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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. Welcome to the forum!
  2. Thank you for your sacrifice, soldier. Rest in peace.
  3. Negative Rep for that? Genfly is very cool with a great sense of humor! I saw the humor in her comment. It was all in fun.
  4. I'm just glad to see the roughnecks on the oil fields doubling their take-home in the last year. I have aspirations, therefore I prefer to choose where my discretionary income goes. Does $.40/gallon mean something? Hell yes! Can I afford to take the kids to Red Robin after soccer on Saturday? Yep, but not this week because I know I have to travel to Louisville on Monday. So now Red Robin doesn't get revenue, the waitress doesn't get revenue, the suppliers don't earn revenue AND all those people need gas too. I'm just bitching about gas prices... I've assigned no blame. Let's not minimize the impact.
  5. Vances CCI Blazer Aluminum $9.99/50 rnds 9mm.
  6. I will spend $40 more next week than I did last week. That's 19 loaves of bread, 8 gallons of milk, 16 jars of peanut butter, or 4 boxes of ammo. It does make a difference to me.
  7. Thank you for pricing this well. Good luck with the sale!
  8. DeSantis "Tuck This" is a nylon iwb that you can tuck a shirt over. I have for both my 442 revolver and my G19. I cut off the extra magazine holder on the G19 holster though. Around $30 at most gun stores.
  9. Good point! Europe is awesome. I can't wait until we finally assimilate in complete totality with their awesome healthcare, high taxes, and let's not forget tremendous freedoms. In fact... you wouldn't have to worry about filling your man-bike 1k since you'd still be on your super-efficient , mandated 150. Whoot whoot! Go Europe! Making a point, not attacking you.
  10. Filled for $4.15 in Nerk, then found $3.70 in Corshocton. Bastards.
  11. How are you feeling about it as a carry option now that you've had it? Just curious.
  12. If one demonstrated some ability to ride and weren't some kind of ass-hat, I'd let someone take it around a bit.
  13. Go on some OR rides. I'm sure some people would let you take a spin. Some dealerships still allow test rides, but there usually needs to be a pretty honest intent to purchase.....I.e... joyrides are frowned upon.
  14. Cycletrader.com has some good deals on leftover FZ6s and FZ1s... just put 500 miles and keyword "leftover".
  15. I didn't want to mess with your thread, but you're about $100 over retail new on the judge. Vances $429. Good luck though. Maybe your market brings higher prices.
  16. I guess you really need to define "upgrade" in your mind. There are gives and takes with any change. More balls=less MPG. Smaller=what are you gaining? Do you commute or do you play? If I had a 500 and was willing to keep it for the commute, I would get something different, if not opposite. A second bike could be a gas burner, a sportbike, a DS, a cruiser .... define your true intentions and the sky is your limit (up to $3500).
  17. What a dick! We're lucky to have access to guys like Pauly, Hoblick, and some others.
  18. If my FZ6 would crap out today, I'd be on the Wee tomorrow. Rumor is that it gets 50+MPG.
  19. Great looking bike! Congrats and enjoy.
  20. 38 in June. Been riding four seasons now. I guess the FZ6 isn't a true sport bike, but it isn't a cruiser either.... so I'll play too.
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