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Everything posted by CollectorDave

  1. Aw man I'm like seriously bummed. I guess I'm "lucky"? I dunno. Went up to my garage this afternoon, and found the neighborhood urchin patrol had been by. They cut a hole thru the door to pop the doors handle/lock. And relieved me of 2 bicycles, a mower, weedeater, gas cans for both and my compressor. Like I said, I guess I was lucky??? hey didn't take or seem to mess with the scooter. However I''ll look her over before starting her. So I spent 3 hours, cutting stronger panels for the door and screwing them on, and then putting on 3 padlocks around the door. Now the little fucks will have to break a window to get in, and they're still not getting the door open.

    I'm like seriously pissed. they took my fucking gas cans? They left a digital battery charger but they took the gas cans right behind it??? Can we say mid/late teens somewhere in the hood?

    Next I'm running electric out there, and putting in a motion sensor light. Been needin one for awhile anyway.

  2. Hey no problem. Got maintenance done on the old girl yesterday anyway. Fresh oil (20w50 synth) and got the clutch adjusted. Now if next payday looks as promising as I think it will, it's time for a set of drag pipes. Time to get rid of the current pipes as they drag on right turns and one has a small leak. Thinking of a set of drag pipes as they won't scrape on the ground, but yet keeps it nice and loud so cages can hear me.

  3. BEER Helping ugly people have sex since the days of the Pharaohs
  4. Ah, good point. Didn't consider that...obviously. Sorry, just an old fart on an older bike. Love the look of all the flashy and fast sportbikes on here, but just prefer the feel of my cruiser style. I'll be the first to admit, I never had the b--ls to go as fast as y'all do. LOL
  5. LOL, Casper you don't know the HALF of it! Just ask Strictly Street. If ya got 3 days he can fill ya in on the entire list of crap that's wrong with me. And I wouldn't change a danged thing! <grin>
  6. Too funny! Sad to say however it's probably true. My sporty is slow as molasses. But then again so am I so I don't notice. Short bus syndrome, y'know Besides, how'd he get away on a bulldozer? Uh sorry I don't think I would take a bike against a dozer at any time for any reason.
  7. Uh, Where did this forum suddenly take a wrong turn and why did I forget to buckle my seatbelt? Lass, I bet there are several sites on the 'Net that would LOVE your story.
  8. I say kill 'em all to death. Or at least until they lose interest.
  9. It doesn't fold, but what worked for me was cheap and effective. At Tractor supply you can get ramp ends to mount on 2x12's. If you can drill a 5/8" hole and work a wrench and use a saw you can do this. I used an 8' 2x12 braced with a 7' 2x6 underneath. Weighs about 30 lbs and stashes in the back of the truck with about 1' hanging over the edge of the tailgate. To lock it down since my tailgate is down, I simply put it under the sidestand, and when I ratchet strap the bike down, it's pinned to the floor of the bed. It will hold the weight of a Sportster and me on it which allows me to ride up it instead of pushing the scooter up it. I have a 2nd one w/out the bracing to use as a walkway for backing the bike down off the truck. Total cost was about 60-80 bucks for everything. Like I said, it doesn't fold, but it's easier than finding a hill and backing your truck into the bike. My tailgate is only about 1" shorter from ground than yours so it should work just fine for you.
  10. I own a Harley and STILL love it. LMAO. Why? Because there's actually some truth to it.
  11. cool. you can text me if you like, if that makes it easier.

  12. Hummingbird, I couldn't agree with you more. I would go so far as to bump it up to ever 2 years. Damn shame what happened. My prayers go to the families of those affected.
  13. Yeah, I'm familiar with the 1 finger salute to cagers. It's sometimes tempting to just ride up to 'em and kick their mirror off the cage since most of the time it's obvious they don't use the danged thing.
  14. Hey hey, just called p.boys and yeah they can fix the truck Saturday. Sheese, 300 bucks JUST to put the dang rack (that I'm bringing them) in and align the front end. Now I'm REALLY pissed that I couldn't get the old one off myself.

    Looks like Sunday would be the best/only day for me next weekend.

  15. Chevy, what worked for me when my girls first started dating is priceless. My oldest daughter was 15 and she brings her high school sweetheart home for the 2nd time (She's 22 and they're still together, its so sweet; they're both geeks) I knew he was coming in to visit, so I planned ahead. I had my complete knife collection out with blades ranging from 3" all the way to a 12" woods knife, and was just sitting in the living room sharpening them when I asked him to come in and sit down and talk with me. I had his COMPLETE and undivided attention! To this day he still mentions it. Never had any problems from him though.
  16. I'd always planned on meeting you at least half way. No matter what the size of the bike is, 2+ hours in the saddle at a stretch is a bit much. These days, I'm just solo so it would be just me. Next weekend I'm busy trying to get my truck repaired (new steering rack), so the weekend after would probably be best. However not sure how sane being on the road on a holiday weekend is. I'm sure in July we can figure out a place and time to meet up somewhere.

  17. Hey Stranger!

    When the heck do you have a weekend off to go riding?

    Would like to meet up with a friend, catch up, commiserate and just generally bitch about life's trials and tribulations. That and swap lies about bowlegged wimmens.

  18. Dustin, New to the site, am in PA but not new to riding. Saw you're moving to Nashville. I grew up there, left in '92. You'll enjoy it there. It's not all JUST country music. My mom still lives there so I get caught up on what's happening fairly regularly. Only recommendation I can offer is avoid places like Bordeaux and West End, as I recall those neighborhoods weren't exactly the best. Neighborhoods like Madison, Bellevue and suburbs to the North and NW of Nashville are pretty good for reasonably priced housing and are fairly well stocked with the usual things to do. Good luck
  19. "Pussy...Go without and you're bound to get grumpy"
  20. I dunno. My first question to the pilot would be..."Excuse me, are you planning on landing the plane? Good, I'll wait and get out then". But seriously I have to agree with Chevysoldier...It's on my bucket list also
  21. Naah, just been wondering what the upper limit for either me or the bike is, and wondering who's gonna hit it first. Well, we figured out that I hit MY upper limit first. But no speed demon. Went out for a little while this afternoon, and never broke 70

  22. Well, I think Olde Habits is ready to hang with you guys now. Been out and about this weekend on a few rides. Trying to extend my time in the saddle to get my "approaching 50 fanny" more accustomed to sitting on "the Loud and Thunderous Buzzer". And if you guys wanna run 70, I can probably hang with that too. Had her up to 104 today on 79N and didn't get blown off the back. Even held it at 90 for awhile (2-3 miles) until I got worried about the size of the ticket I'd get if I passed a trooper at that speed. It confirmed a suspicion of mine that I've had since I got her. She's been worked on, internally. Factory specs show a 1995 Sportster should top out at 105. However at 104 she had LOTS of wick left to twist. The cams feel and sound stock, but I know the carb (S&S Super E carb) isn't and I'd bet if I pulled the heads I'd find domed pistons in her. But, alas I still need to re-jet the carb. She runs WAY too rich and at 40mpg is just guzzling fuel.

    Will holler at ya later!

  23. Hey there! Was wonderin' when the next weekend that you guys were plannin' on hitting the roads? Looking to see if you guys are headed far enough east, for me to meet up with y'all somewhere. Lemme know what you're planning and I'll see if I can scoot far enough west to ride with ya for a little bit. Olde Habits is kind of itchin to stretch her legs on the road.

  24. Stranger than you'll ever know. :)

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