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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Autozone (or any other auto parts store for that matter) sells a scratch/chip repair kit by 3M. It's like $12-$15 and comes with the brush mentioned above, 3 types of fine grit sand paper, a little buffing pad that hooks to your cordless drill, a packet of paint cleaner and polish. It's a complete DIY kit, all you have to do is get the touch up paint. Someone keyed the side of my car pretty bad and I used this kit as a long shot fix. But it worked GREAT!!! the scratch is completely gone. After I saw what a great job it did on the side of my car I used it touch up the old rock chips on the hood of my car. I highly recommend this product. If you follow the directions and take your time you won't be disappointed!
  2. The only reason I would care is because things be be sold on here. If you think it takes time to type "I don't care etc..." you're even more retarded than that one completely useless fag of a mod.

    .... This is pointless.

  3. Oh snap now when I come back I'm going to act real tough and post a "I have returned" thread and pretend I don't even care.


    X2. For someone who doesn't care he sure spends a lot of time making sure he tells us how much he doesn't care, how he's too cool for the internt and CR. :rolleyes:

  4. Hey dumbass.




    Then if she asks why you didn't answer her calls why you were at the gym tell her you were out planning a surprise. Voila, meal and sex and she'll never be the wiser.


    Key to a healthy relationship is lies.

    Oh' I'm not going to lie about it. I'm just going to go. Screw it, I'm not doing anything wrong so why should I lie or make up bullshit? She's not mad at me for going to the gym shes made that she has to work while I'm having fun without her. This is just her way of telling me she's upset. 6 years and I've learned that, but I still don't know why she doesn't just say what she wants/ means. Women!? :confused:

  5. Hold on Hold on! if I remember correctly wasn't she actually saying it was cool for you to go to the gym Saturday when we were up there this past Wednesday?


    Yep! I don't get it either. One day it's cool the next day the reality of having to work kicks in and all of a sudden she wants me to wait at home. I don't really care, I'm still going and she can get over it after work. See you there at 11:00!

  6. WOW! I can see her being a bit upset because she has to work on v-day, BUT it was her bad for not requesting it off! You sound like a super sweet guy! I would think you going to the gym to work on your body would be a nice gift for her for vday as well hahaha! Maybe you should blow it off for tomorrow then bring it up the next day or somthing so the night isnt completely ruined!

    Thanks! So....What are you up to tomorrow? Do you like sea food and romantic "comedies"? J/K ;)



    I've been married for nearly 20yrs and will throw in my two cents....




    Rule 1

    Everything has to be their idea. You need to start getting what you want by letting her make the call. Ask for insight on what to do, where to go, what she might consider good ideas for when she's at work and house sitting. Make like you need her help and appreciate her advice while at the same time, miss not being with her. Don't over-play it, but work the game man.


    You don't have to take the advice, but asking and looking to her for insight with a slant towards her needs will get you laid more often.




    Rule 2

    Understand it's not about you. This will help prepare you for when you have kids and it's really not about you any more.


    Sure she's going to be pissed...this is America....V-Day is for her not you. Women all over expect us to make the decisions here.....or make them with their input....see Rule 1 above.


    Combine her insight and direction with a thought of your own. What you did is put it back on her and being a women she's never going to tell you what she really wants. You know that....that's why there are books and sitcoms about this shit. You'll never figure a woman out so you've got to master the game.


    Remember, those who ask the questions are in control, not those who answer them.




    Textbook response.




    Good attempt, but you just provided her an option without knowing if she even wants it. My wife would see that as a typical guy way out to stay home, watch a movie and expectation of sex. No-go-bro....she's going to want you to take her out to dinner, take her out to a movie, etc.....or at least ask her in such a way that you come off as willing to drive to NY to make her happy. If you want a porn star night, you've got to live the chick-flick guy part for said night.




    Rub one out now, as if you don't fix this shit, you'll be with Rosey Palm on 2/14 and no sense in trying to fix it on while wired on testosterone.




    Part of being a guy chasing tail.. Good luck.


    Good advice I guess, but if that's what it takes then it doesn't look like I'll be getting married....EVER!

