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Posts posted by BadTrainDriver

  1. that was a function check, trigger pulled at the end 


    Function check was with her left hand.

    Finger on trigger was after, with her right hand, 1:02.

    Yes, I'm nit picking.

    But, if you're going to brag about doing something via a video on the internet, you better not make any mistakes.


    I loved the "flick" at .44.

  2. I'm not either, I just want the crack heads mouthy ass obese moms to quit praising the lord for their baby boy coming back to the living when clearly it was me that filled his arteries with Narcan and Epi while breathing for him.


    God isn't forcing you to push the needle in and pump the oxygen.

  3. So unless you believe God has reincarnated himself a 2014 Barney Fife...I'm gonna have to go ahead and say this saying has no bearing

    The cop didn't kill the dog, nor the fact that it was locked in a car. The heat is what killed the dog. God creates the heat. Open your brain, think, believe.

  4. Well, let's replace "problem" with "confusion".  


    If a mechanic fixes your car, it's the work on the mechanic.

    If a plumber fixes your toilet, it's the work of a plumber.

    If a doctor heals your child, then it's the work of god.


    Why is the fixed car not the work of god?

    The same way that it's almost impossible for a believer to convince a non believer to believe, a non believer can't understand why a believer can believe.

    Either way, who gives a fuck.

    I think the real issue at hand here is why does this bother you? Does it upset you? Make you angry? Are you just confused? Perhaps sitting down with a priest for a few hours for a question/answer session will help you.

  5. A church attended by a friend of mine does missionary work at an orphanage in Africa. They visit regulalryly to bring donations, supervise the orphanage/school, etc. A member of the congregation recently came down with malaria and was flown home and is in the ICU.

    I've been following the updates on FB and after some time he is finally responding to dialysis and is doing better.

    The problem I have is that all the folks on the FB thread keep talking about is how god is healing him. Over and over, dozens of messages a day, all chanting that god is healing him and that only prayer will heal him. Seems to me that it's the doctors that are healing him, right? No? The dialysis? The other treatments that the doctors are administering?

    I'm familiar with asking for prayers but the thread had become very kool-aidy. If people think that god is healing him them shouldn't they discontinue dialysis so that they can let god do his work without interferance?

    Do people actually believe that there is a god that is taking time out from his day to heal him through some direct intervention? By working through the doctors? Like as in some kind of posession? Or letting the doctors toil knowing their ministrations are useless and they snappign his fingers and making him well? Does that mean that god chooses to watch other people die becuase not enough prayers were said?

    I did not pray at my brother's bedside when he was at death's door, and the surgeons saved his life. Was that god ignoring my failure to pray?

    I did not pray at my mother's bedside when she was at death's door, and the surgeons did not save her. Was that god punishing my failure to pray? Did he let my mother die because of me?

    The fact that you admit that you have a problem with their belief in God,is almost as stupid as them believing that God is healing them.


    Get a new friend, and stop Facebooking.

    Problem solved.

  6. I've been very critical of the current crop of mid-level 1911s like the Kimber custom line. I felt that a $1300 gun should not need to break-in before becoming reliable. I felt that I could never really trust it if I don't know whether it's done breaking in or not. That was until I really had a conversation with an owner. He pulled out his Kimber (verified it was unloaded of course) and let me play with it. The tolerances are so extremely tight by design, the break-in period is really a final step in manufacturing. His gun went from "I wanna send this POS back and sue these bastards" to 100% reliable after shooting the crap out if it. Most of the interwebz hate out there is from people like me, used to 100% out-of-the box reliability from our Smith/Glock/XD/Sig/Walther/HK/Beretta. If you buy a 1911, plan on spending some money on rounds and range time to finish the job the manufacturer started. If this concept isn't for you, get a $400-$900 gun from the list above and you will be accurate and reliable. I don't have a 1911 anymore, but I do regret selling that Colt. I'll have another one day.


    If someone has the money and a desire for a 1911 Kimber, they should get a Dan Wesson.

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