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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. As long as they weren't overturning police cars, burning, and looting, they should be able to stand in protest or demonstration to anything they want....even if misguided.
  2. If he was white, is he still a thug or just a douche?
  3. Still confused about the "thug" talk. If the guy trained, submitted fingerprints, completed background check all for a CHL, then he's not a thug in my book. Shitty driver? Ok. He wasn't covered on mom's insurance.... Ok, but I'm sure I've let people drive my car who aren't covered...my FIL for instance just last weekend. As for The OP....Columbus police don't do dick about uninsured drivers.
  4. Saw the new Star Wars preview today. So happy.
  5. I would fear for my life if I were that driver.
  6. I'm just as disgusted by white anarchists. It's the behavior, not the skin color.
  7. Internships are absolutely the way to go if you can afford it. They poise you well for a permanent spot and advancement. That being said..."what have you done for me lately?"....that is how marketing folks are perceived and valued.
  8. 6 pheasant, 2 chuks, and a partridge.....actually in a tree...
  9. Speedy... Aren't you glad you asked everyone to evaluate your preparedness? If you've driven to your hunting spot, sooner or later you have a cool story about it. Shit happens in the woods. I once jumped into the icy Thunder Bay River with full Carhart bibs and coat to rescue the row boat that we "borrowed" from a cabin near ours in order to recover a deer who decided to die on the other bank.
  10. Pre-thanksgiving sales?
  11. Rioters. They're morons.
  12. Roofing just got more expensive. Thanks Obama.
  13. Glad you made it out ok. I can't imagine trying to navigate those ice sheets yesterday.
  14. A forum consisting of people who have motorcycles and the time to post stuff on their I-phones tells me that this particular demographic would not be prone to follow such advice. My dad died at 56 of pancreatic cancer. Live life now. Don't be foolish, but don't necesarily hoard it until fantasy retirement.
  15. Thanks guys. I'll pull the trigger.
  16. Your idealism is admirable. There are some in this mess that truly feel disenfranchised. There are some that loved and miss poor young Michael. Then there are looting thugs. I guarantee those thugs aren't feeling the pain of lack of representation. They're thugs.
  17. Taxation without representation vs gangsta bitch hood attacking cop and getting his ass shot...
  18. Looting isn't protesting. Looting is opportunistic savagery. Shoot on sight.
  19. Use steel shit to break stuff and steal shit. I'm loaded.
  20. I'd just quit my job, make babies, cash checks, and steel shit.
  21. I had an office near Fairlawn. Seemed nice to me.
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