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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. That suck man. But once the sadness is gone and you get that extra money in your pocket from not having the payment, you'll be happier. I’m debating on getting rid of my Grand Prix now and the thought of not having it makes me sad. We put a lot of time and money into our cars and when we finally wise up it hurts to think of what life is going to with out it. Nice looking car BTW.
  2. Any suggestions or first hand experiences as to the best place to work on your transmission? I'm looking for somewhere that does good thorough work but won't screw me over too hard on the price. Right now I'm just looking to get the tranny and lines flushed. Thanks!
  3. WOW. If you and a few empolyees spent a year going through all that and cataloging all the parts I'm sure you could make your money back pluss a lot more! And what you couldn't use because it not being worth much you could scrap and make money that way.
  4. :lol: Mine worked right away. I was going to Rick Roll myself but decided to Rick Roll a guy in my office. Like 15 seconds later his phone rang. He hung up after being on the phone for about 30 seconds. He said "That was weird.?" So I asked who it was and he just said there was some music playing on the phone. I lost it!! :lol:
  5. We could make the the guys over on SVTPerformance and get in touch with local people and start getting pictures of the guy walking his dog SS# and what not.


    Yeah that sucks man. I hope everything work out for you.

  6. Out of all the responses you could have picked, you chose to say welcome. Damn, I feel the need to flame you just to contribute something to this thread. That's about it.

    I wasn't feeling creative at the time, and I figured someone would comment about my response any way because of my inadequate post count. :(


    Thanks for letting me off easy, I won't make that mistake again. :slap:















































    Oh, That's about it.

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