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Everything posted by alienpi

  1. The fireworks at Cedar Point were pretty awesome! The average wait for us was in the 15- 45 minute range. The longest wait was at the end of the day in the Millenium Force line. It broke down for a bit, I think the wait was still around 1 hour and 15 minutes. That ride is awesome in the dark! The Wind Seeker freaked me out, but I have a slight fear of heights. Rode just about all the big rides except the Maveric because it was down.
  2. It sounds like the lifeguards and inspectors were paid to look the other way. I bet the woman had a huge life insurance policy.
  3. Supposedly it's great for curing arthritis? So that's great when you're getting over the hill. http://www.asiansnakewine.com/
  4. I'd total it out, take the money, buy it back and then ride naked.
  5. I will go bowling. My right hand is still injured, but I can bowl left handed. :-)
  6. http://www.courthousenews.com/2011/06/29/37770.htm DAYTON, Ohio (CN) - Dayton police "mistook" a mentally handicapped teenager's speech impediment for "disrespect," so they Tasered, pepper-sprayed and beat him and called for backup from "upward of 20 police officers" after the boy rode his bicycle home to ask his mother for help, the boy's mom says. Pamela Ford says her "mentally challenged/handicapped" son Jesse Kersey, 17, was riding his bike near his Dayton home when Officer Willie Hooper stopped him and tried to talk to him. The mom says that "Prior to the incident described below, defendant Hooper knew Jesse and was aware that Jesse was mentally challenged/handicapped and a minor child." Nonetheless, Ford says, Hooper "apparently took Jesse's speech impediment for disrespect ... [and] began yelling at Jesse and after Jesse attempted to communicate with him[.] Jesse, being a minor and mentally challenged/handicapped, turned and rode his bike back to his home in an attempt to ask his mother, Ford, to help him communicate with defendant Cooper," according to the complaint in Montgomery County Court. On the way, the mom says, "A neighbor attempted to communicate with Officer Hooper about Jesse's disabilities and was told to go back into his home, or he would be arrested." As Ford opened her front door, she says, Hooper and co-defendant Officer John Howard, "fired their Tasers, striking Jesse in the back with both probes." "Once inside the house, defendant Hooper and defendant Howard began to struggle with Jesse, who was standing against the back door with his hands up in front of his face, saying 'Please quit, please quit.' "On numerous occasions, Ford and a family friend, Christopher Peyton, informed Officer Hooper that Jesse was mentally challenged/handicapped, and that Jesse did not understand what was happening," the complaint states. But the mom says the cops continued their assault: "Officer Howard utilized his Cap-Stun pepper spray and sprayed Jesse ... [and] struck Jesse with a closed fist in the upper chest area. "Officer Howard utilized his ASP and repeatedly struck Jesse in the upper left side of his left thigh. "Back-up units were requested to Jesse's house, wherein upward of 20 police officers from different jurisdictions were present. "At no point, even after being advised of Jesse's mental challenge/handicap by Jesse's family and numerous bystanders, did defendant Hooper, defendant Howard, or any other police officer present, attempt to communicate with Jesse or explain in terms he could understand as to why Jesse was being chased. "Jesse was handcuffed and hogtied before being placed in the back of a police cruiser. "Jesse was charged with assault on a peace officer, resisting arrest, and obstructing official business." However, "Jesse was declared incompetent by the Montgomery County Juvenile Court and the charges against Jesse were dismissed." Jesse and his mom seek damages from the city and the two lead officers, for false imprisonment, false arrest, malicious prosecution, assault, battery, excessive use of force, infliction of emotional distress and civil conspiracy. They are represented by Richard Boucher.
  7. Yeah, I hope she realizes her need for gear before it's too late. with gear -> -> whereas without gear -> -> :cry: and so on for a while
  8. Looks like that girl's scooter was a runaway; maybe the floormat was stuck on the accelerator?
  9. Sprint has unlimited everything.
  10. Thanks again, I really learned a lot at the knee down clinic.
  11. It's amazing the pickle even works on cleaning belts!
  12. Hey OP, I heard you finally got that knee down. Knee dragging on the street is great!
  13. I like the one comment asking whether the pickle is safe to eat after use.
  14. It was an awesome time! I learned a lot and met a lot of cool people.
  15. Got to break up to make up, right?
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