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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Humm, you must be very careful with this, as women are fucking crazy. If you plan out HER day off she might get pissy because "I work 7 days a week and the one day I get off you have us running all over town". Now your intentions are only the best, but you might want to ask her what she would like to do. Let her know that she works hard and that you appreciate that and you would like to treat her to a nice night out to thank her for all she does. Then ask her if she has a preference. That way if she feels like staying in and watching old movies in her sweat pants she has that option. But if she want to go out and “party” then get a reservation somewhere and hit a bar after, maybe invite some of your couple friends. Bottom line is that you want to make her happy, so if I were you I’d ask what she wants then plan accordingly… Good luck!
  2. http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c295/skoval25/Feb9th002.jpg

    Interior needs cleaned up a little.

    :eek: A little huh.. I'm pretty sure if you looked close enough you could find all your missing parts in the cab. Looks like fun though, just in time for spring! ;)

  3. The rep system is not a good way to communicate with someone, thats what PM's are for. So whoever asked me a question using reps...the answer is: basically yes, differant wheels and fmic


    Well was it at least a positive question?

  4. either thats an old repost or i just went back in time.


    It is...

    Apparently the girl is "crazy" and I mean like certifiably crazy. She was on her own and thought the old lady was yelling at her so she went…well…crazy. Then some dude told her to chill out, she got in his face and he ripped out her hair. I remember this being all over the internet sometime list year. They called her Solja Girl…. People are fucking stupid!!

  5. Big Phil. Not pFail. That kid isn't smart enough to join team 5.0t


    Sorry, but refering to yourself and another gut as being part of "Team 5.0t" reminds me of....


















































    Nothing personal, the cars are cool, it's just you could do better on the name. ;)

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