Greg 2008 Yamaha R6 Yellow with Flames. -1 on the front, PC III, slip on, windscreen, flush mounts, fender eliminator, integrated turns in the headlight housing....soon to be redone since they loosened up and screwed up my headlight housing Background: Been riding off and on since as long as I can remember. Started on Honda's, currently stuck on Yamaha's. This time, I was bitching about gas prices in 2007 () and my dad bought an old 750 Yamaha cruiser. Traded him my old truck for the 750, fixed it up and rode it a bit. Sold it, used that money to pay him back for something else. (Can't remember what) and on Fathers Day of 2008, bought my R6 brand new right off the show room floor. Over 15k miles on her now. Thats all for now.