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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. I watched his press confrence and while I guess I'm glad he's coming to OSU he doesn't really talk/ seem like a Buckeye. I know he has to be potlically correct in a lot of his answers but his reasons for comming to OSU seem to have very little to do with OSU, but more for himself. At least that was my first impression.
  2. I ran out twice. Once I was hung-over and not paying attention (that sucked). The other time I was in a hurry to get some where and didn’t want to stop for gas. I ended up running out of gas right across the street from a gas station. It was kind of funny having to wait at the light with a bright ass red gas can then cross the street, fill it up and wait at the light again, just to walk across the street to fill it up. If I was driving by or at that intersection I would have laughed at myself. I’m pretty sure that irony at its best.
  3. Better luck next time! LOL. I get people on occasions that want to race when I'm in the G/F's 98 Dakota. That truck is a monster it does 0-60 in just over 2 .............................................................hours.

    Oh, and to make sure it doesn't happen again go ahead and get the "Super Street" stickers from AutoZone even if you have them under the hood it will help. With those and the radio off next time you'll put at least a fender on that rust rocket.

    I also find it funny that you shut her down at exactly 73.5mph!

  4. I sometimes think why did I just spend that money, then I line up next to someone an run the doors off em an instantly I'm back to feeling better about my spending habbit an hey boost is addicting why not!

    I'm kind of the opposite. When I beat someone, I'm content with the $$$ spent because I won. Now when I loose I think all my $$$ spent was a waist, but since I don't want to loose again, I spend more to make sure it doesn't happen again. The cycle never stops!

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