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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. The thieves don't know the see a bike that appears to be fast and think dollar signs.
  2. Don't you mean the bike goes left? If you point the front wheel right the bike goes the opposite direction, hence the counter in counter steer. The easiest way to experience and grasp the idea is to be in an open area where you can get a little speed. Get up to a decent speed only hold the left handle bar (so you don't manipulate the throttle by accident). Only holding one bar let's your brain register what's happening. Gently and evenly apply a forward slight pressure to the bar you notice the bike starts to lean and go slight left. The more you push the farther / harder it will go left. It doesn't take much. Then straighten up and pull the left bar towards you in the same gentle manner. You'll notice the bike goes right.
  3. Does that mean your thinking about buying a stolen bike?
  4. You were out riding again without working signals? Dude your a freaking rock.
  5. It doesn't work for you because you can't ride.
  6. So you were riding without turn signals? You must be an expert.
  7. He doesn't have any road rash because he just fell over at 10mph.
  8. This is my point you already know too much to be helped. You claim you can ride a bike because you made it 600 total miles? DUDE YOU WRECKED GOING 10MPH! YOU DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CLUE! But hey keep doing what your doing I tried to help the best I can. Unless you come out to Arizona I can't give you any more help. When you go and mess yourself up my conscience is clear.
  9. Here's what's up the guys on here are worried by you ignorance. All you've done is show you have no clue about riding. Everyone is trying to decifer what your talking about and give you advice so the next time won't be worse. You think you know more than you actually do and that's where it gets dangerous. We don't won't you to get fucked up that's why everyone is trying to give you advice but its seeming pointless. If you've ever been tasked with training a new person at work you may know how this feels to us. You get the new guy and start telling him the things you've learned through years of experience and they continue to say "i know". At first you think this guys pretty squared away then after awhile you realize they think they know more and aren't listening to what your saying. Your next wreck is going to be worse get yourself educated or stay off the bike. Please we really hate hearing about riders who get hurt.
  10. Will this be televised? We should have abdecal make a couple of stickers that say dick squeezers and see if he'll let us sponser him on his bike.
  11. Yeah I'm done here. Said my part but it has either fallen on deaf ears or been misunderstood then brought up later.
  12. Yeah I'd like to think that but that would mean this guy is helmet special.
  13. I used to work in a prison that shit happens more than you'd believe.
  14. Something seems off about this. Either this guy pissed some people on his side off and is turning himself in just to be protected. Or they are upto something like he's actually infected with some super virus.
  15. This was my original statement that started the debate above. The biggest point was the last line. Check out what I stated in the parentheses in the first line. The tires on the ninja 250 are a hard compound made for durability the tires on the GP125's are race tires made to stick and have better traction. If tires don't matter why do guys who ride hard spend the money on q2's when avons are so much cheaper. What a person can do on a bike is based on their abilities and the capabilities of the machine. With his abilities + his machine he won't be able to do what an intermediate rider can do on a superior machine. I never said that no rider could out perform someone while on a lesser machine. Are you saying that the same rider can corner equally as well on the ninja 250 with hard tires as a a cbr with a good set of tires? If you ran a ninja 250 down the straight at mid-ohio would you enter the shicane (how ever you spell it) / s curve at the same speed as on a cbr if the both had the tires recommended from the factory? I'm not talking about the speed of the bikes on the straight but after braking.
  16. Also after reading the web page you linked to I think your confused about the 100 miles as it pertains to Border Patrols authority to search. Border Patrol can perform a search with reasonable suspicion with in 100 miles of the border. Beyond that they can perform searches with Probable Cause or perform a Terry Frisk for safety. There isn't a distance limit on the Border Patrols arrest authority within the United States.
  17. You are confused sir. ICE and CBP are two different things. CBP is Customs and Border Patrol. Customs Officers are the guys at the ports of entry and what is known as the Functional Equivalent of the Border (International Airports). Border Patrol works between the ports of entry. ICE is Immigration and Customs Enforcement. They deal with the people who have gotten past the Border Patrol and Customs And those that have violated their legal status and are going to be deported. Your a little confused about the 100 miles a person found in the United States illegally can be removed from the country without a hearing with a judge if caught within 100miles of the border and has been in the country less than 25 days. It is policy (not law) that someone caught within 100 miles that is here illegally within 15 days sees a judge prior to their removal. You should check out the distance of the Casa Grande Border Patrol Station from the border. If you have access check out the area of responsibility for the Casa Grande or Willcox Border Patrol Station. I know a little bit about this stuff, trust me.
  18. You may wanna drop the $$ and have Brian do a custom tune for ya I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
  19. AHH shit we found what the hussle is here.
  20. I know what a klr is I asked you for advice a few weeks ago when I was thinking of buying one. Your comparing a dirt bike which is also designed to corner super well to a bike that's a few steps away from being a scooter. The track video I doubt the guy was running a hard compound tire designed for commuting like the tire found on the ninja 250. I could corner great on a cruiser or sport bike but on the cruiser it was no where near as easy or fast as on my cbr. Now I'm on a klx450 and I can't corner it nearly as well as the cbr. The cbr was simple to learn great cornering on. The klx is was different not that it can't be done but I doubt ill ever be able to corner the klx the same as the cbr. Especially with out the softer tires on it. Yes experience has a lot to do with it but the bike your on determines its limits. My main point I was trying to make was you had a rider with basically 0 experience riding with a rider with more experience. The more experienced rider was on a bike built to race and the less experienced rider on a bike that is designed to introduce a person to riding or for use as a fuel efficient vehicle. You can't expect both to be able to do the same things. Put a rider with a decent amount of experience on these two bikes and i'd put my money on their cornering (the rider) will be better on the cbr. There is no way the tire on the 250 will stick the same as on the cbr rr. So you can push the cbr a lot harder than the 250 ninja. Yes YOU may be able to out corner several people on sport bikes while on a dirt machine. But can you honestly say that if you were on a sportbike it would corner the same as your Dl? When comparing things you need a constant or a control if comparing 2 riders to get an accurate comparison they'd need the same bike. If comparing 2 bikes you would need an equally skilled rider or the same rider. Otherwise its an apples to oranges comparison.
  21. After you get into a routine you should be painfully sore after the work outs. Normally for me after the first week I don't get sore anymore.
  22. My guess would be doesn't know how to counter steer and also grabbed a handful of front brake. Bike slid on its rightside in a left hand turn. That's a high side technically, right?
  23. You need to learn to match engine and tire speed (proper shifting). As far as the other bikes making it look easy ( I don't think it applies here so much but for the future) your bike isn't really a sport bike. Not trying to be mean but as far as handling goes especially with stock tires it won't stick like a ninja 600 or cbr. I don't know what the suspension on your bike is like but I would guess its slightly lacking. So don't base yours and your bikes abilities off of what other people can do.
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