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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. My guess would be needs a proper tune. Go to the dyno day tomorrow and confirm. Then schedule an appointment with DTMbrian to get the best tune possible.
  2. Did you do the MSF course or just test?
  3. It'll really screw up a thiefs get away especially if they don't know about GP shift.
  4. A sport bike is def. Easier to take it on than a cruiser as long as you can operate the clutch.
  5. Talk to the Delaware BMV. If you don't have luck there try to walk into one of the MSF classes on one of the weekends your home.
  6. Firing a shot fun with a regular stock one handed is pretty easy. You stretch your arm out and do the gangsta tilt with it so that the stock rests on your forearm and it fires fine.
  7. 1. I agree with the knoxx stock. 2. No opinion. 3. Just remember a flashlight makes a great target if you don't know how to flip it on and off and move appropriately.
  8. Other than being drunk and on a public road I don't see anything wrong. Not any worse then when I was a kid and we would drag each other behind a three wheeler on whatever we could find.
  9. I'm pretty sure its mostly mental at the street level.
  10. Those are real winners! :D:rolleyes: The guy in the middle looks a little like the James kid from Ax Men.
  11. Dumb to go back maybe. But this chick just ruined her life and he's probably going to be getting a nice chunk of money. Sounds like this guys gonna be a toothless winner.
  12. So your saying that if a shooter points a gun at someone else and I'm there legally with my gun I have to retreat? That is not what it means otherwise the protect others part is impossible! If the person being attacked has the means to escape then you can't shoot. But how many people do you know that can out run (escape) a slug or shot fired from a shotgun?
  13. Last time I was there it was separate.
  14. You guys shoulda invited him to the dyno day. I wanna know how much power that things putting out. Lol.
  15. Yes you can last time I checked they go with ihra rules for gear. Your bikes listed above I believe will need cut off switches if you fall off. I think you will need gloves boots and protective jacket maybe pants. It all depends on how fast you run.
  16. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IyZ8w9-7exA
  17. cOoTeR


    Yeah but the roads aren't as nice. If I wanna find some good curves I need to go up into the mountains but I'm not to sure if I'm ready to take the bike that far yet. Not too sure about the reliability.
  18. cOoTeR


    Here's the build thread with pics I hope they aren't to small to see. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=89723
  19. cOoTeR


    I got the rc51 street legal, insured and tagged Thursday. I decided its time to take it out. So I rode it into town to fill it up and that's when I remembered that I couldn't tell how fast I was going due to the gearing change (-1,+2). So I just took it kind of easy and filled it up then returned home. I did notice that the exhaust was really loud for being stock and back fired a lot. So I think the previous owner drilled the baffles out. But that's ok because I plan on changing the exhaust. I also noticed theres a lot of intake noise, it almost sounds supper charged. I think its partly due to me removing the "snorkle" thing. I went home and found an excel sheet online that is used to estimate speed after gearing changes. I took off for a ride. At first I took it easy because it hasn't been ridden in three years. But when I opened it up wow it pulled like crazy and suprised me how quick it was for a 12yr old bike. It handled great. To finish this bike I need to get it painted, chop the tail and get the exhaust and a tune done. I can't wait till its done but its already a head turner. People look at it and can't tell what kinda bike it is. It's ugly as can be but it makes it have a trashy hotness to it.
  20. So is road head while flying called air head? Congrats, now I'm scared to fly.
  21. Or when you remove the fairing you can put them back in the hole finger tight. That's what I did to keep the screws in order when I did the fairing swap on my old cbr. But after doing the fairing swap on the cbr I don't want to deal with fairings. They are a pain. That's why my rc51 is a street fighter.
  22. It's right off of broad past new Rome after you pass the kroger start looking for it on the same side of the street. Get there early and stay late you'll meet a lot of cool people from here.
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