at FT Bragg (dad still has contacts in his old field)...

    Yesterday at Jump School.... she broke her foot. She's heartbroken. Now the future in unknown. Damn, this sucks.

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