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I had to use the AMA road Service last year when my Suburban died on Route 30. They towed me 30 miles and then my brother brought my car trailer and took me home. Didn't cost me a penny other than my membership.
XD is my favorite choice of the three. I own five of them and actually use one as a back-up for work.
We need some of these laws in E-Town!!
Be safe, but to let you know a lot of us cops are taking the holiday off too.
I dont know how fast he was going but I looked on Google maps at the intersection and it is a 6 lane Highway. I supposed he was going at least 50 mph.
My cousin, who lives in Atlanta GA was riding his 09 Kaw Ninja 600 and a female in a SUV made a left hand turn directly into him. He had all his gear on and not a scratch on him, but he hit so hard that his brain struck his skull so hard, that he is now in a coma. The pressure of his brain against his skull had to be relieved by removing parts of his skull. The doctors had to remove some of damaged brain tissue. There is still no activity from him. He is 37 years old and just finished the safety course 5,000 miles ago, his name is Erik. Please add him to your prayers. Thanks guys and gals.
I have this coverage and a few months ago my Suburban's tranny took a shit on me 60 miles from my house. Well this covered my Suburban also and they took me off the highway and safely to a rest stop. It only covers 35 miles so then I had to use my brother and my car trailer to get the rest of the way home.
You're probably right!!
Since I have around 20 posts, I can freely speak for the majority of riders here on this forum. Firstly, that Cafe' racer is a nice bike, but we tend to steer our interest more towards Dual Sport Bikes.
I just saw this video and was waiting to see the officer in the background start shooting, but when I saw the guy in front of the cruiser get shot, I was taken back. You definitely have to be there to get a feel for the situation, but this video does not do any justice for the Officer. I'd love to read the case file on this.
Great Idea, I'm going either way.
Come help me build my Toy Suburban, I just opened the transfer case and I have some bad gears, I know the transmission is cooked, haven't opened it up yet. I could use the help on the tranny rebuild.
Yeah I ride a nice and slow Dual Sport bike. A pic is in the intro thread
screen didnt save, i'll keep trying to get the shot
Sam, I'm not trying to get in a pissing contest with you, I'm only providing pertinent information for the original poster and others who may be ignorant to the laws. I just thought of a great example for you. Parma Ohio just passed a local law that you can not drive in their city while talking on a cell phone. Just because you are from Waynesfield you are not exempt since the law does not exist in Waynesfield. Two separate Ohio cities, one has the law and one does not. You are subject to any and all laws that are mandated for the venue in which you are located at the time of the violation. If I didn't believe this shit then I would be violating someones civil rights if I fail to fully understand what I'm authorized to enforce. This is my life and I deal with it all the time. Believe it or not, I'm on your side as a rider and I just want to get it straight for everyone. Enjoy your summer of riding, and sorry for the smartass comment earlier. I should of held back until I met you in person first.
Crossing state lines is a different set of circumstances, you live in Ohio correct? Using the example of one plate is not a good comparison due to the fact that say, Florida does not issue two plates and they are a Compact State with Ohio. Let's use this: A Florida resident has a smoke tinted license plate cover that makes the plate hard to read. A Police Officer in Ohio can stop him or her and either one, advise them to remove it, or issue them a citation. There is an agreement between Ohio and many of the other states that we (Ohio) agree to observe the laws of other compact states as long as they agree to ours. Be aware that state law is only a guideline to local and municipal laws, which means that a local city can not make a different law that changes what the state law reads but can add to it. So in this case "Visibly obscured" are the magic words in your city and in others it is "read left to right, then visibly obscured". So a Police Officer in Elyria or Lakewood observes you riding lawfully on their section of the highway and observes your plate to be violating their city code, (and possibly state code) they CAN stop you and cite you with either the city code, since its not mounted left to right or the state code since the plate could be arguably obscured by the way you have it mounted. By the statement, hang it like its made, is saying that if the numbers and letters are printed horizontally then display it that way, or again as I said before, face the possibility of a court appearance. The plate is not your property and is only issued to you (hence the display laws). It can be confiscated from you by the BMV for many reasons. Your Driver's License is the same thing, you do not own it. The state gives you permission to drive because you have proven the ability and are competent to operate a motor vehicle.
