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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Then let it go, damn. Is it that important to you that complete strangers know how cool you are!? Don't respond, put them on the ignore list or race them already. Who knows maybe after you'll be BFF's and playing Xbox in no time.
  2. All I know is that after all this BS of trying to make people look bad by quoting old threads. Someone offers to race you at a track and you dance around the issue.


    CR is full of shit talkers if you want to be another one, go for it, no sweat off my sack. I'm just sayin a good shit talking thread is is all good but at some point it's put up or shut up.

  3. For people who travel a lot, where's the best place to get deals on airline tickets? I checked all the travelosity, expedia, yadda, yadda. But they all cost about the same. Are there any other places/ ways to get good deals? TIA!
  4. http://assets0.ordienetworks.com/images/user_photos/1133122/things_sharkssay_fullsize.png?ea80a874







  5. But it won't be half decent.. It'll be three college retards high-fiving and "duding" the whole time. Sure it has cars but instead of subtle witty humor and breathtaking cinematography it'll be smeared with fat idiots spewing budweiser humor into shaky home video filming. I'm not interested in the least.


    X 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

  6. The last 8 pages in summary...


    "I hate you, you should be perma-banned!"

    "Fuck you! I'm not doing anything wrong"


    "you were banned before! Grrr"

    "Oh shit, well good by cruel world"

    "Wait I'm not banned!? AND I'm not a nooob!?, suck it haters!"


    "I still hate you!"

    "I still hate you too but we should be friends"


    "Wanna play Xbox!?"

    " I love you!..."

  7. Well I'm glad to see that after 8 pages of BS that everyone is friends now... That's so sweet.











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