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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. The second story is from London rider from Springfield. Keny rd is literally right behind my work. I drive on it a lot there's some curves but nothing crazy. Speed limit is 35mph. RIP riders. Guys and girls please keep it in mind the dangers of riding a motorcycle and don't raise the stakes by riding irresponsibly. It's early in the season the roads are dirty take your time so we can ride the rest of the season. Make sure your bike is well maintained. Be safe yall.
  2. Buy a prius it hauls and makes chicks think you care about the environment. Way better than pulling a trailer.
  3. I'm not a fan of large group rides. There are too many variables that are out of my control. The exception to this is rides that are for a cause. They tend to be more organized and have less morons to avoid (in my opinion). I prefer groups of 6 or less. How I ride depends on who, where, and how. The location / road determines how much I'm willing to push it. If there is more people the less I push it. The who is the others I'm with and the how is their style ability skill and comfort. I prefer to ride in the back. If the other riders are new I'm not pushing them and can give them some pointers. If they are more confident riders I don't want them to feel I'm in their way and will let them take off. If I've ridden with a rider for a while and we know what to expect from each others style I may push it a little more. I had a friend that I used to ride with a lot we would do things that I would call stupid near other people. But we were both comfortable with riding a little faster. If one of us felt uncomfortable we would back off we wouldn't play the chase the fastest rider game. I never push it while riding with a passenger. Just a rule I have for myself. By myself I occasionally ride "like a dumbass" but never around others.
  4. Congrats. I read in here that you flew into Delaware. If so chances are you flew right over my house. I have a buddy from work that's doing that pilot stuff outta osu and flys out this way a lot.
  5. That sounds like a good idea but is roosters going to be a large enough venue? Maybe we should choose a place with more seats or a party room. Or we could order carry out and go pick it up. Should be interesting to see people juggling wings and trying to control their bike through Broad street traffic.
  6. I really drive a pimp prius. It's totally for the gas mileage and the comforts. Nothing to do with saving trees, just money.
  7. I would totally be interested in this and the subs, but I have no clue how to install it in my prius without replacing the kickass stock head unit. If anyone knows away I can keep all the gadgets and install this without spending a lot please let me know.GLWS.
  8. Does that shop manual cover the 1000rr? If so I will pm you my e-mail. Yeah it was laid down, I low sided at the track. I used the liquid gasket that it required which is a pain. I'm pretty sure I over tightened one of the bolts. Because I was talking while doing it and not paying attention to the torquewrench and it clicked over a couple times before I realized it. But if its mainly an oil change I can try to redo it. I thought there was more to the service than that so why not have them take a look while they (a mechanic) serviced it.
  9. I'm passed due for my 8,000mi service I'm at approx. 8,350 on my 07 cbr. Anyone have a suggestion of a good shop to take it to that isn't to expensive but knows what they are doing? Also I've got a leak from my stator cover I think it was over tightened when it was replaced. I need that looked at also.
  10. I'm gonna guess something to kick sidewayz and do 135mph.
  11. Most are covered in gravel.
  12. cOoTeR

    Senate Bill 5

    I figured you were. I don't think politicians should be payed more than our military. Or they (politicians) should at least take a pay cut during times when military personnel are in combat zones. Bet they would think harder about when they send our men and women over seas.
  13. Found another place. The ride there isn't the greatest. The only way I know how to get there is a lot of time on the highway. It's Melt Bar and Grilled in Cleveland Ohio. They specialize in grilled cheese its delicious. The wait for a table and food can take a while but there is a lot of good looking waitresses to look at. I'm not talking hooters or roosters good looking I'm talking suicide girls good looking. Most of the staff is tatted up with some nice looking work. The decoration style is interesting. While I was there they were playing the holy grail. The sandwiches are amazing. I ordered the fat city burger it was a burger with ham salami and some other meats in the middle of a grilled cheese sandwich. Check em out at meltbarandgrilled.com Edit: Oh yeah and they have an eating challenge.
  14. Hmm I was traveling down s. Sectionline today about 4:30. There was a county deputy that pulled a u-turn in front of me took off like a bat outta Hell and turned into 36 and went that way.
  15. cOoTeR

    Senate Bill 5

    Same could be said about the military.
  16. cOoTeR

    Senate Bill 5

    The main reasons I see with this would be the state gets intrest off off the money that I get back. Like jrmmiii pointed out. Also everyone has different tax amounts to pay. To have a department to check what everyone should get taken from their check and update changes (like marriage/child birth), would cost more money. We also pay taxes into our local communities to pay for schools roads and other local things. I live in a county different from where I work my county really benefits from my tax dollars since I make it in another county. Plus the federal taxes we pay. If we did not pay taxes then people could say look at those state employees they don't pay taxes and be telling the truth. If there are state workers in your county that also helps you since they pay taxes it helps to keep the amount you pay from going up.
  17. cOoTeR

    Senate Bill 5

    Thank you. He is doing a little better last I heard he is talking but his brain is still swelled up.
  18. cOoTeR

    Senate Bill 5

    So since I'm employed by the state my tax dollars don't matter? What do you think is a fair income + benefits for a state employee like myself that risks my life daily? If my tax dollars don't matter why should I have to pay taxes? We not only pay taxes on our income but on the things we buy. We pay no less then then non-state employees in taxes.
  19. cOoTeR

    Senate Bill 5

    If I wanted to be a cop I would have went to be a cop. Sitting in the "cage" at osu sucks. It's a waste of man power. When I went into work this morning I got some horrible news. One of our third shift officers got assaulted last night. Now he is in an ICU with swelling of the brain. Are the benefits that everyone claims are so great worth that?
  20. cOoTeR

    Senate Bill 5

    I'm not sure what your getting at. But I applied took a some tests (physical, psych, and aptitude). I then did an interview then later a drug test. I then went through the academy and graduated. After that I did 2 weeks on the job training followed by a year of probation. I've worked hard and continued with my training. Now I am a certified corrections officer, not a guard. Guards work cross walks and malls not prisons. I participate in several extra assignments such as being a mentor (trainer) for the on the job training program. I take pride in my job and doing my job well.
  21. cOoTeR

    Senate Bill 5

    I will address most of this later as I'm about to walk into work. But senator Jones and a majority of the proponents for sb5 I heard speak at the state house. Have all stated that public employees should be paid less because they make more than private sector employees. Based on a biased study.
  22. cOoTeR

    Senate Bill 5

    I'm not asking for a raise I just want to be left alone and not be portrayed as a threat to the economy. I think its a little messed up that politicians claim I'm over paid but have no problem with able bodied people on welfare that do not work or contribute to society. I understand that there are people who need assistance but there are many that don't. I feel that one should be drug tested to receive benefits. We have injured vets that struggle to make ends meet while we pay gangbangers to be unemployed.
  23. cOoTeR

    Senate Bill 5

    Merit based pay also is difficult in most public employment. In a job with no actual product just a service how do you determine merit. For teachers? By students test scores? That just opens the door for them to make class work easier. What about special ed? Their students are bound to have lower test scores. Gym teachers? They can't help if a kids parents have guided him/her into an unhealthy lifestyle. Fire fighters? By the amount of fires they fight? How many times they risk their life? Police by the tickets and arrests? Everyone needs to straighten up if that's the case because they will start nit-picking every little violation. Or corrections officers? By the amount of inmates we keep inside the fence? Merit based pay opens the door for favoritism and ethics issues. Not to mention the lawsuits based on claims of favoritism and ethics violations.
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