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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. A couple of nights ago I accidentally kicked this guy in the face. I was working and walking down a two track dirt road at night. I had my flashlight on but didn't see him laying in my path. I felt a little bump on my boot like I kicked a small rock but at the same time I heard the infamous rattle of a pissed off snake. As I leapt away with my cat like reflexes I looked down to see its head about an inch from my boot as he was pulling back into the coiled strike position. It scared the crap outta me. It was about 2.5-3' long and about as big around as a kiwi.
  2. Did you paint the forks or powder coat them?
  3. Keep at it. I just got mine somewhat ridable and its worth the work.
  4. Holy F**k you guys are giving advice to a banned guy. WTF?
  5. Red on a black shirt for the win. Grey is to close to geyh.
  6. I no nothing about tls other than they sound badass and the tlrs are heavier/slower. I'm still trying to get used to the low rpm takeoffs on my rc.
  7. How can I pay being outta state, pay pal work for yall?
  8. I bet this guy does a lot of sweet wheelies too.
  9. Gixxers aren't just for da squids they're for the stuntas too. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Dx4F94DnATY
  10. My bikes faster and I'm better. Don't get pissed.
  11. Bike can't win with a shitty rider.
  12. 21 (or 31) foot rule applies to a holstered gun reacting to a knife attack. Depends on placement.
  13. I've got the kel-tech p3AT very similar to the lcp and what I've learned (with mine and my friends lcp) is they both don't like cheap ammo or being shot limp wristed.
  14. I agree with letting the daughter in and not the bf. Maybe charge rent so its not a free ride. It doesn't have to be a lot just enough that she's gotta be responsible (not out partying and what not). You could just put the money in a savings account and when she decides to pull her shit together give her back the rent money to help out. But don't let her know that's the plan.
  15. I've only shot my uncles highpoint 9mm. It shot fine no issues. I think the reason that everyone believes the " I heard those guns are crap" rumors is the low price. I haven't ever heard any first hand bad experiences they've all been hearsay.
  16. The swaintech stuff looks pricey. Hell I paid $900 for the bike. The pipes may be to beat up for them to mess with.
  17. I'm thinking of putting it on my BTS rc51 (the one in the avatar). The 2 reasons are the exhaust looks like crap and I get a lot of heat coming from the engine area while riding. I wasn't sure if it would help with the heat I feel or not. I'm doubtful it'll make a noticeable difference.
  18. Are there any real advantages to wrapping the exhaust or is it mainly for looks? Also any down sides?
  19. What is the deal with the crt bikes?
  20. Or he's there cuz the gas station is tired of the bikers.
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