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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. Dtmbrian does tuning. I took my bike there, he did great. Im pretty sure he has his vehicle dyno running still.
  2. The owners manual for my bike said do not tow the bike or coast with it it in neutral while the bike is off. Other than a few yards. I believe it said this was because it has a cassette type transmission. I will double check and let you know.
  3. Anyone that's doing this planning on going to the easyrider show afterwards?
  4. cOoTeR

    Carry options

    I suggest a sub compact. I carry a kel-tec p3AT .380. Similar to the LCP its very small = comfortable + easily concealed. I've looked at the SR9c and it seems a little large for summer clothing concealment. On the other hand there have been times when I've carried my xd .45. Not impossible just noticeable.
  5. Greg go with this. It's the set dawn and I have. If you get it we can talk about brandon while were all riding and he won't have a clue lol. Bux nut which scala is it? We have the Q2. It's got Bluetooth, radio and 2-way communication to up to 4people.
  6. What state forest is that? I'm assuming its southern Ohio. If its an open invite I'd be interested. I haven't got a scope for it yet but I'd love to take my .308 AR-10 out for a good hunt.
  7. I just watched a show called The Wild Within. The host travels around and hunts. This episode was in Hawaii. The guy hunted octopus and killed it by biting its face. Then he did a deer hunt with a rifle. Then he went out and did a hog hunt using dogs. When the dogs got to the hogs he literally fought it to death with a knife. I would like to give that a try. Anyone know anyone that hunts hogs that way? I know it would probably have to be out of state but I would travel for a chance to do a hunt with a good hog dog team.
  8. I just watched a show on wild hogs on the discovery channel. These people were making a living hunting/trapping hogs. Now that looks like a blast, wish I could do that. I used to raise hogs for 4-H and did a little work on a small hog farm when I was younger. Domestic hogs are rough I could only imagine the rush of dealing with a wild one. Just thought I'd share that.
  9. I've seen what jagr will do with a knife to himself pulling flags off his bike. Let alone what he'd do to someone in a fight. I'd be worried.
  10. I'm down I need to see where my bikes at. See if there's any room for improvement.
  11. I'm interested to see these numbers. Make sure he blocks off the pairs valve before tuning it. Otherwise it will throw off the air fuel reading in the exhaust.
  12. 2nd dibs if jagr doesn't end up taking it
  13. Because we can. Just think of it as preventive maintenance.
  14. cOoTeR

    New Guy

    Welcome. Bout time you posted on here. Lol.
  15. The union isn't perfect but the amount they take for my dues is minimal compared to what a private corrections company takes for themselves.
  16. The union is gone once privatization comes in. The current employees may get a job offer but may not. The pay cut could be anywhere between 4-10 dollars per hour. Most will probably just jump on unemployment and look for a new job. The corrections officers pay a lot into taxes. Cutting pay results in less taxes being payed. It's a band-aid fix where stitches are required. The new governor worked for Lehman (sp) brothers a business that failed. Now he wants to run a state as a business. Sounds dumb to me. The only people who are going to benefit from his plans are rich business men.
  17. How can you say corrections isnt law enforcement? Police catch people and enforce laws by sending said people to court. At court a judge enforces laws by sentencing people. The worst of criminals are sentenced to prison. Without corrections this cannot happen. Therefore the most important laws can't be enforced. How much would it cost for you to risk your life a minimum of 40hrs a week, telling felons what to do? Just because they are in prison doesn't mean they quit breaking laws and are well behaved. Contrary to popular belief they are out of their cells most of the day. The state needs to do away with dumb policies that cost money. The problem isn't in the labor. It's in the policies that dictate spending. We pay the inmates. WTF is up with that? When buying supplies the state can only get them from contracted suppliers who charge crazy amounts of money for stuff. Inmate health care is insane they pay $3 for anything they need done. The state covers the bill. Think about the cost 1 aids patient costs the state. The list goes on.
  18. When the state privatizes it pays the companies that take over with taxes. It doesn't create jobs it destroys them. Prisons for example how can a company "business" make money without a profit making product. A private prison comes in charges the state "x" amount of dollars per employee but pays said employee a lot less. Also the private companies have shitty benefits. Top out pay for CCA (corrections corporation America) is 13 dollars an hour after 20+ years of service. Starting pay is less than a lot of fast food restaurants. Do you really want the kid working the drive through window making sure those crazy rapist murders don't get out? If you think cutting law enforcement fire and corrections budgets is good, I hope your family gets raped by a nut case that burns your house with you in it crippling you. Then the fire department takes forever to get there due to poor equipment. The cops don't find the guy for years then after they do he escapes from prison due to underpaid officers not caring. Bet you would have wished the quality of law enforcement + fire and corrections was better.
  19. cOoTeR

    Full Size Carry

    I used to carry my xd-45 but its a little too bulky. Now most of the time I carry my p3at kel-tech. But it depends on my mood. Nice having options.
  20. Please explain how Cleveland streets are better for bikes? What bikes, bmx? Better than what streets? The roads in India? Take your bike to 555 in south east Ohio and tell me what you think of that route? Riding in the city sucks.
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