  7. Tell her everything you are going to do for her (with the cooking, getting the supplies etc.) then say... "Does that sound like a nice evening? Great, because it isn't happening because you acted like a self-serving bitch."


    Then falcon punch her and walk out.


    (ok maybe not the falcon punch part.)


    Hahaha!!! I wish I was that easy at times.

  8. Shes a woman, don't try to make any sense of it, nod and step back slowly ... maybe forgo the gym this weekend if it'll make her happy, and she'll feel like you're giving something up to be with her.


    Ofcourse you guys have been together long enough that that shouldn't really even matter anymore. So I go back to ...


    "Shes a woman, don't try to make any sense of it, nod and step back slowly ..."


    I give up trying to figure her out. 6 years and I still find myslef scratching my head at times. It's just so random, and a lot of the time it end up being, "I'm sorry, I scheduled work and forgot it was V-Day and was just upset" Which I can understand, but why not just say that? Why make me seem like a dick becaue you did something worng? Oh well.

  9. She gets like this everynow and then. Like 2 weeks ago it was perfect. I'd go play hockey while she went shopping with her friends, then we'd meet up after whith our "couple" friends. I'd drink, but out of respect for her didn't get hammered. Saturday we'd sleep in, then just hang out. I love hanging out with her and shes so cool at times. But then something, what that something was I have no clue, happened and she would just start picking at me and would go down hill. I think I started giving her too much attention and she got greedy.
  10. how long have you been with her?


    sounds like some crazy shit my g/f would say, but she doesnt work saturdays.


    ...ill stick around for 5 or 6 years so we can end this thing violently. ive got time.



    We've been together 6 years! :eek:

  11. (For people with long(er) term relationships)


    Are almost not worth the fucking hassle at times! Saturday is Valentines Day and my G/F has to work from 8:00-1:00. So while she’s at work I’m going to the gym for a few hours. But apparently because I’m going to the gym on Valentines Day I’m choosing the gym over her!? WTF, bitch you’re working!!! Well she’s also pet/ house sitting for a doctor in Powell, so right after work she’s going to stay at this doctor’s house for an hour or so and take care of their dogs. So because she volunteered to work and house sit on Valentines Day I’m not suppose to do nothing but sit around and wait for her? Seriously women WTF goes through your crazy ass head at times? So I asked her, well what do YOU want to do? Guess what her response was guys…..You got it… “well I don’t know…” GREAT! So make me feel like shit for knowing what I want to do while you’re at work and because you don’t know, I’m a fuck jerk. I told her, I’ll meet up with her or when she gets home well do something, but that wasn’t good enough. Then she hangs up on me. So I’m an ass hole right…


    But here’s the kicker, I went to the Columbus Fish market (she likes that place) and asked to speak to the chef (I have a friend who is a server there)and got the recipe for her favorite meal from there. Shit I even got to watch him make half of it. Went to Whole Foods (they have the best quality food that I know of) bought all the ingredients, cleared out all the beer in my beer fridge and stored them in there. Went out and bought some stupid chick flick that she wanted to see. So I had planned to make this nice meal and sit through a chick flick. But apparently because I’m going to box while she works I’m an ass... now I could care less if I even spend and god damn minute with her tomorrow!



    This is a rant , so theses are not my “real” feelings towards my G/F. Just my angry feelings.

  12. I was on the news twice, once just walking through the backround. The one time was pretty much in my back yard when I was 15. Some girl was murdered, stabed like 23 times, under an overpass out east by Sutton Square Apts off Livingston and Dundee. I just walked behind the news lady durring the taping.

    The other time was at my DARE graduation and channel 10 was there.

  13. I can recall 3 times that I was:


    Once in elementary school during a DARE graduation ceremony on channel 10.


    When I worked at 3C I was recorded by channel 6 while working. They were doing a report on local body shops.


    Once on an episode of popular hot rodding. They were filming the Mopar nats and I happened to be at the front of the staging lanes running my uncles cuda. Got a close up of me standing next to the car. :)


    What elementary shcool did you go to?

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