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Everything posted by cOoTeR
Where does it say it was ruled a homicide? There were more videos that the grand jury saw that detailed more details of the incident showing more to the story than what the media showed. I love how you keep ignoring all the logical details magley64. If you can talk you can breath. Are you denying that? To go with your hypothetical bs let's make it more logical. If I was trespassing on your property and refused to leave so you threatened me with a knife to leave. Instead of leaving I decide to fight with you. In the process you take me down to the ground and I get cut by something I land on or hit my head on and bleed to death due to blood thinners. Do you think you would be guilty of homicide? Probably not because everything that happened was a result of my actions. Garner was not choked. The medical examiner never said he was choked. He could talk the whole time. I'll ask you again. Do you think you can talk while being choked? Go ahead and continue to ignore facts and logic and prove that you are only continuing to be a troll.
Ruled a homicide by who? You? There was no indictment for the officers so it wasn't ruled a homicide. I'm not the one twisting anything you are. It's a fact Garner was able to talk the entire time proving he could breath and was not being choked. Are you really trying to say that it is possible to talk when you can't breath.
You are ignoring 3/4 of your own quote."The medical examiner said compression of the neck (Notice it does not say throat or trachea) and chest, along with Garner's positioning on the ground while being restrained by police (He was positioned on the ground because that is the position people are placed in when police are trying to control them during an arrest. By resisting Garner caused the cops to have to place him in said position in order to gain control of him. It's his fault he was placed in that position.) during the July 17 stop on Staten Island, CAUSED HIS DEATH. >>>Garner's acute and chronic bronchial asthma, obesity and hypertensive cardiovascular disease were CONTRIBUTING FACTORS,<<<< (Look here. Had he died from being choked to death these would not have contributed. A healthy person would have survived the same situation as long as they didn't have these health issues that contributed to his death. ) the medical examiner determined." choked chok·ing transitive verb 1 :to check or block normal breathing of by compressing or obstructing the trachea or by poisoning or adulterating available air 2 a :to check or hinder the growth, development, or activity of <the flowers were choked by the weeds> b :to obstruct by filling up or clogging <leaves choked the drain> c :to fill completely :jam <roads choked with traffic> Had he died from being choked he would have died while being choked. Not minutes later after the cops had him in handcuffs and we're no longer touching him. He would not have been able to breath and talk the entire time. Had he died from cooking the medical examiner would have stated something along the lines of strangulation or asphyxiation. Yet neither strangulation or asphyxiation were listed as contributing factors. What did the grand jury decide on this car?
He was not choked to death as the autopsy showed it was heart failure. That has no relation to being choked bit it does come as a result of physical exertion while in poor health. Garner chose to resist and physically exert himself beyond what his body could handle. He brought on his own death. Also when being choked to the point of asphyxiation like you are alleging happened you cannot talk or breath. Garner was talking and saying he couldn't breath which contradicts his statement that he couldn't breath and proves he wasn't choked to death.
So you wouldn't say the shop owner that called the cops wasn't a victim? People were buying the illegal cigarettes from Gamer instead of the store he's losing money. Laws are laws whether you ashe worth them or not. If he was out there selling moonshine it'd be the same. Loitering is also a crime that he was committing. Most places you need a permit to sell things on the street sick as a vendors license. All that then being uncooperative would lead to an arrest for pretty much anyone. If he was right and felt he was in the right he should have complied then fought it in court or worth a law suit. There are plenty of lawyers looking to make a name for them self by winning a law suit against law enforcement that would take the case for free and a cut off any money awarded. But instead he chose to resist and fight resulting in him dying due to his poor health.
But police are called when local punks are loitering in front of stores selling things illegally.
http://nationalreport.net/kurt-sutter-negotiating-sequel-sons-anarchy/ An interesting article if true. Not to sue of the legitimacy of the source.
