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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. Sold the 50. The pw was running good aside from the carbs needing dialed in. I had them rebuilt but the air fuel and idle needs set.
  2. I'm not good with carbs at all and I did the tube once before and it developed a slow leak. I didn't feel like fucking with it. If I woulda known I would have known it would take this long I would have done it.
  3. First I took my nephews pw80 into motorcycle maxx on 23 to get the rear tube replaced and the carb adjusted. They told me it would be 5 days. I gave them 10 days then called they put me on hold for 20 min then I hung up because I had to get into work. I was pretty pissed at this point so I gave it a few days before I called back on day 15. They answered and said they would get to it ASAP. Were at day 22 now. Last Monday I dropped my stratoliner off at iron pony to get an insurance estimate and repairs. They told me they would get me an estimate in 3-4 days, then wait probably 3 days for the insurance to check it out then order parts about 3 days then repair it. I took it to IP because I've heard great thing's about them lately and I assumed they would be fastest due to their large service bay and parts availability. Well I called them Friday day 4 they said they hadn't got to it yet but would have the estimate done Saturday night. I called today (day 8). They said "uhh we haven't got to it yet but will get to it tonight." Now I understand these places are busy but don't tell me its going to be 5 days when its actually going to be at least twice as long. Then when I call don't bullshit me about the time it will get looked at. If I don't hear anything by tomorrow I'm going to go visit them in person before work and try to come to an understanding about when it will be done.
  4. Jimbos was just after the stop sign where 56 turned left. There were a bunch of bikes there. It was maybe 2-3 minutes after the last spot we waited at.
  5. Thanks to everyone for showing up. I had a blast. It was nice meeting everyone. Pfloydgad thanks for being the mobile mechanic. I learned some stuff today.
  6. The reason no harleys were seen was we stopped to help my squid friend lol. Glad yall had fun. Thanks to the guys that took over the sport bike group I did not expect that big of a turn out, I was a little overwhelmed.
  7. I'm on my way to Marysville now
  8. route update, leave Marysville McDonald's on 31 around 845 900, 33 to 270 to 70 east to 33 east to the business route, top off gas at sunoco at coonpath rd + 33, arrive at ihop around 1015 eat. Take 33 to fairgrounds street to 37 to 555 follow detour 555s to chesterhill stop for a rest/water/regroup at 555+377 then 555 to 550 to Athens, go through Athens to 56 get gas at marathon then take 56 to jimbos eat then 56 to 23n ( people split off where they need to now) to 270w to 33 back to Marysville
  9. Ok so ihop doesn't take reservations. So if someone gets there first or is willing to get tgere early and reserve a table for 20 that would be awesome. If the waiting too long we can grab some fast food after we meet up.
  10. Cool cmh see ya there. Dgtl grl I'm going to be taking it easy peasy but don't do anything your not comfy with. Car whore yep were meeting at the ihop in Lancaster its off of 33.
  11. I'd like to make a reservation at ihop so we don't have a long wait here's who I have as coming and where they plan to meet. If your name doesn't have a number beside it it means I haven't reserved a seat for you because I'm not sure your coming. If there is a question mark by your name it means I don't know where your meeting up with us or if your still coming. 1+2 me and my fiance- Marysville 3+4 Gary + fiance- Marysville 5 J.B.- Marysville 6 Mac- Marysville 7+8 Doug + fiance- Lancaster 9+10 Andy + friend -lancaster 11+12 Shawn + friend - Lancaster 13 cmh_sprint - Lancaster? 14+15 dgtl grl + husband - Marysville (just eating?) 16 pfloydgad - Marysville 17 carwhore - Lancaster 18 Blake1221 - Lancaster 19 cleavethegreat - Lancaster Are the following people coming? Where are you joining us and how many will be with you? Das Borgen? Ron505? Mike 884? Joey614?
  12. Well I'm all for riding your own pace if you don't its a little too dangerous. When I organize a ride I'm not a ride Nazi as long as everyone is being safe. I tell people at the start if you think I'm going too slow go ahead and pass me just make sure its safe to do so. When we get in the curves a ask that everyone goes single file in the twisties so no one feels crowded. I don't wait at every stop sign for the slower riders if there are a lot but I don't make a turn onto another road without the whole group being present. I try not to leave anyone behind but I dont care if people ride ahead when it comes down to it were all adults and people can do as they please. Yes I think a more appropriate place for this should be the rant and rave thread, not the middle of the ride thread. Sorry you can't make it.
  13. 17781 State Route 31, Marysville trust me its there.
  14. Are you coming? Should I save you a seat at ihop? Anyone joining you?
  15. You asked where on 555 does the ride start not where does the ride start. I took that as, where are you planning to get on 555?. Heck the ride starts at my house for me. The reasons for meeting in Lancaster is its central to myself and my friends that are going, ihop is awesome and there's not many around us, the route to zanesville and the north side off 555 is boring and a waste of time. Lancaster to 555 by 37 is a good route (my preferred route) so the ride starts here as a group and goes to 555. No need to pre ride the route its not a race and its never set in stone you can always adjust it as needed. It's about the ride not the destination. This was an open invite for people who want to meet up for some good riding, good food, good friends and fun. You don't have to join us, but be safe have fun and enjoy.
  16. It was going to be at 37+ 555 but from what I'm being told 555 is closed in this area so somewhere south of that.
  17. Yes sportbikes are welcome I have 2 maybe 4 friends riding sportbikes on this ride. As far as the route closure I'm too tired to look into it right now (too much overtime) but we can follow the detour or I can try to find my own when I'm more awake.
  18. Insurance was called. The bike is sitting at pony powersports now waiting to have the estimate written up.
  19. I've only been in there a few times. It's around the corner from our house though. I work 2nd shift so I don't get home till a little later.

  20. Self Addressed Stamped Envelope = sase.
  21. Ok. So can we get a for sure list going please? Just copy and paste this list and add your name if your going so I can try to make a reservation at Ihop. 1. Cooter + 7 people (5 bikes) 2.
  22. I edited the first post to show the plan.
  23. I added some input. If any of yall are planning on coming out this way give me a shout I may be down to ride.
  24. Yes this ride is still going on. But we may be meeting up off of 31 probably at the McDonald's at about. 8:45. Then ride to ihop in Lancaster and eat about 10:15. I'd like to get a head count of who's going so I can try to reserve us a table.
  25. I may have a cruiser lined up for this one.
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