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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. I wouldn't say the brand need to go under, but the people running it need to loose their jobs. That might actually revive some of their “image”. Kind of like shitty apartments do, when they re-name them and put up a sign "Under New Management" after a murder or after the cops have been called 20 times in a week. They have some potentially great cars and some iconic ones as well. That article made some good points and if you look at the years there were makes and models that were failures at the same time. They had overlapping failure since the late 70’s. haha, but if GM is smart they can really use this. I think to a certain extent the American people are pulling for them to get their shit together (or at least I am). If GM can convince the public that they deserve to stay by making smart decisions with the cars they produce, and how they run their business, I think people will go back to them. I know if I saw some of the top executives bring in new people, apologize, or hell even step down I’d look at that a plus.
  2. I used Google Earth the other day for work and was quite proud of myself. I work for the Columbus Dispatch and I had to map some of our outdoor newspaper racks so we could re-route them. Well the addresses that I had said “Rack at corner of _____ st & _____ st”, but in order to map them for routing I needed to know what corner NW, SE, etc.. Everyone thought it was going to be a week long job trying to figure out what corner the racks were on saying that I'd probably have to drive all the routes to find out and that it was going to put this behind schedule yadda yadda man this sucks. So I got to thinking if only there was a way to see all the street corners without having to drive there. Then it hit me, I pulled up Google earth, typed in the intersection went to street view and BAM!!! you could see the rack perfectly, down to the Dispatch logo. It took me about an hour to locate 100 some racks, it was great. I went back to our routing guy laid the info on his desk and when I told him how I did it he about crapped his pants! I have to admit technology is fucking awesome!
  3. I'm good! Never been in an accident, the cloest thing I had was someone bumped into my car while in the parking lot at my old apt. It didn't do any damage other then that...I've broken down on the side of the road several times.
  4. It's ugly as fuck. There is so much fail in that car I don't think I can explain it all.....But I feel compelled to try. :D

    1. It's ugly. Absolutely 0 styling it doesn't stand out and to top it off it's a boat.


    2. Gas savings from being a TT V6 vs V8? It will probably require premium gas as most factory boosted cars do, so while it may be a MPG saver compared to a V8 it's not going to save you $$$. And let's get real, most people don't give a shit about MPG because it's better for the Earth, they only care about their money.


    3. A TT V6 with 350 HP in a car that probably weighs in at well over 4K pounds! SRSLY FORD WTF!? Where's the performance in that combo?


    4. Not meant for performance you say. That brings up a great point, then why make it in the first place? Who’s going to spend over 30, 32 or 35K on a car that looks like an overweight TL and can’t perform? Anyone who finds this car attractive enough to buy and who hasn't been shot in the face will probably pass on the “SHO” package due to lack of performance and just save some money.


    IMO if you’re going to have an upgraded version of an ugly ass family sedan and expect it to sell it better be damn worth the upgrade. Note these are solely my views and opinions I know nothing about the car other then what was in the article posted.

  5. My G/F and I went last year or the year before. It was pretty cool. If I were a bigger CBJ fan I'm sure it would be a blast. Lots of things to do for kids too. The auction was fun for the big people. I bid on a Penguins banner, the kind that hang form the rafters at Nationwide. That mofo was HUGE! I just got my work bonus so I made a pretty good run at it, but once it $1,200 I had to stop. :( All and all it's a good time. i doubt I'll make it this year though.
  6. I guess I see what you're saying. I've noticed shit like this about myself as I've gotten older, too.


    What is it you find offensive? I don't believe they're making fun of prom date dumpster babies. So, nothing there.


    It is simply because they're pointing out something that makes most uncomfortable to think about? I find people would rather pretend the problem doesn't exist because they find it offensive and don't want to think about or face the problem. It harms their sensitive moral judgement. (btw, I'm being cereal; not poking fun or anything.)


    Or maybe it's not so much the scene or whatever, but what it represents that bothers you. In that case, it's not Family Guy you have a problem with but the topic they're covering.


    I'd say get over it, but it's your choice not to receive your daily moral servings from Family Guy, a comedy animation, instead of Fox News. I suggest watching the show Moral Orel. :D (Ok, the last paragraph was poking fun. ;))


    I'm not sure what it is about it. I love family guy, so I don't "blame" or have a problem with the show. I guess it's the idea that I could laugh at something like that... I don't have many baby friends so I don't really relate from a personal level. Also I was born in a hospital NOT a dumpster so I don't feel shorthanded by the skit, after all, it's better off being some other baby rather then me, right? J/K

    It’s almost like an epiphany, realizing that I’m starting to mature. Another example…

    The other day I was leaving Kroger and there was this old lady in front of me moving slow as fuck. I mean ridiculously slow for no god damn reason other then her being 80 and not knowing what the hell she’s doing. Normally my line of thinking is “Well 70-80-90 years old or not, if you can’t drive and function out around other then stay the fuck home!” followed by honking my horn until she moves. But this time I started to think like that but then…well something changed. I didn’t see some 80 year old lady keeping me from getting home, I saw my Grandmother and kind of felt sorry for her….So instead of honking my horn….I flew around the bitch and gave her the finger! Hahaha, No but srsly, I think I’m just maturing and don’t find the stupidest things funny anymore…Or it could be that it just wasn’t funny to begin with.

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