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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. I asked a dread-lock dude where to find some buds when I was in Prague. He brought me Budweiser. Ass.
  2. C-bus


    Maybe it creates resistance, but that stuff has changed my life....2 years strong now.
  3. White morons without a cause....just hating due to race/religion are worse than black idiots with a misguided cause. KKK can get fucked too.
  4. ILLEGAL immigrants should be able to purchase bus tickets. That's it.
  5. C-bus


    Write this down and then ask your doctor.....QNASL.... I went through the battery of tests....allergic to tree pollen, dogs (have two), cats (satan's spawn), ragweed, and some other crap I can't remember. Spring and fall were miserable to the point of my eyes swelling shut after a lovely spring ride. I was given the choice of shots for the rest of my life, some accelerated shot deal, or this nasil mist. Chose the QNASL mist. You don't suck it in like a line of coke, just spray it and it does the job each morning. It isn't cheap....like $80/month, but I was given a coupon for $50 lifetime/month (my insurance sucks, ymmv). I swear baby Jesus makes this stuff himself. 100% cured. I feel like I haven't really even had a cold since I started it two years ago. QNASL FTW!! Edit: no side effects...no drowsy, no accelerated heart rate, no nose bleeds....
  6. Honda warranty on that part is 3/36. At the end of the day, I asked for a special warranty accommodation and they reduced the bill from nearly $400 to just under $300. Could have been worse. Thank you for the replies.
  7. Here is the first major incident of the good reverend betting on the wrong horse. I purposefully found a liberal source. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/03/booming/revisiting-the-tawana-brawley-rape-scandal.html?_r=0 Destroyed a few careers.....started a few riots....
  8. Blue helmets are easier to hit.
  9. The idiots need to choose their martyrs more carefully. Dead thug.
  10. Would overfilling the tank contribute? I topped it off more than I ever had prior to the failure. I was filling it thinking "man, I've never put another 2 gallons in after first click".
  11. Thought you were joking with the face palm. I have a laser and light on my bedside gun, but don't carry one.
  12. I should elaborate.... I was using the front sight more than anything, just not closing one eye and aligning them perfectly like I would do at the typical range.
  13. That was big for me this past weekend. I was really shocked at how many hits I was getting center mass without lining up the sights.
  14. I don't need a lawyer who's had a DUI to help me out of one. Teaching is a skill set that not all instructors possess. These guys were great!
  15. I keep going over that last discussion about what happens after something happens.
  16. These guys nailed it. I am far more prepared after taking this class and have been given the fundamentals on which to build with my own practice now.
  17. Absolutely! This was a phenomenal class! I came out of there a far better, more prepared shooter/carrier. Brian and Jason brought their A game today. I think I ended up putting about 350 rounds down range while drawing from holster, moving about, and engaging multiple targets. I'd take this one again in the spring if it was available.
  18. Courtesy of Wednesday's South Park.
  19. And you can text/surf the net while riding through the twisties!
  20. How many is ideal? I could try to recruit if you want more. Also...how much $$ do you need from us?
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