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Everything posted by Tripleskate

  1. Uh-oh. *Placeholder post*
  2. I don't believe in this forecasting garbage until any of it actually comes true.
  3. Myself. Whoever was plowing my area just skipped the entrances to our neighborhoods. I tried merging and got stuck. Luckily, a Fella with a Dodge Ram swung around and gave my car a little love tap outta the rut my FailWheelDrive had made.
  4. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! My precious Cameeeerroos!
  5. That's really neat, probably the first logical thing I've ever heard on CR. This thread needs more benchracing.
  6. Long story short, a friend of mine went to test drive a used (2006) A4 2.0T auto with ~40k miles today. I tagged along for the hell of it. Couple of things I immediately noticed, rough idle. Is this normal? I mean from idle to about 5mph this car felt rough. This is coming from a guy with a manual trans and motor mounts! Me personally, I loved the feel, just like back in Europe! But, alas it's not for me and my friend wants more a more cushy suspension as well. So, I s'pose it's off to the land of used Bimmers/Infiniti's. Other than that, awesome car. The sales fella happened to be an AutoX'er! I thought that was pretty neat. Hell, he might even be a member here! Oh, and yes, I am prepared to get flamed for this "useless" thread. ATTN: Kenny and all other takers!
  7. First thing I noticed about his car! I'm gonna say that they are, they even have the little indent dots in the center, around the bolts. Car looks hawt. However quick it will become, do not expect it to hang with some of the cars here. lol.
  8. x2 Turbo'd LSx engines sound like sex between the Gods.
  9. Tripleskate

    The stig?

    He couldn't possibly be the Stig because I must confess, I AM THE STIG.
  10. I work at Rave, the Polaris theater. It's safe to say, our facility owns Easton. The only advantage they have is the food options (booze, etc.) Plus, if I ever actually meet any of you fuckers, I'll get you in for freeeeeeeeee.
  11. Too bad you aren't closer. A friend and I just did an H.I.D. swap and changed my fogs. We had it down to a science, lol.
  12. Not a fan of the silver/black/rivetty style wheels but the s2k is hot. I bet the s/c sounded nice. Welcome. +rep for a nice car.
  13. Wow, I'm actually surprised how many cars a lot of you have had considering the median age here is still pretty young (2x-3x years old)
  14. Sounds like the idiots on polaris parkway who kept dropping gears next to me and revving it in their mustang. Drove it like they stole it, literally. Running a clearly red light doing 100+mph. Don't they understand 1.it's cold 2. no 3. tires suck 4. no
  15. Although this is hardly appropriate for me to be commenting on (I'm 17, lol). But I will say that being around people who have a greater understanding of cars has "forced" me to pick up on some general things. I'm currently just trying to absorb all the information that I can about cars, how they work, how I can improve on them and my personal preferences for all of these things.
  16. No time slips, no care. How would I know whether or not I'm any slower?
  17. Tripleskate


    I thought tC's were 2.4L with ~160 crank hp? o.0
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