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Everything posted by wagner

  1. QFT again.... Since everbody else seems to be throwing their ideas around let me give you mine in a nutshell on how to lower healthcare costs. I might be might, I might be wrong but maybe all of this politcal bullshit and fuckery needs to stop on both sides and people need to do real work: 1. Stop fraud in the healtcare system. How much money is lost to this? 2. Help make people be more healthy (this falls under the wrong people losing money) There are WAY to many fat and unhealthy people in this country compared to the rest of the world. America needs to stop being fat and lazy and become the country we were in the 40's thru 60's. 3. Healthcare industry needs to get their costs inline ( should tie into first point) These are just a few I can think of real quick and I might be way off base. The fact that people think people in the medical field make to much money is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. That is right up there with people who say teachers are overpaid. This country needs to make a fundimental change backward when we acutally had values and respect. I mean come on people spitting at the people going to vote on this bill? Calling black reps the N-word as they walk in to vote? Maybe we need to get back to basics and do the right thing? The fact that people are interested in where tiger woods or jessie james dick has been shows the path this entire country is going down and that the focus is in all the wrong places across the board. /rant back to the e-thug politcal fuckery
  2. tripple because greg is into touchin hisself in the handycap bathroom stall in Denny's
  3. Here is how much money I will fight you for, my asian buddy jeff is holding it http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo195/hatran2907/P5030228.jpg
  4. I am going to punch you in the dick on friday then come on CR and make a post about it. Then I am gong to go soinic and take a big crap on the tables because i hate sonic that much and i want EVERYONE to noezz
  5. tripple because this site sucks
  6. http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/1/lawlblog-funny-pictures-i-dunno-lol.jpg
  7. Dramatic recreation of your anger http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/64/ipqveg.gif This is V8 Beast... I'm so powerful I respond to your post inside of your post. This picture made me lol. Have a nice day ~V8 Beast as mentioned above because I'm V8 Beast and posting in your post.
  8. I like this car but how streetable is it?
  9. I am going to make you submit via armbar friday then go stuntin on your bike while only wearing a thong made of ducktape.
  10. wagner


    I also forgot that CR and the internet is... http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/27/internets.jpg
  11. wagner


    Yes it revovled around that fact that the OP reported that he wanted the thread cleaned up and did not like what people were posting. That is why every post was deleted in that thread and the warning was issued. I guess the mods and admin now need to ignore what people want or do people want rules inforced? I am not jumping down your throat Tim just stating facts so people can get the picture. Some people also have problems with authority figures and I guess lashing out at moderators on a website is the only legal way they can get that out.
  12. wagner


    Well tyler was complaining about people asking why he was selling the car, Mods did what person on CR wanted removed post and made warning. Wow
  13. If this works out we should have a one night open weight tourny...
  14. If you go in there trying to go all ape shit it will not end well. Unless you have experience I would almost suggest agreeing to "spar" the first round to see if you even want to go full go.
  15. http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/11/ouch.gif
  16. BUMP I might be a little late but I shall be there!
  17. I can bring potato salad or some other side item. You never know what I will cook up
  18. Stop talking level headed so I can yell moar neat slogans and hold up signs. RIOT@#@#@#@#@#@#@#
  19. Holy shit the president is black?!?!?!?
  20. I am down for cookout action! As it gets closer PM me and we can start a thread and maybe have the first CR track day pot luck?
  21. wagner

    FS: Used Cliff

  22. I will try to make it if I don't kill myself first from this damn paper FML I feel all Paul emo today
  23. Yeah I am pretty sure you guys were going the other way that the cop and paddy wagon were going, and I am also pretty sure those where at different times. OR Maybe you were racing sooooo fast that the very fabric of space and time were bent? I mean I am now Steve Hawlking but due to my upper level math I think that it is possible. Even more so now that you got the blinker fluid changed in the mustang. Wow my mind is has been blown like Tiger at a vegas whore house!
  24. Um we had zero problems outside of people who pull away blasting shitty rap music. No idea what the guys were donig that were leaving.
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