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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Good, so I'm not the olny one who remembers seeing it. I think I found the owner of the G35 in question and I'd really like to post so I can tell the person who it was.
  2. I thought I saw it too. this morning sometime, but I'm not sure...
  3. Anyone seen a silver G35 Thread? I saw it this morning while fucking around at work. I didn't really post about it, but it was sweet. I wonder if it was on CR? Thanks!
  4. That fucker is everywhere! BTW, the ticket sucks. I'm having my G/F drive me around this weekend.
  5. What time are you going to the Lizard tonight? Txt me and let me know!
  6. I don't think your G35 friend is on CR....
  7. No but I do think your stupid enough to continue to argue and bitch about it. Admit that your sliver G35 thread lacked a point and I'll move on.
  8. If we were only that lucky Jones. You indeed are correct If 2 blue Hyundai's occupy the same section of freeway at the same, a black hole WILL open up. It will open up a black hole that leads to a magical world, where everyone drives a hyundai genesis coup in eather 2 spectatular colors, BLUE or SILVER. What a wondeful world... Can't you see, the signs have been right in front of us... - http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2447/3666101477_e192ce8748.jpg http://memimage.cardomain.com/ride_images/3/384/4641/25959820004_large.jpg They're pretty much the same car. You didn't think that was an accident did you?
  9. Dude so it IS YOU!? Wanna drive our cars at similar times at similar locations this weekend. I don't want to get too close or anything. LMK.
  10. I really want to know who it is too. Maybe if we find out who drives this mythical blue unicorn Hyundai I can get near it in traffic and not race it, but instead just admire how blue and Hyundaish it is. This weekend would be prime time to have such an encounter.
  11. Yeah dude, WTF is your problem? All he wants to do is find out who drives this Hyundai and you're being a D-bag about it. This Hyundai driver could be a member! And check the OP, he said it was BLUE AND IN THE SLOW LANE. I saw it too, so if you don't have anything to contribute to this thread then please :gtfo: That’s now how we do things here on CR.
  12. Main3s

    Oh yes

    The bike looks good alex! :thumbup:
  13. http://purplejesus.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/haters.gif?w=480&h=366
  14. Oh well I thought you had rims too, what kind were they?
  15. More details would help... Maybe even pics. Or a story other then "Hey I saw a car today on 270". i see your point about wanting to see if it was a member, but hell what you posted was just fuckin stupid. How are any of us supose to know who the hell you saw? No time no details, just "I saw a car Weeeeeeeee"... you're trying too hard.
  16. Bro, your car is so blue, how cool is that! :thumbup: Did you see my in GTP?
  17. LMFAO. Lets make the Blue Hyundai thread go the distance!
  18. Yeah dude I saw it, on 270 right! I didn't race it or anything but man was it blue AND in the slow lane!
  19. I think I know what you're talking about though, was it this one? http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3416/3439973283_c64ab9744c.jpg
  20. http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/7/72/Cool_story_bro_inc.jpg
  21. Main3s

    Pranks Today?

    good thing it was on my blackberry I only saw part of it.
  22. Main3s

    Pranks Today?

    X 100000 wow.... :barf::thumbdown
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