Calm down badass. I know I'm in your house and everything but I truly think you're mistaken. Let's pretend, You're putting around Columbus and a so called a-hole cop pulls you over and says, "The reason I pulled you over is that your plate is visually hard to read". You reply, "Hey fucktard, dumbass that's not the law here, do you need flashcards or something?" The Officer responds, "No, to me the plate violates the law and is visibly obscured due to its orientation, so here is your citation for that and this and this and this". Get my point? Why are you being so difficult? The reason you have been good for 4yrs is that the police don't give a shit about you or your bike plate. We are talking the law here right? I'm just giving you the perceptive from someone who deals with this everyday. Ask your city prosecutor in Lima since they have court jurisdiction for your city. Is this the end of the world, no not at all. Just giving honest answers to help you guys out. If you don't want it then good luck, maybe that's why some cops go out of their way to mess with the superbike riders. Your Attitude goes much farther with the police on a stop, than the violation of local and state laws. So the correct answer is hang your plate the way it was made and ride on. If not, then there are possibilities you may have to argue your interpretation of the law in court. Why bother with it? By the way you are governed by the laws of any city that you travel through.
Ok you win, I know nothing about law and it's interpretation. So I take it that you only ride on state routes and interstates that are not annexed by local cities and municipalities?
Check your own local ORD, this is one example that I can prove is correct. The smartass comment only came cause I felt the earlier "FU" was kinda harsh. Here is Columbus, looks legal to me in Columbus. The only problem I see is the interpretation of "Obstructs Visibility" An Officer could argue in court that the sideways orientation of the plate could cause a visibility issue, especially if the plate faces the ground at an angle. 2135.07 - Registration marks, placards and stickers; display in plain view. (a) No person who is the owner or operator of a motor vehicle shall fail to display in plain view on the front and rear of the motor vehicle the distinctive number and registration mark, including any county identification sticker and any validation sticker issued under Sections 4503.19 and 4503.191 of the Ohio Revised Code, furnished by the Ohio Director of Public Safety, except that a manufacturer of motor vehicles or dealer therein, the holder of an in transit permit, and the owner or operator of a motorcycle, motorized bicycle, manufactured home, mobile home, trailer, or semitrailer shall display on the rear only. A motor vehicle that is issued two license plates shall display the validation sticker only on the rear license plate, except that a commercial tractor that does not receive an apportioned license plate under the international registration plan shall display the validation sticker on the front of the commercial tractor. An apportioned vehicle receiving an apportioned license plate under the international registration plan shall display the plate only on the front of a commercial tractor and on the rear of all other vehicles. All license plates shall be securely fastened so as not to swing, and shall not be covered by any material that obstructs their visibility. Waynesfield is the same. § 71.01 DISPLAY OF LICENSE PLATES OR VALIDATION STICKERS; REGISTRATION. (A) (1) No person who is the owner or operator of a motor vehicle shall fail to display in plain view on the front and rear of the motor vehicle the distinctive number and registration mark, including any county identification sticker and any validation sticker issued under R.C. §§ 4503.19 and 4503.191, furnished by the Director of Public Safety, except that a manufacturer of motor vehicles or dealer therein, the holder of an in-transit permit, and the owner or operator of a motorcycle, motorized bicycle, manufactured home, mobile home, trailer, or semitrailer shall display on the rear only. A motor vehicle that is issued two license plates shall display the validation sticker only on the rear license plate, except that a commercial tractor that does not receive an apportioned license plate under the international registration plan shall display the validation sticker on the front of the commercial tractor. An apportioned vehicle receiving an apportioned license plate under the international registration plan shall display the license plate only on the front of a commercial tractor and on the rear of all other vehicles. All license plates shall be securely fastened so as not to swing, and shall not be covered by any material that obstructs its visibility. here is a good resource for your local laws.: http://www.amlegal.com/library/oh/index.shtml
335.10 LICENSE PLATES TO BE UNOBSTRUCTED. No person shall operate a motor vehicle, upon which license plates are required by law to be displayed, unless the license plates legally registered and issued for such vehicle shall be fastened in such a manner, and not covered, obscured or concealed by any part or accessory of such vehicle or by any foreign substance or material, to be readable in its entirety from left to right. Here you go smart ass: Elyria Ohio Ordinance I don't have my books with me at home, but there may or may not be a state code for this offense, but most municipalities have this same Ordinance.
From the horses mouth: It's illegal, "Improper display of license plates". Will you get a ticket, probably not, but it gives the police a reason to jack you off.
I changed the name from Blippy to any other site like Amazon and it shows other's cards. OMG, Not good.
Yeah, that's what I said. Wish he was closer to me, I'd grab it up.
In Ohio you can drop your kids off (any age) at any Church, Police Dept, or Hospital, no questions asked.