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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. I've got to give it to you Paul. Despite being the punchline in almost every CR joke, you stand your gound. you drive a neon, drink at a dive bar with a bunch of old cougar fatties. Yet you still hang in there... Good work?
  2. Keeps getting better. So what’s you goal for getting this completed?
  3. Fixed.... now I'm done junking up the thread. They look like baby red ear sliders. I could be wrong though.
  4. +1 And a majority of your posts are involved with said "e-thuging and trash talking"...
  5. Are these the teenaged mutant ninja kind? PM me if so!
  6. Umm, I said a decision made between two adults (meaning 2 adult human beings) not 1 adult and a pillow, or a goat, or a cow. Why is it okay for an adult male and female to make the decision to get married together, but 2 adult females aren’t allowed to make the same decision?
  7. First race of the year is a Colbolt SS vs A "CR Stock" VW... Way to set the bar, it can only get better from here on out!
  8. I don't see what the big deal is honestly. Two adults making a decision about marriage? If it's a religious hold up, then let the person marring the couple decide if they want to do it or not. It's not the government’s job to tell the people and the churches what to do... Or maybe it is :ninja: this thread is still gay BTW.
  9. They should have shown the C5 vs the TT Ford GT...
  10. Hahahaha WHAT!? So it has a paint job, some carbon fiber overlays and a CAI...that increases the value by $48,000 hahahah. Weeeeeeeeee Shit then I'm listing my GTP for $75,000
  11. Why does his bottom lip look like an old tire filled with water.... Anyway, +1 on the car, I'd drive it, yellow and everything :thumbup:
  12. "lol'ed" theard is serious.
  13. Nice! Just in time for spring.
  14. Main3s

    CR Networking

    Yeah I kind of thought that too. But not a bad idea...
  15. Oh fuck. Sorry about that. I guess I'm getting ahead of myself.
  16. The 26th. See OP for other details.
  17. BUMP Reminder to all who posted originaly the fight is still on and about 2 weeks away!!! As the time comes closer let me know if still plan to attend. I'd like to be able to tell the owner of the gym how many people to expect. Thanks!
  18. Main3s

    New To CR

    Greg you goanna take that from them?
  19. Fuck you!!! You beat me to it. Why go through all that trouble and keep her clothes on!?
  20. This thread is gay...
  21. Here you go fuckers! Now you know where you and your life partner can go to make it official... (paul, alex, mitch, howard... and anyone else) http://buzz.yahoo.com/buzzlog/93461?fp=1
  22. This just goes to show how nuts Canadians are for Hockey. It's a little late, but still.... http://www.patspapers.com/blog/item/what_if_everybody_flushed_at_once_Edmonton_water_gold_medal_hockey_game/
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