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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Last time I went on a wed. I left at 3 and there was nobody in line until close to 5pm.
  2. I am leaving from work at 4:30 and hope to be one of the first cars thru tech.
  3. http://punditkitchen.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/a51b02f3-c4fa-4513-8cc5-a6eb4408f536.jpg THEY SAID IT WAS ALL YOU CAN EAT YOU PIG BASTARDS! So THIS is how Obama care will work... Man this new home healthcare agency is strict on how they change adult diapers What do you mean I can't roll with no pants on?
  4. Yeah I checked it and it looks like it won't be to bad. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday just look like to much of a chance of rain. Look for the Red T/A with the attempted murder look with rims
  5. Since the weather this weekend looks like a failboat, anybody want to hit Trails up? I really need to get some seat time with the car and it is better than nothing.
  6. http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/2/antoinedodsondumb.gif
  7. Don't forget his mad jdm tyte dancing skills http://www.break.com/index/insane-indian-pole-acrobatics
  8. Here is what I took http://s35.photobucket.com/albums/d178/lt1wagner/CR%202010%20Car%20Show/
  9. http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/2/catrape.gif
  10. Hmmmm If the weather holds I see an all day event in my future
  11. Are they running the regular program before all of this?
  12. Will they still do the bracket racing saturday along with the other stuff?
  13. wagner


    I have not found any videos of this car making a pass yet. There are videos all over youtube of him running 6's in the quarter on two wheels. Guess that is not cool enough for some...
  14. wagner

    Oh Jesus..

    Saw it was on fox news, did not read because fox news is more fail than me trying to win a bikini contest. That being said if you think this is a good idea you should suck start a shotgun. I work with someone who did a tour in Iraq and she has told me stories that are just unreal. To all who have served overseas thank you for giving me the ability to get on the interwebz and express my right to be a retard. Fuck radical islam, kill them all and let their god sort them out. I hate to tell you it is us or them, that is how they look at it and no matter what you do that won't change. The sooner this country comes to grips with the fact that W. started a fight that he could not finish the sooner we can finish it. Scotty when you get back I am buying you a shot of whiskey and maybe an underaged hooker.
  15. wagner


    Each to their own I think they are big old oprah tittys kick ass.
  16. The fact you have the car on an open trailer is so gangster Dr. Dre is jealous.
  17. wagner


    Shut your suck hole sailor
  18. wagner


  19. wagner


    That is some loz I have only laid the smack down on one person ever. CR is serious business and I make sure to hold my duty as a mod very high. Being a mod is like being the smartest kid in summer school.
  20. wagner


    Stop being a cunty McCunterson
  21. wagner


    I can ban you for 24 hours if you like. I am very bored at work right now and can make your wish come true.
  22. Lot of guys will be up at Marion County at the drag strip for the grudge racing. I will be stuck in hillbilly land trying to drink myself more retarded.
  23. Nobody wants to gaze at your meat
  24. Good intro now post some pics of those whips!
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