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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Sort of like that night when we had to put that hood on Phil's car?
  2. I am still fun, hell i came to your b-day party at Crow and got to see Scotty rap What I have a problem with is treating new people like fucking shit because you don't like their car even if they have built it on their own and did not pay someone else to build it. I saw a CR memember do something up at QSL that reminded me of why I still like the car scene. This person saw someone up there standing alone, nobody was really talking to them and they made an effort to say hi, introduce who they were, and ask this cat about his car. This same person did the same thing to me at my first CR meet and made me feel like might be welcome. Now I know some people have a hard time not being a fucking prick to people to make up for their shortcomings but in the end the world would be a much better place if people were just nicer. Now type something to make me laugh!
  3. Thank you for proving my correct in taking you out of that thread. Not everybody can drive a super cool neon or keyboard races. This is why a lot of people don't join this site and god forbid they might drive something that is different or that is not "cool" to some people.
  4. This is on the level of Jersey Shore and needs to be dumped in an alley like the abortion it is.
  5. wagner

    Z faggot

  6. because cleveland is a shithole and the cops up there have their hands full with serious crimes.
  7. So what you are saying is we should in fact reinforce the negative stereotype for people who are into cars and bikes? Did you not read what Anthony posted before? IT DOES NOT MATTER IF THE SITE IS BEING WATCHED OR NOT. IF ILEGAL ACTIVITIES ARE SET UP ON HERE THE OWNERS OF THE SITE CAN BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE AND HAVE TO GIVE INFORMATION TO THE AUTHORITIES. What is so hard to understand about that? A good lawyer in a civil case would sue anybody and everybody that they could get money out of. Some retard goes out and kills 2 people in a race that was set up on here, guess who is to blame? Think about that for a second.
  8. wagner

    Phils life...

  9. We sold soooooo many of those things at the shop. Maybe I need to get rid of my ground based stuff and get some planes...
  10. wagner

    Phils life...

    You rock harder than Michael J Fox with a belly full of Red Bull and Stacker 2's
  11. What the hell did you get? I tried flying and smashed WAY to many on the simulator to try it for realz
  12. pull driveline, stick in small car, scare small children and old people?
  13. wagner

    Z faggot

    I have seen him out and he does not act like a ratard in public and seems ok. I just say he gets a GOOD name rape
  14. This right here is why our country is going down the drain. There is zero reason why in the age we are in now you should not have some idea on what is going on. Wow just wow...
  15. wagner

    Z faggot

    You are a true internet hero, you save a thread no matter the cost or odds.
  16. Very nice! My dad has a 67 Nova and my brother has a 71 Nova so I love a good clean Nova. We have these rules in place to keep most of the knuckle heads out.
  17. Please read and try again: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=61288
  18. They run it at the speed of smell, poor track prep, and the tech line is like the DMV. I have yet to be there for a public event that starts on time, hell they did not start our last rental on time. Oh well it is either that or drive an hour to the next closest track.
  19. I was thinking about going this friday too. Anymore I don't like going to trails since they run their program in such a poor way. I need more seast time before the NHRA race.
  20. Sorry I forgot you had post whored it up. And don't fucking call me Bro I hate that word more than fat chicks in spandex.
  22. Please read this and add some details: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=61288
  23. Please read this and try again: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=61288
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