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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. No he just has a ton of mods for gas reasons.


    Hey when you go to the gym, do you work out?


    I just didn't know if his car spent a lot of time on jack stands in pieces or broken.... Must just be a Camaro thing. :bangbang:

  2. Conception - Happened in the back of a McDonalds. Mommy was suppose to swallow buy Daddy forgot to pull out.


    Pregnancy - Mom went to have an abortion but was 3 days over the limit. She then went to some guy in Mexico to do it illegally... Later she found out (after her stomach got bigger) that she was still pregnant. Shockingly Pedro was not a doctor. She called the wrong number and he just wanted to see her naked.


    Birth - Was the last time Phil was close to female parts.


    Childhood - Phil put on his first headband at 3 years of age. His dad thought he was gay but to his surprise Phil was preparing for a life of racquetball and colorful headbands.


    Teenage years - The hard truth was revealed as to why his bus was shorter than everyone else. He took out his fury on his penis in what would be known as the chaffing heard round the world.


    Adulthood - Phil attends the Ohio State University and plays racquetball despite the finger pointing and laughter. To try to make himself look like more of a man he buys a sports car... but to his surprise he purchased the slowest cars known to the sport. Knowing his car was slow he picked up internet shit talking in order to compensate. To this day he can be found calling people names and disprespecting mods all over the internet.


    We should all be this lucky! He's a fuckin collegian athlete with his name in the record books at THE Ohio State University!!!! :p

  3. Long story but the short is I have a extra ticket for tonight at 730. If you want to go pm me a contact number. I am in dayton will be home in time to meet someone there.


    OR I wiil sell both as well for best offer.

    Posted Aug 3


    man if i didnt have my son i'd be all over this!


    posted Aug 5

  4. Um I'm sorry dumb ass how so? No nudity, nothing explicit. People post poos all the time. Get off ur high horse you fuckstick


    :confused: Isn't that the other forum you're on? CP... ColumbusPooping

  5. But srsly, He's followed the rules up till this point and remember we all let him in. Now because there's a band wagon of people wanting him gone we should get rid of him?


    I'll admit I don't care for some of his posts. Saying things then a few posts later trying to cover his butt like he just didn't say something stupid. Still, CR is driven by the drama . I have to admit, it makes for some good reading at work. And I don't give a fuck so carry on.



    And Paul, I suggest you switch a diet that includes less fiber... :lol:

  6. Idk why you guys are getting butthurt. We as members made that rule he followed it. he said sorry for his actions so just get over it seriously. Just becasue someone pissed in your wheaties doesnt mean you gotta be bitchmade and complain about some little shit.



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