This he was eliminating anything that could glorify being in the club. He wanted his sons to see the club add the worst thing ever.
http://conservativetribune.com/new-documents-michael-brown/ "The most important finding, however, came after medical examiners conducted a detailed analysis of Brown’s hands. They found a “strong likelihood of the presence of soot” which indicates that the man’s hands were extremely close to a firearm when it was fired. That fact matches Wilson’s account. He testified that there was a struggle over his handgun and that Brown was trying to take control of the gun when the first shot went off. There’s even more evidence that backs up Wilson’s version of events. Investigators found Brown’s blood on his own hands, and also on the inside of the police vehicle’s door. This would be next to impossible unless Brown had purposely reached inside the police car and assaulted the officer, just as Wilson described."
Somewhat back on topic. I saw this video and found it interesting. Im not to sure of the authenticity of the person that is supposedly micheal brown being him because this is the internet and all. But if it is him it shows what a sweet innocent caring member of society he was.Michael Brown Criminally Assaults and Robs an Old…: http://youtu.be/Sn2eDyaq3mQ
The 2011+ zx10r has the turn signal mirrors stock. Not sure if you can make those fit some how.
So you are assuming that the cops knew his exact location when they pulled up? Also when they stopped the kid was on the other side of the gazebo/shelter house and approached them. The fact remains the kid started all of the situation and his actions lead to his death. You keep saying how bad Cleveland Police are, what have they done to you? I've been to Cleveland a lot and have never had a problem with the police. I'm guessing the biggest part of that is I don't break the freaking law. The solution is simple don't break the law and you won't have to worry about how mean the police are. If more people obeyed the law there would be less of a need for the police=less police to worry about. But we live in a world where people can't refrain from screwing with other people.
So the Ohio attorney general and the Federal Attorney General both say the Cleveland PD is "fucked up"? What have they done to fix the issues? What law suites have been filed against them to weed out the problem causers? If they are as evil as you say why isnt anything being done about it? Or is it just more stuff being trumped up by the media leaving out details to sway an opinion?
Wasn't It reported that when he was shot the gun landed beside him? Leads me to believe it was being removed from his waistband. It was reported that the kid had a gun in his waistband. Possibly visible maybe not but regardless the cops are going to react as if there is a gun where it was reported to be. Reaching towards that area especially while being told to do something else shows intent. The three factors used to determine if a use of deadly force self defense is justifiable are Means opportunity and intent. Means, the cops received information he had a gun so it is reasonable for the cops to believe he had the means to cause death. Opportunity, the cops were within firing range. Intent not putting his hands up and possibly moving his hands towards a go shows intent to not comply and possibly use the firearm. Waiting until the weapon is drawn could cost the cops their life.
I'm sure you can do a better job with how awesome your armchair quarterbacking skills are. Why don't you become a cop make the world a better place.
In a life or death situation the police have to factor in the threat to their life first. 12 years old is a considered a young adult. Old enough to be tried for murder. Old enough to kill someone. The cops don't have time to get an exact age when they arrive. The person's size is the factor they are going off of more than age. A person's of a younger ashe can still be a threat when equipped with a gun. That's the factor to go on. The cops had no way of knowing the gun was fake until it gets into their hands. They had reason to believe it was real and have to side with caution when approaching a person with a gun. They are going to believe it's real until they see otherwise regardless of whose holding it. You can't put it out that a person can't defend themselves from a person with a gun if they are under a certain age.
I agree it's a shitty position to be in but I dont think that the cops intentionally pulled right up to the kid. Why would they do that on purpose? It seems more logical that they were rising in and looked over and saw him in a shit he's right there moment. The trigger happy cop as you call him wouldn't have made a mistake as you see it if the kid did not lead people to believe he had a gun, caused enough concern to have someone call the cops, approached the cops when they arrived and disobeyed what the cops told him to do. The cop is obligated to respond and protect themselves. The kid chose his own fate simple as that. If I acted the same way I would expect to be shot also. Don't give me that crap that 12 isn't old enough to know better because of you don't know not to screw around with people holding guns at age 12 you probably can't function on your own.
