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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. I think the Jackets got ripped during the trade. I don't know about Foote, but I thought they brought Federov in to help develop and guide Zerdev (as well as translate ;) ) And Zerdev seems to be coming into his own. I think it’s a bad move to trade your captain at this point in the season. The jackets did tend to do well later in the season, but they are not winning enough games to make the playoffs IMO.


    I’m a Penguins fan myself!!! (Go Malkin) and they traded one of my favorite players, and 2 other’s that I don’t really care about. Yeah we got someone decent in exchange Marian Hossa from the Thrashers, but he’s going to want $$$ and he becomes a free agent at the end of the season. We can’t afford him With Malkin, Crosby, Conklin (I bet you wish he played this good with the Jackets) and I guess Jordan Stall. I would have rather seen Stall go then Colby Armstrong. Oh well. I never really liked the trades. You always win some and loose some. I just hope this trade helps us and doesn’t turn out to be a bust.

  2. My G/F works at MedVet. She sees a lot of cases where dogs eat things and get sick. They actually pump peroxide in their stomach to make them throw up. I thought that would kill them but I guess it works. I hope your dog is doing better.
  3. ive got a shitload of limestone and im thinking about just springing for the CaribSea substrate and doing it right the first time


    i just need to find out which cichlids i can mix in a single tank. the guy at aquarium adventures said to keep africans together, but reading on the cichlid forum it seems that the ones from a certain lake need to be kept together

    You might want to be careful with what kind of rock you put in the tank. Some kind of rock can act like a buffer and lower your PH (I'm pretty sure limestone is one of them) Cichlids like a higher PH. Around 7.8-8.0 almost as high as saltwater.

    Live plants might not be a good idea either because cichlids are notorious for remolding the tank moving the gravel around and up rooting plants. That and despite being know for their aggression they actually like to eat plants. I would use sand as a substright so they can't move it all around.

    I used to be into fish tanks big time. I had a 375 Gal Saltwater tank a 90 Gallon cichlid and a 20 Gallon reef tank. If i can find pictures I'll post them.

  4. id be down. gives some of the more mature folks a chance to get together without being inundated with foolishness. (i think im turning into an old fogey)

    I'd be down for it too. I agree with ^^^. Most people that are willing to wake up before noon on a Saturday and meet for a few hours would be a nice mature/ intelligent group of people!

  5. I don't see how it's possible unless the Big Show fought on his knees. I'm not a wrestling fan either, but I saw a preview for it on TV and the size difference is just ridiculous. I don’t know if this makes Mayweather “cooler” or if it just makes him more of a sellout. First he want’s to fight MMA, now WWE? He needs to just stick to boxing, he’s GREAT at that.
  6. /Thread.





    Since this thread is fucking pointless (however I do agree with you that /thread is as equally pointless) lets talk about the Lotus!!! I love the look of those. It’s a bad ass car, I’m surprised that more people don’t have one. They really aren’t that expensive. Sure they only make what, 290-300 HP? The car only weighs 2K pounds. Very nice… if you do have one that is. Get a turbo for it.

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