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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. I searched for this but I still have a bad habbit of reposting things. Anyway, check this out all of you "Gun Crew" people! :bangbang: http://www.chilloutzone.de/files/07031601.html
  2. that's funny, but it didn't answer the question. Is it sleeping or dead?
  3. Does anyone find it odd that the dumb broad that started this thread hasn't mad any other post and we are all just keeping this bullshit alive... Oh shit I guess I'm not helping.
  4. Wow, a little too convincing and way too much info.
  5. Wow, # 3 for sure. You are a lucky man, not only does she pose for you but she lets you post the pics on the internets!
  6. Not long enough to were I could afford one. I drive a Grand Prix it’s goanna take a few years to save up for one.
  7. Nice, I don't follow much drag racing, but no doubt that's impressive given its N/A. Is he spraying it?
  8. Nice! I love Audis, but if I had a car budget of 100K +, I'm not sure I'd be looking at that car. You can't compair this audi with a vette. Show me another 200 mph 600+ HP luxury 4 dr, I don't think anything can compete.
  9. Very nice, still running strong I see! So when are you gonna dust off that "other" mustang?
  10. LOL... Okay, I found it. Yeah good one. But hey, isn't that 90% of the internets is made for?
  11. God damn it. 4 other people found the funny before I posted... Now I have to look again.
  12. Is this one of those thing where you have to be a computer geek to find funny? Because I don't see anything...funny at least.
  13. Are the back tires really being held up with a brick between 2 pieces of wood!? Nice car, I'm gonna try and race it when I see it!
  14. Think it will fit under the hood of my GP?
  15. It wasn't that good. The Bleeeps made no sence. The best that I could tell was that she was taking her grandmother dildos.?
  16. Sonomabetch that was good! At first I kind of felt bad for the old guy, but when he didn't shut the fuck up I was hoping the guy behind the counter would have told him to fuck off.
  17. lol... Pieossss. I knew this was too good to be an original.
  18. Check this out! New software for your iphone that records 0-60, 1/4 mile and HP numbers. It says it accurate to .08 in the 0-60 time and 1.5 mph in the trap speed. You can download it on itunes for $13.00 http://dynolicious.com/
  19. The sad part is that the F and F movies are the bigest movies he and most of the cast have ever been in.
  20. agreeded. I think you have to be a car guy/ person to understand what he means about sometimes just having to speed. I do the same thing. And some of the comments people made make no sence. You could just as well hit a broke down car at night with no lights on at 65mph as you could at 113mph and I'm not sure there would be that much of a difference in damage done. I'm sure you could split hairs and say that your time to react is down but the same goes for someone doing 65mph eating a burger or talking on the phone or jamming to the radio or talking to their friend in the front seat. I don't know about the rest of you, but when I decide to get on it, I'm %110 focused on driving! I scan the road check my mirrors, If there are any cars around I know where they're at. I check my blind spots if I'm switching lanes both hands are on the wheel. Any way I can respect the fact that you got caught and it sounds like you're accepting your punishment. You do the crime do the time.
  21. The opening sene with the bank robbery was a BMW, but the others were in the Audi. The second movie also had a lambo in it.
  22. Wow That's crazy! Congratz.
  23. That's one way to look at it. Either the or he hopes his son plays on it enough to where he can get paid dollar dollar bills to skate and say fuck school. Nice job BTW. I couldn't even get my dad to build me a tree house.
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