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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Does the pope wear a funny hat? God, Guns, Guts, And Glory will be the slogan for the Pirate party.
  2. wagner

    Hey Bruh

  3. I don't understand some of the style things going on that is all. Each to their own and I am sure people said the same thing when the first straight axle appeared under a 55 chevy
  4. ......and roll it down a hill....
  5. You can be the brains and I will be the mouth. It worked for Bush right?
  6. Champion keyboard gladiators are not born, they are made! Just ask phil, tyler, or paul they are all going to try out for the 2014 keyboard gladiator wars.
  7. VW guys are into some weird ass shit! Great intro, great work on the cars. If it does not make it go faster or stop better it is useless...
  8. Would you like to run for office with me? I think we could fuck some shit up...
  9. We talked about the tax cuts thate are about to expire and that is going to suck. People need to wake up and see the fact that neither party really care about YOU. They care about keeping their useless asses in power and that is it. How hard is it to run for office? I would love to try and see what would happen if I ran on a no-bs real deal platform. How hard can it be? Most of what is going on makes no sense so how could I or anybody else do any worse?
  10. wagner


    Yes You are the 2nd most interesting man I know
  11. wagner


    Hwilli his shirts are to tight, his guitar is to loud, and his hair is to perfect.
  12. wagner

    Z faggot

    I now want to take this thread behind Wal-Mart and get it pregnant.
  13. http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/49/emo_wall.jpg
  14. I had some of the purple drank over at Howard's and ever since then I see sounds and hear colors. Phil I am going to paint my chest and come cheer you on so you can become a national champ again. Hell I might even start a web page to get you on the Heisman ballot.
  15. Is it weird when you are fuckin a midget with a very lazy eye and the yell DERP!!! really loud?
  16. The only nuts I swing on are my own, because if you swing on another man's nuts you are nothing but a dirty man kisser If I were you I would have made the shop pay to get that hood fixed since the damage happend while the car was at said shop, but that is just me.
  17. Dish it out but can't take it? Yes it was dark and that is always such a great time to put something on like a hood that needs to be straight. You are right why do something right when it can be done half ass and ghetto... wait for it... so i can be cool like phil.... moar dramatic pause hey look at the kitty! fag
  18. I about to do a BP style top kill and I might send you a pic because i am that nice
  19. Leanne works thru the staffing place Innosource (sp) and I have seen teh jobs online too
  20. Wife says BMW is hiring in their call center. It is just inbound customer calls and problem resolution.
  21. How about both are wrong? :gtfo: Why am I even fighting about this lol?
  22. He came out with a non-painted hood that looked like it was done in a dark parking lot by a bunch of retards, oh wait it was (me, you, tyler, scott).
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