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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. cOoTeR

    Senate Bill 5

    Why I'm angry is I not only work my butt off everyday I also am risking my life everyday. I made $38,000 last year and that's including the overtime I worked. I go into a very hostile environment and tell the people that refused to follow the rules of society to follow the rules of prison. Contrary to popular belief inmates do not stop being criminals just because they are locked up. They break rules and laws while in prison. They are not locked in a cell all day. Most of the day they hang out in the dayroom or out on the yard. They become violent over the dumbest reasons. When that happens I have to put myself in harms way to control the situation. Myself and fellow officers do not carry weapons of any kind. We are greatly out numbered about 50 officers on my shift to the 2500 inmates. It's a very dangerous place that most people spend their entire life trying to avoid. I walk in and do a damn good job for and average wage. Most people on here would never go into the bad side of town or the "hood" but think I should not have a union to help me try to make the best of my work conditions. I get an average wage but politicians make a lot more and think I should get less. Salary of Speaker of the House...$223,500. Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders...$193,400. Average US Salary...$33,000 to $77,000 Maybe our elected officials should make an average salary too. Our union does a lot more than people think. It keeps the state out of court by helping resolve issues before they go to court. If an employee feels the employer (the state) by way of its supervisors or other means is doing something wrong they file a grievance and work it out. Instead of getting a lawyer and going to court. If an inmate claims I've done him wrong the state has to investigate that. Without a union to sit in with me during an investigation the state would need to provide me with a lawyer until they found that I was not working within the policies of my job. The union official that sits in saves the state from having to pay for legal council. They help mandate the ratio of officers to inmates. The list goes on but I'm not going to type all day. People keep saying were unionizing against tax payers, we are tax payers. Cut our income you cut the taxes we pay therefore the state will have less money in its budget for the next go around. Eventually the taxes for everyone will go up.
  2. cOoTeR

    Senate Bill 5

    Total bullshit how they pulled sen. Seitz off the committee to get the vote they wanted. Everyone should learn how to do everything they like public service employees doing for them. Once the wage cuts come around most of us are going to leave town for better pay. When you get pulled over by the kid working McDonald's drive thru this week that will be a policeman when the cuts come. Remember its because of this bill. Most people with integrity will not stick around and risk their safety for less then they are paid now. This bill is going to destroy the economy that Ohio has barely hanging on. If the largest employer in the state cuts pay across the board who's going to spend money at the small shops.
  3. Well I've dabbled into making some cheap homemade wine. I made 3 gallons one was ok, the 2nd was great and the third was horrible. Today I just mixed up a new recipe for honey wine aka mead. It will be at least 30 days till its ready. I was just wondering if anyone else on here has tried to make homemade brew? What have been your experiences?
  4. Facebook sounds like a name a pornstar would use.
  5. cOoTeR

    New Guy

    That is pretty sweet.
  6. May have an interest in these what are you looking to get out of them? How much is the 750 takin apart? Like individual parts or just sections of it.
  7. cOoTeR

    Senate Bill 5

    What threat I just asked for your address. Mainly to show a point that most people refuse to deal with the things state employees deal with daily.
  8. cOoTeR

    Senate Bill 5

    Guess as a corrections officer I'm not important enough for you. Can I get your address so when my pay is cut and my insurance goes up or the state privatizes the prisons. I can give the rapist murders and thieves your info so they can thank you for supporting senate bill 5 and running the good staff members out to other jobs making it easier for them to escape. As a union employee we have the right to enroll in fair share and send our dues to a charity instead of the union. Then we can claim it on our taxes. Me personally I don't mind paying the $450. A year in dues to the union. That's better then losing most of my pay and benefits. Being able to be mandated to work more then 16hrs straight without 8 off afterwards. Not being able to have set days off. Being a victim of favoritism of our supervisors. There is a lot more things the union does for me so I don't care what they think of me. How would merit base pay work for myself firefighters police and teachers? We don't put out a product just a service. How well one does a service is a matter of opinion. That opens the door for favoritism and ethics violations. Everyone keeps bringing up the pensions. That's not part of my contract the union has nothing to do with that. That was set by separate legislation. Don't forget kasich took a lot of the people in charge of Ohios pension system and convinced them to invest in the company he worked for. A company that then went under and said screw you to all its investors. But somehow he still has a fat bank account. He wants Ohio to switch to 401k to help his wall street friends out. Unions didn't create the deficit and getting rid of them won't fix it. Everyone I work with is willing to and has been taking concessions for years to help the state. I lost 10 days of pay this year and last because the state said that would save money. I also lost 32 hours of time off. Management pretty much got everything it asked for of us on this contract. So its a load of crap that the state says the unions don't negotiate. Getting rid of the unions is just another way to get rid of the middle class. State senators make almost double what I make and their health care is paid 100% for life. Why should they get better living then those that educated them or risk their life daily for them. Any politician that thinks our pay is too much shouldn't get paid more then the men and women on the front lines of our military. This bill just pushes the upper class higher above the middle class by stepping on the throats of the working class. If we get paid less that's less tax money going into the budget creating more of a deficit. Who's going to pay for that?
  9. cOoTeR

    Senate Bill 5

    I was at the state house Tuesday while the proponents got to testify their thoughts. Most of them said they were for unions they just wanted more power in negotiating. Most of the issues I heard them complain about were things they could have negotiated for but didn't. My advice is if this passes buy a lot of guns + ammo, a firehose and learn as much medical stuff you can. I know myself and other civil service employees are not going to deal with the stress of our jobs with a significant decrease in pay or increase in health costs. All your going to be left with is people with less quality and integrity to save your butt when you need it.
  10. Might want to look into getting a custom tune done on a dyno. Maybe come out to the April dyno day and see if its off.
  11. Where did you get the tune for your pc?
  12. I have an Atomic fang face snowboard for sale size 161. The board has the beveled sides so its more responsive than the standard edged boards. It has metallic flake paint so it changes color depending on the angle and light when you look at it. It comes with a set of K2 Clicker bindings and boots. I think the boots are size ten. The set up also comes with a Burton board bag. I'm not really pressed to sell it so the price is solid at $500 cash. If your interested I can also throw in a $50 gift card to mad river. The reason I'm selling the stuff is I'm trying to get a federal job and can't afford to get injured. The board is sitting around. I can't upload pictures to here if you pm me I can text or email some pics.
  13. That was brandon115 his reality name is Brandon. He doesn't post on here a lot.
  14. I try to make it out when I can. Most of the time I work Tues-Sat 2nd shift so it can make it a pain to schedule fun stuff. It was nice seeing yall. We had fun.
  15. cOoTeR

    pc3 ?

    Cool thanks guys.
  16. cOoTeR

    pc3 ?

    I took the battery out of my bike and brought it inside to protect it from the cold. I have a custom map on it done by dtm Brian. My question is will the pc3 still have the map on it since the battery has been removed?
  17. cOoTeR


    Welcome to the site. Don't worry about riding too slow. If your riding out of your comfort level that means you might be riding out of your skill level. Take your time and learn at your pace. Good luck.
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