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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. I'm down to ride. Next week I'm going on a trip to 555 if your interested. Google it first, I'll let you decide if your upto it.
  2. I wonder if they just go at em with a sawzall?
  3. cOoTeR

    Senate Bill 5

    I am not the expense the job I do is the expense. My job is also very important and needed. I pay an equal amount of taxes as anyone else with the same income + deductions so for you to try to say that your more of a tax payer than me is ridiculous. If you don't want the job I do to be done your crazy. Edit: Also every day I go to work I risk my life for an income of around $37,000. Would you do that? Calling me an expense is rude and insulting.
  4. cOoTeR

    memorial day

    It's all good. It was a good parade with a great ceremony afterwards. My nephew had a blast, he got to wear his motocross helmet with his mowhawk on it and wave to his friends.
  5. cOoTeR

    Senate Bill 5

    Are you a state employee? What money are you talking about? The tax money we all pay the state? Saying that's your money is like buying a Happy Meal at McDonald's and after you pay saying all the money in the register is yours and McDonald's needs to consult you before spending it.
  6. cOoTeR

    memorial day

    Wish that more would be interested but oh well. My final bump.
  7. So memorial day i will be busy until the late afternoon but I will get at you to see if you still want to ride.
  8. I'm sure it will come. If you post it, they will come. Ghey ace Field of Dreams quote. Lol.
  9. cOoTeR

    Nice Weather

    I took the cbr out to top up gas today but I have enjoyed the days I've gotten to ride. Today I chose the dog, family and drinking over riding.
  10. Lol it was more of a joke saying it was only worth scrap metal because that's all I'd pay for it. But you just need to call a local scrap yard find out what they are paying for scrap metal. Normally its a price per pound so it would be the scrap price times the weight of the bike.
  11. cOoTeR

    Senate Bill 5

    I honestly believe that what SB5 boils down to is the republican politicians feel threatened because the unions often support the democratic candidates. They are trying to cut a leg off the democratic platform. The problem with a bi-partisan government is they fight with each other and the people in the middle are the pawns that deal with the wrath.
  12. Find out scrap price and go from there.
  13. Although I choose to wear a helmet I love my right not to. I'm sorry but I don't believe I should be limited by the government of this nation I love when it comes to personal choices that don't directly affect others rights. I believe a bar/restaurant owners should have the choice of if patrons can smoke or not. Don't like it go elsewhere. I believe if I'm driving my car I should have the right to wear my seat belt or not. Why should I be able to get shit faced drunk but not stoned? A government should never out power its constituents.
  14. cOoTeR

    Senate Bill 5

    I can only speak from my point of view as a tax paying state employee. I signed up to do a dangerous job. But when I took the job 5yrs ago I was told I would be payed a certain amount and receive certain benefits for doing my job. My union not only makes sure I receive what I was promised when I signed up but also that my job situation is as safe as possible. When you do a job that has no real product or out put you cannot judge merit pay. It becomes a game based on politics and cronieism. The friends of supervisors will receive preferential treatment while others that don't run in the clique are left behind. The unions are in place because state employees do jobs that politicians don't understand yet the politicians make the decisions that affect the said employees. It's like having a boss that has no clue how your job works changing the way you do it. The union checks the politicians when they try to do stuff that's outta line.
  15. I was talking to a friend at work that's new to riding that's been down once before at low speed (last year his first year riding). He had some minor road rash from a slow lay down. He said he was glad his year being required to wear a helmet was up he's tired of wearing one. I asked why and the answer was "I don't know it isn't cool". I then told him I prefer to wear full gear my lay down last year has me sold on it. He said well I went down an it wasn't that bad. I reminded him that he was slowing down and stopping for a red light when HE wiped out. I pointed out that he may not have time to slow down before crashing. He kinda shrugged it off. Then I asked him to run full speed and dive head first in the grass. He said no. I asked why he was willing to risk sliding on concrete 10 times faster but won't do it on grass. He stated you have a point.
  16. You can't get one to "get over" a passed pet. The pain will pass then you will be ready to give another animal a good life. I would like to believe the other pets I've had would want me to pay it forward to another pet. You know give another pet love equal to the love my other pets have given to me.
  17. myself and a buddy are looking at going down July 9,10 and 11th. We will probably leave the late evening of the 8th after I leave work. That is if I can barrow my dads truck otherwise were riding down with my fiance in the chase car hauling gear the morning of the 9th. If your interested my trailer has 1 more open spot pending we get a truck. We plan on staying at the Two Wheel Inn in Robbinsville, NC for $75 a night which includes a garage that fits 2 bikes. Let me know if you wanna join.
  18. I guess pretty new wasn't the best way to describe him. It's more fairly new. It's the stage that worries me most about new riders. When they think they know but they don't. Example, the reason I went down at gingerman last year. If that makes sense to yall.
  19. Well he has rode it with me before south to north but he's the type of guy that can forget the respect that a road like 555 needs. When we went lasta year he was timid and a little fearful so he didn't push the limits. But he's at the stage where he is getting used to it and a little too comfortable. If we were in a group I know he won't want to push his limits so I'd be comfortable jumping straight in the good parts of 555. But if its him and I I think he would try to dive in to fast if we went to the good parts off the rip.
  20. Do you have to stop to turn? It's ok to occasionally squid it up. Hell I even made what I call my squid suit. But I rarely wear it. I had it out once last year, felt naked. Its a suit jacket I bought at good will cut the sleeves off and threw patches on. Lol.
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