The cops were told the guy had a gun and he was pointing it at people. They don't need to see him doing it to reasonably believe he had a gun and was using it in an aggressive manner. It doesn't take 2 seconds to put your hands up and comply. It also doesn't take 2 seconds to draw a weapon and fire multiple rounds. Watching the video you can also see that the kid immediately starts heading towards the cop car at what appears to be a rapid speed. Which in anyone else's eyes especially the cops could be seen as an aggressive action. Your opinion is only that an opinion. The kid created the circumstances that lead to his death, not the cops. A couple things we do know from the video are the kid approached the cops and he didn't obviously did not have his hands up/away from the suspected weapon. We don't know what was said or if he was moving towards the suspected weapon. Being white or black does not change any of this. If a white kid acted the same it would most likely be the same result. Waiting for him to pull the suspected weapon out against what they told him to do could get them killed.
You're assuming that the cops knew he was there as they approached. It's very possible they were heading to swing set that the caller stated he was at in the 911 call when they saw him. Also a car door will not stop most rounds out of a firearm regardless of what you've seen in the movies. But if they saw the suspect and pulled right up to him I agree that was a bone head move. The call I heard said he didn't know if it was fake or not and he was across the parking lot. Furthermore you've stated that is impossible to quickly judge if a gun is fake or not. How do you know there was no one within shooting distance? So the cops should waitb until someone else is there before going in to find out what's going on? The cops were there because someone thought he possibly had a real gun based on the 911 caller. So they were also in danger and had reason to believe the kid had a gun. What facts do you have showing that the cop shot him because he was prejudice? Unarmed does not mean harmless especially when the subject is bigger than Brock Lesnar. Pointing a gun at people walking by in a park is not showing off a new toy. It is threatening people with what appears to be a deadly weapon. Are you saying a 12 year old is less deadly with a weapon. Also I missed the part where the cops had a chance to get an ID from him to find out his age.
I see all these suicides by jumping off buildings. I have to wonder how many regret their decision before hitting the ground? I'm scared of heights and every time I've jumped off of a significant height into water (really high diving boards, bridges or cliffs) I freak out for a second and wish I hadn't jumped off that. I could only imagine the thought of jumping on to a solid surface. Especially with the way adrenaline seems too slow everything down. I put jumping off a building up there with as smart as lighting oneself on fire or trying to freeze oneself to death.
The Scala and sena are good options of you rode with other people that are willing to get them. Makes it easier to decide when and where to stop for food gas etc. and point out road hazards.
Magz keeps going to the within seconds comment. A lot can happen in a matter of seconds. Watching the video out its horrible to try to get an idea of what happened. It's recording like a strobe light. Also is a good idea to listen to the 911 call. The guy says there's a guy at the park pointing a gun at people when they walk by scaring the shit out of them. That is beyond "playing" with a toy gun. That's threatening people with a toy gun. It's not like this kid was running around with other kids making bang noises with other kids. If you go into a bank and rob it with a toy gun or even imply that you have a gun you get gun charges on top of the bank robbery charges. For all these cops knew this guy was threatening people with a gun then didn't comply with their orders. They are going to keep themselves safe first. The actions the kid made instead of complying are why he got shot, not his race.
If he wasn't on the play ground with a toy gun that looked close enough to a real gun causing someone to call the cops he'd be alive. Why would race factor in? Are you saying if it were a black cop the kid would be alive? The assumption that the cops would have acted differently if the kid were white is absurd. Especially in today's day and age where kids are killing other kids at school. Do you have any example of a similar incident where it was a white kid doing the same thing and not getting shot?
In all of these cases the media makes it look like race was the only factor in what caused the police to do the things they did and people are dumb enough to believe it. But in reality I doubt it factored in at all. I believe the results would have been the same if it were any other combination of race involved. What happened to all these people who died were all a result of their actions with the police officers. Had they complied they would have not had any trouble. It was an assumption of risk on their part to not comply.
Never had a wired system before. I have had a Scala two way/fm radio/blue tooth. It worked great until I put one in my wife's helmet. Found out she could nag even on a bike ride. I'm just kidding it was a good add on. Was able to say stuff like oh that's cool look over there instead of did you see that cool thing 100miles back? Took away the stupid need for playing guess the hand signal. Plus was able to make phone calls while riding. I have always been skeptical about having my head tethered to a 400lb+ missile.