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Everything posted by alienpi

  1. I agree with the twin part, but once the ccs get above 900, I become less particular. And the decrease in particularity is directly related to the amount of additional ccs. My low limit of particularity would be around 1349cc.
  2. I am definitely going cruising on Saturday. Frantically finishing all of the stuff I put off for the weekend tonight.
  3. +1 Here's a VFR: http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/1613633509.html Here's some nice gear: http://www.amazon.com/Joe-Rocket-Speedmaster-Leather-Motorcycle/dp/B000Y572MA
  4. When I was younger I toured on bicycle, 50-100 miles. After a while I missed touring, but I wasn't in the shape that I used to be. Got a scooter for commuting to work, and well I ended up taking it on some short slow (cycle-esque) tours. Needed something for more long distance touring, so I got an old Katana 600. The Katana was a very comfortable and touring-capable bike. Transitioned from leasurely touring to sport touring. After many tours on the kat I started to feel like I needed more power. Got the SV1000S, and it is the perfect sport tourer for me. The SV1000S has a way of making 100+mph feel relaxed. Fast forward a while, and then I test rode the Buell 1125R. I thought to myself that someday I'll trade in my SV. Fast forward a few months, I found my new 1125R for an insanely good price.
  5. It's sad that a lot of tech support these days requires dealing with incompetent technicians. It seems like the elite tech support people are only available 25% of the time, it's like a bell curve. While taking technology related classes I've found that one of the technicians was always complaining about how idiotic many of the other technicians are.
  6. Paving the way for healthcare rationing
  7. Kids these days. Too bad they didn't have the Interwebs when I was undeservingly grounded.
  8. I like it when people upgrade their keyboards and mice to wireless by cutting the wires.
  9. alienpi

    PC help / info

    Have you reset your unplugged your router lately? I usually power down my network devices once a week. And every so often I'll factory reset the routers and re-upload the network configs.
  10. This billboard must have been the work of terrorists. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQJlc9dkOPU
  11. These guys get the supergay trophy. Having a passenger on the back really helped bring that front wheel up.
  12. If all the subversives register then they'll know how many fema camps to build. American relocation camps during WWII http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8S9VZWyc90&feature=player_embedded
  13. http://rawstory.com/2010/02/south-carolinas-subversive-activities-registration-act-force/ Now people have to register and pay $5 if they are against the government, or possibly pay $25,000 fine. The law from the South Carolina Government website. If they can't take away your first amendment right they'll just fine you for not registering. A little excerpt from Rule by decree Wikipedia entry: The most prominent example in history is the Reichstag Fire Decree. German President Paul von Hindenburg was convinced by Adolf Hitler to issue a decree suspending basic civil rights indefinitely. As a result of this decree, Nazi authorities were able to constitutionally suppress or imprison their opposition, which in turn paved the way for the one-party rule of the Third Reich. The ensuing state of exception, which suspended the Constitution without repealing it, lasted until the end of the Third Reich.
  14. I was just trying to illustrate a problem. The executive order thing is not new to me.
  15. www.nytimes.com/2010/02/13/us/politics/13obama.html Lots of bills are stalled in congress, so Obama decides to just bypass Congress with executive orders. Rule of decree definition from wikipedia
  16. It's true. The physical location's website is http://ridemotorcyclesinc.com/
  17. Herbs being phased out of pharmacies.
  18. I think I saw something on the news about them getting rid of it soon.
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