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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. ... So a grown man knocked on your door at 8:00 (ish) at night to confront you over shit talking that your 17 year old did over a video game... :wtf::confused: I would have told him to get the fuck of the porch and shut the door. I'd love to see him go to the police over that bullshit.
  2. I was asked to paint a picture of the drive home-




    Me bombing down the turnpike at 3am-LARGE coffee in hand, T-Tops off, Jammin to "Born in the USA" with the funk of various Victoria Secrets body sprays still clinging to my clothes from the girls of Alpha Xi Delta, and my Co-Piolet Pat so dead asleep in the passenger seat that you'd think he was a narcoleptic.


    Just another Tuesday Night. ;)


    The new American dream! :lol:

  3. Do you guys know how much it costs to build an Outlaw Car? More than where you live, that's how much.


    They are freaking sick. A lot of time/effort/skill/money goes into them both to build and keep running. These are the cars that push the envelope, where technology trickles down to street performance applications.


    Anyone into drag racing should have a LOT of respect for these cars.


    True, but just because they're fast and on the cutting edge doesn't mean that they look good. Functionality and looks sometimes don't go hand and hand. With that being said I'm not a huge fan of their looks, but can defiantly appreciate what goes into a build like that.

  4. The dude attempting to put out the flames and who eventually opened the door was either really smart or lucky to be wearing that helmet. The flames bursted up when he was right over the engine, I'd imagine if he didn't have that helmet on his face would be a little red.
  5. When I got backed over while on my motorcycle I was surprised how many people asked if I had my seatbelt on...idiots.


    So I'm guessing you didn't have it on...









































































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