Last season I would often hear/see a black CBR running down my road. It sounds like he lives about 1/2 a mile from me, I hear him slow down but I don't hear him turn off down the other roads... It has what looks like a Yoshi exhaust, maybe blue neon style lights. Last season, I made some pathetic attempts to catch up to him in my truck, as it takes too long to gear up. So, today I hear him. I hear him slow down. The usual, no "turning off" like he is taking one of the other roads. So I make a mad rush to throw my gear on, in the process breaking the button on my helmet strap, and snagging my tarp with my swing arm spool, ripping the tarp. I haul ass down the road. Yet again, I don't find him. I needed gas so I take the "long cut" to the gas station, then cruise back the same way. I put all my stuff away and then I hear the bike again. Hes going towards (his house?) again.. I think maybe he seen/heard me cruise by twice looking for him and tried to chase after me. So I hopped in the truck again and cruised down the road.....NOTHING. There are 3 houses I think he may be at, but I don't need shot or raped (you ever been to Marengo? peoples is krazy!) so I'm not gonna knock on doors. I thought about leaving my bike out front for a bit so he knows where I am, but my neighbors would probably steal it and turn it into some sort of tractor or well pump or sheep holster I guess this should be in the "missed connections" side of Craigslist. I live southeast of the middle of nowhere, so having another sportbike rider down the street to ride with would kick so much ass. (I'm a lot a bit drunk now, so maybe not that much ass..) Soooo, thoughts to find CBR dude?? OR if you are that CBR dude, where the F you at?