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Posts posted by fazer1sniper

  1. Kid went "wheels up" to Afganistan today with 3rd Special Forces. She's 19, a PFC E-3 with one year in. Prowd & scared but more the former. Talked to her alot last couple days, admin sh*t, when are we getting her car, bank account info, the old Yamaha got sta-bil in it and on trickle charge, cell phone suspention, blah blah blah...

    I was all business with her on the phone, just said good buy like I allways do sive she joined up, "Love ya, Kiddo. Be safe"....

    I hit one last post on her facebook page a little while ago...

    "It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great ...enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

    Theodore Roosevelt

    Me to her: Be safe, do the job, pay attention to the little things, action beats inaction... all I got kiddo. You got the ball. Good Hunting.

    Been on the other side of this more times than I care to remember. Little different this time. Every formerly broken bone in my body wants to take her place. But I have been there and done that. Probably why I'm taking it hard. Questioning myself if I gave her enough along the way. I can probably look at her and know the answer to that, but not at the moment.


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  2. Damn, Just now found the post. Was working 3 to 11 last nite and tonite too anyway. Great route. Wife and I take 170 south alot. Good road especially when you get south of Mahoning county. Last time our bikes and us ended up in WV cause we did'nt wanna stop riding. If you guys wanna plan a sunday ride at least a few days in advance we'd try to be in.

  3. The FBI still uses the 10mm MP5.

    They are in the inventory but rarely fielded. As HOT as 10mm is it's still a pistol round. The M4's are fielded more. Lotta bag guys are wearing armor now days and it takes a rifle to punch it. Most Of the FeeB guys were using .223 Hornady TAP as long as 4 Years back.

    Big balistic downside of 10mm IS SPEED vs tissue dispalcement on a subject target. Knock Down Factor vs Ft Lbs Energy. The 10 is just too damn fast for a pistol and too slow for a rifle. (see the .30 Carbine) It just dont "slam" hard as a HOT 9mm or BRICK of the .45. Why the Feds when they ran it downloaded them to .40 S&W specs. On paper it was the next "new" thing. In the field it was less damage on target and more recoil. A great idea that just did not work in combat. Bummer, cause I wass an early fan back in the day when Don Johnson had the Bren Ten...



  4. speedytripple:

    Sounds like the Ranger was on the ball. Professional, respectfull and paying attention to the little details. I'd like to work with more guys like him.

    I fell into LEO work, I still see myself as a displaced GI. My worst fear is loosing my professionalism ansd "military bearing" on a traffic stop. Don't get me wrong. I speak fluant asshole, but a person has to take actions to bring that type of responce. I had an old SWAT guy tell me "be nice and polite untill it's time not to be". For as many cops there are out there who want to just act hard and intimidate people, there are just as many who have a sence of duty and profesionalism.

  5. As far as the duty to inform aspect I agree it needs to stay. I also think punk (again) is right in the spirt of the statement he made............ Wait for the "BUT"

    The CCW class and issued license in Ohio is not all that restrictive. Hey, I know most of us who show the social reponsibilty to even discus this stuff know the law and the ideas behind it. Those of us who grew up repecting firearms are becomming a minority. I don't mind the idea of the class and regulation. Call it my beleif in a "well regulated militia" and reponsible gun owners.

  6. Also an LEO, I took the job becase the local GM plant was'nt hiring former sniper-spec ops guys. My one academy instuctor (later one of my bosses) called me "somewhere right wing of Atilla the Hun". I am VERRY PRO Concelled Carry. I may be a bit spoiled, my dispatch is VERRY good at informing me of drivers with CCW. I have had a couple occasions where drivers failed to inform me that they had CCW and I corrected them in a professional manor. Now I work as a Deputy and my patrol area is rural but I was SWAT and Violent Crimes TF for several years in the city of Youngstown so I know the stess that is felt in that enviornment. That being said... Wiskey Tango Foxtrot, Over?!?!?? For a LEO that is so coincerned over "officer safety" he seemed rather cool approching a unsecured vehicle with his light in his gun hand. I know its stressfull. It's dangerous and thankless more than its fullfilling. But damn, dude. Did the driver make a dumb call on who he hangs with, where he is and what time? Sure. But he DID follow all orders. I'd be willing to rack alot of it up to officer stress, but my gut screams "dickhead"

  7. This was talked about several yars ago. Ohio Troopers agued to keep them for a slew of reasons. The one that stuck in my mind was that the state meter maids liked front plates to reflect the old gen LIDAR at farther range to write more speeders. Today speed stuff is gonna get a hit anyway. i vote dump the front. If the troopers get bored they can come back us up on gang crime stuff.

  8. With the word of riders on several forums, I got a set of Pirelli Angel ST's on my '04 FZ1.

    My FZ has allways been rough on tires. In past seasons I have had DumpLaps (hated them) BattLax (decent wear but poor grip) Lasst yeat Metzler M3's ( loved them, but not the 3K i got out of them.

    I was able to put my first 100 miles on the angels Saturday. With every intention of taking it "easy" on brand new rubber... That lasted till I got to the "fun" roads.


    I did most of the miles on two state routes here in east Ohio. Rt 170 (south and north and south again, and Rt 7 south and north.


    Pirelli's replacent for the Diablo Strada has me all smiles so far. Great grip on the launch and stop. No skid in hard downshifting. No worries in the corners. Pirelli claims 7500 mile life. Some riders claimimg even more. My FZ is far from a geat "knee-dragging" bike, but I find myself getting more confident all the time. If the long term is as good as my first impressions of this rubber I plan on alot more time in the corners.:D


  9. After thinking hard of going back to the fairing and headlights I decided to stay as it is. I did get a few things knocked out. The first was a WTF mistake.

    After having my new perreli Angel ST's mounted I tried to remove the glue from the old weights. It was giving me a hard time so I put some acitone on a rag to remove it, well it worked too well. Took the black finish off the wheel.... Screw it. I took it all off the smooth outside part of the wheel, used some Mothers and Brasso and went two tone.



    Then I decided to run with it. My shop made pipe was cool but it being all black made me wanna try something new. I took my stock, dented pipe, and cur it down 7 inches ( at the dent) and salveged one baffle I welded back in, shot the strap in high heat black & welded it back together, also shot my front lower forks in black gun epoxy. Minor changes but I like it as of now.

    Hell it was raining alot anyway.




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